Pupil Premium spending breakdown provided by Tollgate Primary School

Overview of school / Cost
Total pupils on roll / 478
Total pupil eligible for PPG
Amount received per pupil
Total amount received 2012/2013 / £113,400
Use of Pupil Premium funding / Cost
Teaching assistant intervention / 32 000
Paid for extra-curricular clubs / 10 000
Transport / 4 000
Focus room (support for vulnerable students managed by teaching assistants )
Literacy tuition – managed by teacher and SENCO / 8 000
Numeracy tuition (1:1 managed by teacher and intervention coordinator) / 8 000
Key Stage 2 intervention / 30 000
Pastoral support (for individual pupils led by pastoral support workers)
Counselling / 5 400
Subsidise educational visits / 10 000
EYFS language development and training / 10 000
Booster teacher / 8 000
Teaching assistant support
Guided reading resources / 20 000
Total expenditure
Tollgate Pupil Premium
The pupil premium for 2011-2012 has been allocated to schools .It is up to schools to decide how this money is to be spent. The pupil premium is used to focus on the needs of vulnerable in our children in school.
The Impact of this work can be measured in the increase in APS figures for FSM children in English and Maths. There is a continuing trend in the last three years where steady increase in APS has been achieved.
At Tollgate we have used our Pupil premium as follows
·  Employing a speech and language therapist for three days a week.-
·  Involving every child in music throughout the school.
·  Employment of specialist music teachers.
·  Employment of outreach worker for family support and parenting classes in the school.
·  Educational residential trips to contrasting locations both locally and nationally.
·  Focused reading support resources for boys.
In addition to these in 2012-2013 we have prioritised the use of the pupil premium to ensure that it is used to have the highest impact on the life chances and education of children.
We have prioritise it to focus on those children who are
·  Free school meals
·  Boys who are underachieving
·  KS2 boys in years five and six who are new to the school
·  Mid phase admissions
·  Vulnerable children who are in danger of underachieving
·  Engagement of children who have special needs.
·  Children looked after.
This year we are using it
·  Self esteem groups for vulnerable pupils
·  To focus on the attainment and engagement gap between Boys and girls by employing learning mentors for pastoral care support and behaviour monitoring and support
·  Targeted intervention in reading programmes
·  Targeted intervention in set writing programmes
·  Targeting reading recovery programmes for those children with low reading ages
·  Providing pastoral and educational support trips to contrasting locations nationally and internationally.
·  To provide enhanced and accelerated learning programmes for numeracy for children on FSM or in a vulnerable group to get level 6 in maths. This will be through afterschool revision groups.
·  Providing structured teaching and learning programmes focused on Closing the gap.
·  Speech and language therapy for vulnerable pupils
·  Booster and one to one tuition
The school has rigorous monitoring and support system. The outcomes for these students will be demonstrated in
·  Data- base lining these pupils
·  Benchmarking
·  Tracking and monitoring these children
·  Pupil progress meetings
·  Attainment results that compare favourably nationally and locally
Outcomes to date