2017 ChamberChoice Award Application

Business of the Year

Application Tips

A strong and well-written application is powerful and compelling to the judges. Consider these important points:

It’s about you! This is an opportunity for your company to receive well-deserved recognition

for the many accomplishments of the past few years. The judges want to hear about the

accomplishments and successes of the company. Bragging is encouraged. This is not the time

to be humble.

Understand how you will be evaluated.The judges will consider stability or growth, innovation

and creativity, community leadership/involvement and achievements relating to your specific

business or industry. It is a balanced scorecard. Keep these in mind and emphasize them throughout

the application.

Tell a story and be concise. Paint a unique picture of your history, entrepreneurial spirit and accomplishments. Use vivid language and create an engaging story. Nominees who have interesting,

well-told stories have an advantage over nominees who cannot convey the impressive milestones

they have achieved.

Demonstrate results.Make sure your achievements are measurable. Quantify and expand on

your growth.

Compare yourself to the industry. Not all judges will be experts in your field, so make sure

they know how you stack up to the competition and how you differentiate yourself in the market. Tell your story as if you were talking to a stranger.

Be persuasive. This is your opportunity to convince the judges why you should be a finalist

and ultimately an award recipient. So put on your best marketing hat and remember to be authentic.



Entry Instructions for the 2017 ChamberChoice Awards

All application materials will be submitted electronically via Dropbox.

Dropbox is a file hosting service that offers cloud storage and file synchronization and allows users to create a folder on your computer that synchronizes with a Dropbox account. Dropbox is free for accounts that do not exceed 20 GB per day.

If you do not have a Dropbox account, visit to set up your account. After you have done this, you will receive a confirmation message.

Once you have your application materials ready, transfer the files to your Dropbox folder on your desktop or online in your account.

When the files have been uploaded, click on the Share a folder icon:

Please share the folder with Tracy Powell – . You will receive a confirmation message once Tracy has accessed your folder.

2017 ChamberChoice Award Application

Business of the Year

Award Criteria

  • Has more than 25full-time equivalent employees
  • Must be a privately held, for-profit business/organization
  • Must be a current member in good standing with The Chamber
  • Has been in business in the FMWF community for a minimum of three years (since Jan. 1, 2014)
  • Shows stability or growth in sales, services and/or number of individuals served and/or expanded products and services
  • Demonstrates a commitment to ethical business practices
  • Demonstrates a commitment to employee support and development
  • Demonstrates corporate citizenship and/or community leadership
  • Any business that has won in a particular category is not eligible to win again in that particular category for five years

Application Checklist

The following must be submitted electronically via Dropbox by Tuesday, February 28.

Dropbox entry instructions are included with this document.

Completed application form.

Cover letter written by the CEO expressing why your company should receive a ChamberChoice Award.

Two signed letters of support from a board member, client, vendor, etc.

Approximately 15 to 20 high-resolution photos (300 dpi or greater) to be used in a video highlighting your business at the ChamberChoice Awards Luncheon. Photos should consist of the CEO, staff, activities of the organization, work with clientele, community service work, etc. These photos should tell the story of your business.

High-resolution copy of your logo for use in printed publications and online.

Logo requirements: 300 dpi or greater, transparent background and file format of .eps (preferred), .pdf or .png.

Applications will be judged by an independent and diverse group of community business leaders, based upon award criteria. Your application will be ranked based on stability or growth, innovation and creativity, community leadership/involvement and achievements relating to your specific business or industry. Applications must be complete for consideration.

The information included with this application is strictly confidential and will be used only by the judges. Applications must be received no later than 4 p.m. on Tuesday, February 28 to be considered. Application materials will be destroyed after the judging process.Questions may be directed to Tracy Powell at 218.359.0515 or .

2017 ChamberChoice Award Application

Company Name

Company CEO/President

Physical Address

City State Zip


Contact Name for Application _

Phone _ Email

Where is your business/organization headquartered? Same as above address

Physical Address

City _ State _ Zip

Number of FTE Employees

**In circumstances when a company has locations outside of the FMWF community, please provide numbersconnected to the local office only.

Are you a privately held, for-profit business/organization?YesNo

Year the business/organization was founded

Name of Owner(s)/Principal(s) (include % of ownership)

1.Please provide a description of your business and the products or service it supplies its customers.

In circumstances when a company has locations outside of the FMWFcommunity, please provide information only connected to the local office.

Stability or Growth and Innovation

  1. Provide a comprehensive description of what your business has accomplished and why it should receive this award. Relevant factors include, but are not limited to, benchmarks achieved; internal or external awards or recognition; introduction of new products or services to the marketplace; strategies for retaining and attracting new customers; how you rate your own customer service; what differentiates you from your competition.
  1. Give examples of how specific strategies undertaken by your business have driven growth. Outline the strategy and the impact it has had on your business covering areas such as,but not limited to, marketing, workforce development, financial planning and control, supplier relationships and management, operations, IT.
  1. Discuss any adversity your business has had to overcomeas well as creative and innovative solutions to any problems, your response to obstacles, and your company’s staying power during these times.

Economic conditions should not deter any qualified applicant. They will be taken into account when judging employee and revenue growth.

  1. How does your current employment level compare with your workforce three years ago?

Employees (FTE): (2016) (2015) (2014)

(You may elaborate if you choose.)

  1. What was the percentage change in annual revenue of your company for the past three years?

Percentage Change: (2015-16) (2014 -15) (2013-14)

(You may elaborate if you choose.)

  1. What growth do you project in the next three years? (employees, revenue, products, services, etc.) Please explain.

Community Involvement

  1. Describe how your business is an active corporate citizen.

Employee Development

  1. Describe your employee-relations philosophy, including company benefits, diversity, training and empowerment programs.
  1. Describe any innovative strategies used for recruiting, retaining and/or rewarding your employees.

Ethical Business Practices

  1. What do you consider to be your guiding principles and/or business values? How do you practice these principles and how are they communicated?

Business Reference

Please provide the name of an accountant, banker or attorney as a business reference.

The enclosed information is true and factual as of (date)

Owner|CEO or PresidentElectronic Signature(s)



Tuesday, February 28

4 P.M.

