Culture Project

Culture is all of the things that make up a people's way of life.Our culture shapes the way we live, think and act.Culture dictates the foods we eat, the clothing we wear, the way we speak and even the music we listen to.

In WORLD CULTURES, we have explored many different aspects of cultures throughout the world. For now, please consider your own culture: How would you describe your culture in words?How would you express your culture visually?Essentially, be sure to explain how each element of culture characterizes your own culture.

Thesis Statement

"Culture is reflected in the way people live their lives and can be found in different forms all over the world.The best way to understand what makes culture is to know the elements which shape the characteristics of culture."

  • Define culturein your own words
  • Describe your culture, making specific references to the eight elements of culture listed below
  • Describe an example + at least ONE PICTURE for each of the EIGHT elements of culture
  • Be as creative as you like, as long as it is appropriate.
  • Be sure to keep track of all of your sources of information – including the pictures, maps, etc.  bibliography will be the last slide in your presentation

Element / Factors To Consider
1.Conflict / Causes and effects; competition; international; domestic; war
2. Economic Organization / Agriculture/industry; resources; exchange – money and trade; poverty and prosperity; capitalism, socialism, or communism
3.Environment / Geography; weather/climate; natural resources; pollution problems
4.Modes of Expression / Spoken; written; music; art; literature; writing; dress; entertainment; education
5.Politics/Laws / Government – monarchy, oligarchy, autocracy, democracy, dictatorship/totalitarianism; constitution; laws; political parties/elections; nationalism/patriotism
6.Social Organization / Groups: ethnic group, race; social class, age; level of education; hierarchies (most important groups)
7.Technology / Production systems; energy use; science; medicine; electronics; industrialization
8.Values/Religion / Major belief systems; religion; customs; traditions;