January 12th, 2009, 7 – 8 AM

Chamber Conference Room –First Floor


-Board Meeting Minutes, December 8th, 2009



-possibility of helping the Rotaract President Elect with funds for PETS

(We contributed $500 last year)


-sponsoring Christina Cournia as a GSE Team Member to Norway

(our only expense would be to supply her with 20 Club banners)

Approved, John is going to check with other clubs for participation


-Next years officers: Our slate (will require a Board vote of current and newly


elected Board members)

Invite and vote to approve ASAP

-Recap of our Groups School District meeting with Jerry Colonna

(Jerry and Maureen will be our program on Mar. 3rd)

Positive and productive, Jerry and Maureen to put on a program but there is a conflict on the date. Need to reschedule

- Youth Exchange …update on Cedric and Christine

Both of our students are doing well

-Vision Facilitation … update from Cathy

Focus on leadership; now in the process of reexamine the leadership structure chart

-Rotary Auction …update from Jon

Item count is at 100 but need 200, focus on acquiring more item and attendance at the auction

-Update on 50 Year Anniversary Luncheon

Everything is going along fine but Christine needs more pictures for a collage she is making

-Committee Vacancies [Rotogram Chair and Writers, Livestock Auction Chair,]

Dick Herz and Dave Tonges will co-chair

Rotogram needs one more writer, see Jim Parker

-Protocol for District Gov’s visit January 20th and dinner for her on Jan 19th that

Please show respect by giving a standing ovation at the beginning and the close of her remarks

Christine has graciously agreed to host again. (Let’s get a final head count)

…are we OK with a donation to the RI Foundation in lieu of a gift for Gov.?

We will give a $100.00 donation in honor of District Governors’ sister to RI Foundation


-Foundation --Charlie

Reporting this meeting was Ellen B. Ellen reported that the foundation see’s as its responsibility for youth exchange the following, Stipend for student and parent and the fee to District. Christine and Carl V are working on a document to outline the responsibilities of Club Board and Foundation Board.

-Financial Report --Jon

Jon reported that the paddle raiser for this year’s Auction is Meals on Wheels. Nine to ten members on the ½ plan still owe dues, Jon to follow up with Ken. We might not have a surplus this year in our budget

-Membership …We need a real push for new productive members

…stats from Ken

Thru Jan6th we are at 65.8% attendance

…District Membership Workshop on Jan 30th (9:00 to 2:30)


-District Gov Kristi Halvorson Dinner, Jan 19th at Christine’s

Where: Christine Hout's home located at 9335 SW Camille Terrace, Portland, OR 97223

When: Tuesday, January 19th, Drinks and gathering at 6:00, Dinner at 6:30

You will have the opportunity to get to know Kristi and talk to her about Rotary and Rotary issues. Kristi will be speaking at the Club the next day at our meeting. Thanks to Christine Houtfor graciously hosting this event again this year. Looking forward to a pleasant evening.

-District Gov Visit, Jan 20th

See above

-Auction, Feb. 6th at the Zoo

-50 Year Aniv. Luncheon, Feb 10th at Ernesto’s


-If each Director could give a brief update on what is going on with each of the

committees under their watch. -Also if each Director could let us know in which

areas under their watch we could offer additional assistance.

Buzz ; no report

Chris Winn: April 1,2 will be the delivery dates.

Meeting right after noon meeting tomorrow

Larry M: Committee chair report the following as of Monday, January 11, 2010:

Dictionary Project: Dictionary project was a little rougher this year due to publication problems on the dictionary. There were some boxes that had publications problems and I have been replacing those dictionaries. The supplier is providing replacement dictionaries for those. Here is a brief update:

1.  Completing survey of the project to see if it still is meeting a demand in the school district and to see if we need to make any changes.

2.  I am putting together a teacher work group that will look at dictionary choices and figure out if the dictionary we are using is the best choice. District has already recommended a different dictionary supplied by our supplier that is actually less expensive but just want some field help from teachers to make a change.

3.  I am still supplying dictionaries to new students in the district. Not a big number but probably a couple a month.

4.  I have about $100 in expenses to get reimbursed. I will need to get together the numbers.


Dental Check: No new report

Beaverton Clothes Closet: New announcements for more clothes will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.

Livestock Auction: David Tonges reports that he and Dick Herz will co-chair the livestock auction this year. He believes that the auction will be either the last week of July or the first week of August.

Beaverton Together: Nothing new to report

Local Community Grants: The community grants committee will be meeting later this month or in early February to finalize their process. They have pretty much decided to use most of the DSG Grant which requires more Rotarian involvement.


Larry McMacken

Christine Huot: Scott Porter - Group Study

Nothing new. Team all picked for the Philippines

Sherre – WCS

A small group of Rotarians who have expressed an interest in Friendship

Exchange and/or international project exploratory missions met to discuss

whether we should try to put together something like that for our club and

other clubs that might want to participate. Very tentatively, we decided to

explore a trip to Peru in the spring of 2011. Larry McMacken, Sherre Calouri

and Jon Woodworth will work on it.

John C.- Ambassadorial Scholars

Applications available in December. Club should look for applicants. Applications on District Web Page.

John R - Youth Exchange

Our inbound student Cedric has or is about to move to his 2nd host family. His stay seems to be going well and he is involved at school and is even cast in the local play.
Christine our outbound also seems to be doing well. She has been emailing the committee regularly with updates and pictures. Carl has gotten monies approved so she can take advantage of one of the European excursions this spring.
We have gotten to the point where we have next years outbound student selected and she (Alexa) is beginning to participate in the district Rotary activities required for next years students. She and her mom just attended a weekend conference last week. We hope to get Alexa to the Weds. meeting soon as well, maybe this week.
Carl has also been to the Beaverton Board and the Foundation Board to get a proforma YEC budget approved. A policy statement detailing which cost/fee each board will be asked to budget each year for YEC is now being reviewed.
We need to recruit a 3rd host family for Cedric and establish a schedule that meshes with the district schedule for selecting and hosting inbound and outbound students.

Larry - Friendship Exchange

Report would be the same as Sherre's. A group of BRC met last Wed evening to discuss the idea of a BRC/D5100 RFE with some country in the world. We agreed to explore the options of Peru and then an extended trip to the Galapagos Islands for April 2011. Still much to do yet to make it a reality.

Bob B - WCS Requests

Nothing new to report

Christine will check on dates for Norwegian GSE Team

Barbara Nelson is approved for membership

Those in attendance were: Jim Parker, Doug Taylor, Ellen Beighley, Christine Huot, Cathy Mills, Don Dutro, John LaPlante,

Ken Dailey, Chris Winn, Dr Kris, Jon Woodworth, Jill Woodworth and Buzz Marron