Name of project leader


(Name of project in English)

(Name of project in Norwegian)

  1. <Name of the project leader/principal investigator
  2. <Name of the host institution
  3. <Name of the host department
  4. <Project period – –

List of consortium members

Participant No / Participant organization name[1]
  1. Proposal summary (max ½ page - may be made public if grant is awarded)

Write here…and explain
-the objectives of the proposal
-how they will be achieved
-their relevance to the call
  1. Objectives(max. ½ pages)

Primary and secondary objectives of the project

Write here
  1. Relevance to the call(max. ½ pages)

Indicate the research topic to which your proposal relates, and explain how your proposal addresses the specific challenge and scope of that topic, as set out in the call (theme, cooperation, high quality research relevant to patients, use of the relevant equipment)

Write here
  1. Research plan for the project period (max. 2½ pages)

-Please account for the research opportunitiesthat will be pursued

-Please provide an overview of the planned research activities and milestones

Write here
  1. Competences, methods and integration (max 2½ pages)
  1. Core competences and methodological repertoire

-Describe the consortium as a whole – how will it match the project's objecives, and bring together necessary expertise? How do the members complement one another

-Comment on any new research collaborations that will be enabled by the establishment of the project


Write here
  1. Integration and leadership

-Describe how integration and scientific leadership will be stimulated, including the roles of the project leader and anInternational Scientific Advisory Board (if relevant)

-Describe how gender equality will be advanced within the project.

Write here
  1. External research cooperation – national and international(max. ½ page)

Describe how the project's research cooperation will be attended to(including existing or planned participation in the EU framework programs)

-Describe collaboration with international and national research groups and collaboration both with academic researchers and industry

-Describe any plans for exchange of researchers, both project staff going abroad and visiting foreign researchers to the project/center

Write here
  1. Work packages

List ofworkpackages

Workpackage No / WorkPackageTitle / Lead Participant / Start Month / End month

For each work package: (Max 1 page per work package)

Work package number
Work package title
Participant number
Short name of participant (e.g. HUS,NTNU)
Start month / End month
Description of work (where appropriate, broken down into tasks), lead partner and role of participants
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery)
  1. Budget and funding (max. ½ page)

-Provide short justifications / comments to the attached budget. How is it linked to activities / subprojects? Which fresh resources will the host institution and other partners contribute?

-Provide an overview of the research groups' other known sources of external funding at the time of submission.

Write here
  1. Members of the consortium

Participants (applicants)

Please provide, for each participant (institution), the following:

a curriculum vitae of the persons who will be primarily responsible for carrying out the proposed research and/or innovation activities;max 3 pages per person

a short description of any significant infrastructure and/or any major items of technical equipment, available and relevant to the proposed work;

if operational capacity cannot be demonstrated at the time of submitting the proposal, describe the concrete measures that will be taken to obtain it by the time of the implementation of the task.

  1. Value added by the project (max. ½ page)

Describe any value added by the project, such as:

-Enhanced research competence and capability

-Exploit the research opportunities provided by the existing nuclear medicine equipment / research infrastructure

-Improved diagnostics and clinical practices

-A long-term positive impact on the research milieu

-Academic training

Write here
  1. Dissemination and public outreach (max. ½ page)

Outline the plans for:

-publications in journals, conferences, etc.

-web presence, social media presence etc.

-dissemination activities both within the center and to the public at large

-public outreach to specific groups

Write here

- 1 -

[1] Only institutions – names of researchers shall be provided in point 9