The First Four Years
Registration of Interest Form
Registration of Interest Form
Department of Mission and Ministry, 4 College Green, Gloucester GL1 2LR
This form may be used to register your interest in becoming a training priest and to offer your parish as a place for an ordinand to serve a first curacy.
As you will understand, there is only a small number of curates available each year and the greatest care must be exercised in placing them appropriately. Under these circumstances, we are only asking you to register interest in receiving a curate. If a suitable person is available, the DDO will approach you in due course. If you are not approached this year, you will need to register your interest again next year.
1.Your Name......
2.Present Post......
3.How long have you spent in your present Parish?......
4.Do you intend to stay in your present post for at least another two years following
the ordination?
5.What are the three things which most excite you about your present post?
6.Briefly describe the training opportunities provided :-
a) Within your parish.
b) Within your Deanery and local area, but outside your parish.
- List the ways in which you think a Training Priest and Parish can assist a curate with his/her Ministerial Development :-
8.What experience do you have of the supervision or mentoring of others
9.What further training will you need to enable you to discharge your responsibilities as a Training Priest?
10.Write a pen-portrait of the Assistant Curate who would be most appropriate for your situation :-
11.Describe briefly the format of your weekly Staff Meeting.
Commitment to the training process
I, [please print]...... wish to register formally my interest in receiving a Curate in [date]:
If I am offered a priest to train, I undertake to :-
1.Remain in my present post for at least the first two years of the curacy.
2.Take up all training opportunities provided by the Diocese to resource me for this significant responsibility – in particular the annual Training Incumbents Residential in May, the termly lunches for peer supervision and the annual Saturday morning in January for Training Incumbents and curates together.
3.Co-operate fully with those responsible for Initial Ministerial Development within the Diocese.
4.Be a role model of collegiality by attending, where possible, deanery chapter and synod, Bishop’s Study Days and the annual Maundy Thursday Eucharist
5.Ensure that the IMD programme provided for the curate is seen as a first priority of their time and they are released from parish duties on these occasions
6.Ensure that the curate has :-
- Regular time off, in conformity with the Bishop’s Paper
- Annual leave, in conformity with the Bishop’s Paper
- An annual retreat, in conformity with the Bishop’s Paper
- Regular supervision, and time for study, in addition to staff ‘business’ meetings
- Acceptable living accommodation
Signed ...... Date......
Post ......
Please return this form to the Diocesan Director of Ordinands at the above address.
If you have been recommended as a potential Training Incumbent by the Bishop’s Staff meeting, please also complete a parish profile along the lines of the pro forma available online or from Jenny Stone in the Department of Mission and Ministry.
Cont ….
Please also see:
1. Early Stages: the transition from College/Course to Title Post
2. Setting up a title in the Diocese of Gloucester
3. Parish Profile pro forma
April 2012
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