As amended by the ASUCD Senate on January 22, 2004
1.1Voting and Alternate Members
1.1.1Duties. Club Finance Council shall be made up of nine (9) Voting and four (4) Alternate Members. All members of Club Finance Council must be members of ASUCD. Each Voting and Alternate Members shall be responsible to: 1) Deliberate and allocate money as outlined in the Club Finance Council Statutes and Procedures; 2) not vote and/or lobby on allocations or issues pertaining to groups in which they maintain membership. Each Alternate Member shall vote in the absence of a Voting Member. In the event a Voting Member resigns or is removed then the next available Alternate Member shall assume the responsibilities of a Voting Member.
1.1.2Selection – new. Selection shall take place during Winter Quarter each year. The interviewing committee shall review applications and interview candidates. Afterward, an interviewing committee consisting of the ASUCD President or the ASUCD Vice President or the ASUCD President’s designee; an ASUCD Senator appointed by the Senate President Pro Tempore; Chairperson of the Club Finance Council; Vice Chairperson of the Club Finance Council; and a voting member of the Club Finance Council, as appointed by the chairperson shall by majority vote of the entire committee select Voting and Alternate Members. The list of new Members shall be reported to the ASUCD Senate.
1.1.3Selection – old. In the event that the CFC Chairperson seeks to serve an additional term, the CFC Vice Chairperson shall appoint an outgoing member of the CFC to serve on the interviewing committee for new members. In the event that both the CFC Chairperson and Vice Chairperson seek to serve an additional term, the Program Coordinator of the Club Finance Council (hereinafter will be known as the “PC of the CFC”) shall appoint two outgoing members of the CFC to serve on the interviewing committee for new members.
1.1.4Removal. Any Voting or Alternate Member of the Club Finance Council may be removed by a 2/3 majority vote of the entire Club Finance Council. Any Voting Member of Club Finance Council may be subject to removal if he/she misses two meetings per year with unexcused absences.
1.1.5Voting and alternate members shall serve no more than two one year terms on the CFC board.
1.2Non-Voting Members
1.2.1Duties. Club Finance Council shall include two Non-Voting Members: the PC of the CFC and the Club Finance Council Manager (hereinafter which will be known as “CFC Manager”). The PC of the shall be responsible to: 1) Act as a liaison between the University and the Club Finance Council; 2) Administer Club Finance Council allocations to registered student organizations through University channels. The CFC Manager shall assist the PC of the CFC and coordinate the duties of the office.
1.2.2Selection. The PC of CFC shall be chosen by the Director of the Student Program and Activities Center Director (hereinafter will be referred to as “Director of SPAC” in accordance with University policies and procedures. The CFC Manager shall be selected by an interviewing committee made up of the SPAC Representative, the Chairperson of the Club Finance Council, and the outgoing CFC Manager. The PC of the CFC shall chair the interviewing committee.
2.1Chairperson of the Club Finance Council
2.1.1Duties. The Chairperson of the Club Finance Council shall: 1) preside over meetings; 2) be responsible for assuring the Club Finance Council and ASUCD award listings reflect actual Council allocations; 3) act as liaison between Club Finance Council and ASUCD; and 4) conduct voting according to parliamentary procedures; 5) call a special business meeting fater conferring with the PC of CFC.
2.1.2Selection. The Chairperson of the Club Finance Council shall be selected from among the Voting Members by majority vote of the entire Council. The Chairperson shall serve a term beginning when appointed by the Council and ending June 30th.
2.1.3Removal. The Chairperson of the Club Finance Council may be removed by a 2/3 majority vote of the entire Club Finance Council. That individual shall retain Voting Member status on the Club Finance Council.
2.2Vice Chairperson of the Club Finance Council
2.2.1Duties. The Vice Chairperson of the Club Finance Council shall: 1) assume the responsibilities of the Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson; 2) act as a liaison between Club Finance Council and ASUCD.
2.2.2Selection. The Vice Chairperson of the Club Finance Council shall be selected from among the Voting Members by majority vote of the entire Council. The Vice Chairperson shall serve a term beginning when appointed by the Council and ending June 30th.
2.2.3Removal. The Vice Chairperson of the Club Finance Council may be removed by a 2/3 majority vote of the entire Club Finance Council. That individual shall retain Voting Member status on the Club Finance Council.
2.3Club Finance Council Manager
2.3.1Duties. The CFC Manager shall: 1) set meeting times and locations, according to the Club Finance Council academic calendar; 2) be responsible for assuring the Club Finance Council and ASUCD award listings reflect actual Council allocations; and 3) assist the PC of CFC with clerical and office duties or as assigned by the PC of CFC.
2.3.2Removal. The CFC Manager may be removed only by the discretion of the PC of CFC.
1.1A quorum will be constituted when a majority of the Voting Members of the Club Finance Council, or its respective interviewing Sub-Committees, are present at any duly called meeting. Alternate Members may be counted in order to establish a quorum only if a majority of the Voting Members of the Club Finance Council are not present.
1.2A quorum must be present so that Club Finance Council business may be legally conducted. Once quorum is established, it will remain in effect until shown otherwise by an official quorum call.
2.1Members and Officers of the Club Finance Council are expected to attend all regular and special meetings. If a Member is unable to attend, the Member must notify the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson of the reason of absence in advance of the scheduled meeting. Also, if a Member takes a leave of absence for a period of one month or more his or her resignation will be required. During allocation hearings, a leave of absence of any length of time which could restrict or impede the regular allocation process is sufficient reason to ask for the resignation of the Council Member in question. A new Council Member will fill the position according to guidelines in the Club Finance Council Statutes.
1.1The Club Finance Council may create a Sub-committee for a particular purpose by a majority vote of the entire Club Finance Council. A Sub-Committee must be made up of at least three (3) Voting Members of the Club Finance Council of which one must be the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson of the Club Finance Council.
2.1Business Meetings. The Club Finance Council may call a business meeting at any time by a majority vote of the entire Club Finance Council. A Business Meeting may also be called by the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Club Finance Council. This meeting shall be open to the public consistent with the ASUCD Constitution.
2.2Allocation Hearings. The Club Finance Council shall call at least one allocation hearing each quarter by a majority vote of the entire Club Finance Council. This meeting shall be closed to the public consistent with the ASUCD Constitution.
1.1The Club Finance Council Statutes and Procedures may be suspended at any time by a 2/3 majority vote of the entire Club Finance Council. This section does not apply to Statute Four, of the Club Finance Council Statutes.
2.1The Statutes and Procedures of the Club Finance Council may be created, revised, or revoked by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate after being approved by a majority vote of the entire Club Finance Council. During a transition period, the PC of the CFC and the CFC Manager shall approve any amendments before submitting to the ASUCD Senate. Any amendment to the Club Finance Council Statutes shall take effect immediately, except as otherwise specified in the amendment.
1.1Applications. Each Quarter the Club Finance Council shall make available a Club Finance Council Application for Funding to all currently registered student organizations. The application shall be available in the Student Program and ActivitiesCenter at the beginning of each quarter.
1.2Funding Workshops. A representative from each Student Registered Organization requesting funding from the Club Finance Council is required to attend one of the Club Finance Council funding workshops each academic year prior to receiving funding during any quarter.
1.3.1Prior to each quarter, Club Finance Council shall set a deadline for submission of funding applications for that given quarter.
1.3.2Applications submitted to the Club Finance Council for consideration must be typed and received by the deadline. Any Application not typed or submitted on time shall not be considered by the Club Finance Council.
2.1Each Registered Student Organization that submits an application must send a representative from their organization to an interview, (hereinafter will be referred to as the Funding Review Meeting). If a representative does not attend the Funding Review Meeting then the group’s application will not be considered by the Club Finance Council.
2.2The Funding Review Meeting shall be conducted by the Club Finance Council.
2.3The Club Finance Council shall by majority vote outline which priorities shall receive funding and the amount of funding.
3.1Each Application properly placed before the Club Finance Council shall be considered.
3.2Amendments to the results of the Funding Review Meeting may be made before final allocation of funding by any voting Member of the Club Finance Council, and passed by a majority vote of the Club Finance Council.
3.3Amendments to a Sub-Committee’s proposal may be made by any Voting Member of the Club Finance Council and passed by a majority vote of the entire Club Finance Council.
3.4Club Finance Council grant recommendations shall be approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the entire Club Finance Council.
4.1Club Finance Council shall not fund food costs as a part of an event.
4.2Club Finance Council shall not fund an event that does not have confirmed speakers, films, or performances.
4.3Club Finance Council shall not fund an event that serves alcohol.
4.4Club Finance Council shall not fund scholarships.
4.5Club Finance Council shall not fund past debts.
4.6Club Finance Council shall give priority to co-sponsored events and events that effect a significant number of undergraduate students.
4.7Club Finance Council shall allocate no more than $1500 per academic year to a registered student organization.
5.1Club Finance Council may grant a loan up to $3,000 to a Registered Student Organization per academic year.
5.2Registered Student Organizations must repay a loan no later than the designated deadline set by Club Finance Council. Failure to repay a loan on time may prohibit an Organization from receiving funding the next academic year. The officers of the Registered Student Organizations will be subject to the policies and guidelines of SPAC.
6.1The PC of the CFC shall oversee the distribution of allocated funds and the collection of unallocated funds.
6.2.The PC of the CFC shall present the guidelines for distribution of allocated funds to the Club Finance Council each Fall Quarter.
6.3Each Fall Quarter the Student Programs and Activities Center Representative shall present the Club Finance Council a summary of the expenditure reports for the previous year.
7.1The Club Finance Council acts as an advisory group to the PC of the CFC, who makes the final decision on allocations. It is understood that he/she shall not exercise this prerogative contrary to the wishes of the Club Finance Council without making him/herself available for discussion of the issues with representatives of the Club Finance Council and shall submit any such changes in writing to the Club Finance Council.
8.1Appeals regarding Club Finance Council recommendations must be made to the Director of SPAC.
8.2Registered Student Organizations may ask Club Finance Council to redistribute a grant within their budget upon a written request (including the completion of the reallocation form) to the Club Finance Council. Consistent with the CFC Budget Process and Policy Guidelines, a Sub-Committee shall review the “Application to Change Allocation Form”. The CFC Chairperson and Vice Chairperson can make the final decision o r choose to defer a decision until the next CFC meeting. If the CFC Chairperson and Vice Chairperson choose to defer a redistribution decision to the CFC, then the CFC may only redistribute funds by a 2/3 majority vote of the entire Club Finance Council. Club Finance Council shall consider redistribution requests at Business Meetings.
9.1Each quarter, the Club Finance Council shall post a copy of the final allocations. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall also present a copy to the ASUCD Senate.
9.2All registered student organizations receiving a CFC grant must include ASUCD and CFC as official co-sponsors on all advertisements, publicity and event materials.