October 2, 2000Conference Hall



In compliance with the resolution of the 10-th Meeting of the COOMET Committee (May 25-26, 2000, Almaty), the First Meeting of the COOMET President Council was held in the VNIIMS Conference Hall in Moscow on October 2, 2000.

The members of the Council are:

B.Belotserkovsky – COOMET President (Russia)

N.Zhagora – COOMET Vice-President (Byelorussia)

N.D.Velfe – COOMET Vice-President (Germany)

P.Kneppo – COOMET Vice-President (Slovakia)

G.Sidorenko – COOMET Vice-President (Ukraine)

B.Gorshkov – Head of the COOMET Secretariat (Russia)

The work of the Council was carried out with the participation of the invited persons:

I.Maksiyan – General Director of the Moldavian Centre for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

D.Vasiliyev – VNIIFTRI Deputy Director

V.Bugayev – leading scientist of VNIIFTRI

The following agenda was adopted:

1.Distribution of the duties and activities between the COOMET Vice-Presidents.

2.The COOMET composition, active cooperation between the member-organizations of COOMET and the Committee Members

3.Interaction of COOMET and international and regional organizations.

4.Work on realization of the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) of National Measurement Standards

5.Organizing problems in preparation and holding of the 11-th Meeting of the COOMET Committee.


7.The place and date of the next meeting of the COOMET President Council

1. Distribution of the duties and activities between the COOMET Vice-Presidents

Under this item the distribution of the duties and activities between the COOMET Vice-Presidents was coordinated according to Appendix 1.

2. The COOMET composition, active cooperation between the member-organizations of COOMET and the Committee Members

Under this item the participants of the meeting shared their opinions on the perspectives for increasing the number of COOMET members. The 10-th COOMET Committee Meeting demonstrated interest in cooperation with COOMET, which was preliminarily shown by the representatives of the Uzbek State Centre for Standardization, Metrology and Certification attached to the Ministers´Cabinet of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and those of the Federal Bureau of Measures and Precious Metals in Yugoslavia. However, they did not hand in any application for joining.

As to the active cooperation of the COOMET member-organizations, it was noted that it depended, to a great extent, on the active work of the COOMET Members. In the last few years the activity of the Romanian National Institute of Metrology decreased significantly, which Committee member or his representative did not attend the three last meetings of the COOMET Committee, which does not correspond to the Rules of the COOMET Procedure (item 1.4). The same can be said about the State Agency on Standardization and Metrology of Bulgaria, which representative did not attend the last meeting of the COOMET Committee without any explanations.

It was decided to take measures for making the cooperation more active and ensuring the attendance of all the COOMET Committee Members at the 11-th Meeting of the Committee in Kishinev in spring, 2001.

3.Interaction of COOMET and international and regional organizations

At the meeting of the Council the information was confirmed concerning the presence of COOMET at some meetings of the international and regional organizations, which were held in autumn, 2000, namely:

- The 5-th Meeting of the Joint Committee of regional metrological organizations and BIPM (October, Paris), where COOMET was represented by V.Belotserkovsky and R. Kneppo;

- The Meeting of the Representatives of the regional organizations on legal metrology (October, London), where COOMET was represented by N Zhagora;

- The 16-th Meeting of the General Conference of the Asian-Pacific metrological program, where COOMET was represented by Dr. H.-D. Velfe.

In Future the problems of interaction with the international and regional organizations on metrology will de solved according to the distribution of the duties and activities between the COOMET President and Vice-Presidents.

4.Work on Realization of the Mutual Recognition Arrangement of National Measurement Standards

The President addressed the meeting on this matter and informed the participants about the situation with the participation of the COOMET member-organizations in the work on the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) of National Measurement Standards. The participants of this work on the part of COOMET can be conditionally divided into three groups:

1. Germany and Slovakia, which submit the data on Appendix C via EUROMET.

2. Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, which are the members of the Metric Convention.

3. Metrological COOMET member-organizations from Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Cuba, Lithuania, Moldova, the Ukraine, which have not been the members of the Metric Convention yet.

Dr. D.Vasiliyev spoke on this matter giving the information about the results of the Meeting of the representatives of the regional metrological organizations, which was convened by EUROMET and concerned the creation of Appendix C in the field of electricity and magnetism.

Yu.Bugayev demonstrated the COOMET automatized information analytical system concerning the submission of the data on different types of measurement according to Appendix C.

Its address in the Internet is: .

It is planned to show on this page all the information about COOMET activities, including the proposed and coordination COOMET projects.

The discussion of this item of the President Council Agenda resulted in:

1. Approval of the COOMET Procedure for preparation and review of the data on measurement capabilities of the national metrological institutes, which are intended to be included into Appendix C to the Mutual Recognition Arrangement of national measurement standards and of calibration and measurement certificates issued by national metrology institutes (MRA).

2. Adoption of the recommendation to the COOMET member-organization from the third group of countries to speed up right now the work on creation of the data bases on Appendix C aiming at organization of their expertise in COOMET in the nearest future.

Besides, in compliance with the resolution of the 10-th Meeting of the COOMET Committee (item 5B of the Protocol Draft) the COOMET members, which metrological institutes have not signed the Mutual Recognition Arrangement of Measurement Standards, have to inform the President, as soon possible, about the planned time for application to join the associated members of the General Conference on Weights and Measures.

3. Consent of the Committee members from Germany and Slovakia to take an active part in discussion of the data on measurement capabilities of the other COOMET members.

5. Preparation of the 11-th Meeting of the COOMET Committee

Mr. Maksiyan, a COOMET Committee Member from Moldova, informed the participants about the preparation of the 11-th Meeting of the COOMET Committee. It was decided to hold the next COOMET meeting taking into account the time other meetings and activities of the COOMET members (Meetings of EUROMET, EA, Scientific-Technical Commission on metrology of Interstate Council on certification, metrology and standardization), as well as the national holidays. One of the possible periods for holding the above meeting was called the last week of April 2001.

It is supposed that the Secretariat and PTB will provide some financial support to the organizers of the COOMET Committee meeting.

6. Miscellaneous

Under this item, in compliance with the resolution of the 10-th Meeting of the COOMET Committee, the following things were done:

- The order for registration of COOMET documents and recommendations, prepared by the Secretariat, was coordinated (Appendix 2);

- The Committee Members, who participated in the Meeting, received the copies of the COOMET Catalogue-2000 in Russian and in English. The other Committee members will receive it by mail. The COOMET Rapporteur will receive the Catalogue by e-mail.

- One of the possible COOMET logos was presented.

Dr. B.Gorshkov, the Head of the COOMET Secretariat, addressed the Council members with a request to speed up sending of their proposals on the content of the COOMET Working Program for 2000/2001.

7. The place and date of the next meeting of the COOMET President Council

The Council members accepted Dr. G. Sidorenko´s proposal to hold the Second Meeting of the COOMET President Council in the Ykraine (in Kharkov or in Kiev).


Head of the COOMET Secretariat

Appendix 1

Distribution of the Duties and Activities between

the COOMET Vice-Presidents


/ Duties and activities
1 / 2
N. Zhagora / Legal metrology matters:
- analysis of the activities of the corresponding international and regional organizations;
- cooperation with them (OIML, WELMEC, ATFM, etc);
- development of the legal metrology works within COOMET.
G. Sidorenko / Cooperation of the CIS countries with Scientific-Technical Commission on metrology, COOMET and other RMOs
- analysis of the organizations´ activities;
- working out of proposals on cooperation and recommendations on cooperation priorities;
- representation in Interstate Council on certification, metrology and standardization
P. Kneppo / Matters of cooperation in the field of accreditation including:
- analysis of the activities of the corresponding international and regional organizations in this field;
- cooperation with EA, SADCA, APLAC, etc;
- development of accreditation works in COOMET
H. D. Velfe / 1.Analysis and usage (applicable to COOMET) of the international experience of cooperation in metrology at the regional level
2. Problems of training and perfection of specialists in the field of metrology;
3. Problems of information and propaganda of introduction of new information technologies.

Appendix 2

The order of Registration of the COOMET Documents and Recommendations

  1. The indication of a document includes:

–name of a regional organization;

–category: document “D” or recommendation “R”;



–year of completion.

  1. The numbers of the subjects, within which a document was worked out, is indicated in the Appendix.

3. The following indication of the subjects are proposed:

MP – mass, force, pressure

EM – electricity (and magnetism)

LA – length and angle

TF – time and frequency

TC – thermometry and calorimetry

IR – ionizing radiations and radioactivity

PR – photometry and radiometry

FM – flow-metering

AV – acoustics and vibration

QM – physics-chemistry

RM – reference materials

GM – general metrology

LM – legal metrology

CS – calibration services

AL – accreditation of laboratories

IM- inter disciplinary metrology

Appendix: list of the COOMET documents and recommendations

COOMET Documents and Recommendations


/ Name of a document / Indication of a document / Note
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1 / Memorandum on the COOMET cooperation / COOMET
2 / Rules of the procedure / COOMET
3 / COOMET recommendation “Typical procedure for testing of vibration-measuring transducers (vibration pick-ups)” / COOMET
R/AV/3-95 / 49/RU-a/92
4 / COOMET recommendation “Interstate hierarchical chain for time and frequency measuring instruments” / COOMET
R/TF4-95 / 16/RU-a/92
5 / COOMET recommendation “Requirements to time and frequency measuring equipment produced by the COOMET member-states, which are necessary for mutual recognition of the results of national metrological verifications and certifications” / COOMET
R/TF/5-95 / 16/RU-a/92
6 / Memorandum on cooperation in the development and application of the reference materials of the composition and properties of substances and materials within COOMET / COOMET
D/RM/6-98 / 28/RU-a/92
7 / COOMET recommendation “Order of joint development, recognition and registration of reference materials within COOMET” / COOMET
R/RM/7-98 / 132/RU-a/95
8 / COOMET recommendation “Contents and rules of drawing up of the documents for RMs developed within COOMET” / COOMET
R/RM/8-98 / 151/RU-a/96
9 / COOMET recommendation “Register of the reference materials of the composition and properties of substances and materials developed within COOMET. Fundamentals” / COOMET