STAR Media Content: DNACPR

(Do not attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)


This Competitive Written Quotation (CWQ) Pack contains detailed instructions concerning the submission to be made by parties interested in submitting a competitive written quotation for this project, and details of the criteria that will be used in selecting the successful bidder.

The document consists of four parts:

Part 1: Submission Instructions

Part 2: Specification

Part 3: Evaluation Criteria

Part 4: Format for Response & Equality Questionnaire

CWQs should be submitted in accordance with the instructions detailed within this document. NES will not consider any other form of bid. Any received bids which do not contain all of the requested information may be rejected at NES’ discretion.

Produced by: NES Procurement Department




The NHS Education for Scotland (NES) is a Special Health Board, responsible for supporting NHS services to the people of Scotland through the development and delivery of education and training for all NHSScotland staff.

• everything we do is based on eight fundamental principles:

• be open, listen and learn;

• work together with others to benefit patients;

• look ahead and be creative;

• always aim for quality and excellence;

• promote equality and value diversity;

• understand and respond quickly and confidently;

• work to a clear common cause; and

• give people power and lead by example

Our vision is “Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland”. Our mission is to provide educational solutions that support excellence in healthcare for the people of Scotland.

Headquartered in Edinburgh, NES is a national organisation with regional offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee and Inverness. We have a staff complement of around 700. Additional information on NES’s role is available from our website: www.nes.scot.nhs.uk


This Invitation to Submit a Competitive Written Quotation (CWQ) contains details of NES’ background, objectives, detailed instructions concerning the submission to be made by interested parties, and details of the criteria that will be used in selecting the successful bidder. This CWQ pack is accompanied by a detailed specification and core information which must be included in the Response.

2.1 Completion of CWQ

• It is the responsibility of bidders to ensure that they have read and understood all documentation included in the package.

• Bidders are responsible for ensuring that they have completed the quotation fully and accurately and that prices quoted are arithmetically correct for the units stated. Any corrections/amendments made by the bidder should be initialed by them. Amendments to the quotation will not be permitted after submission, unless requested by NES.

• All costs, including travel and associated costs, incurred in relation to this bid are to be borne by the Bidder.

• CWQs must be submitted on the basis called for in this document. Additional alternative offers may be considered and should be submitted separately clearly stating which item(s) in the schedule they are offered against or in addition to.

• Full details or specification of any items of equipment included in the bid should be provided together with any brochures/product literature.

• NES does not undertake to accept the lowest or any offer. Each item in the schedule will be treated separately except as indicated and NES may decide to share awards for any item between several suppliers.

• Facsimile copies will not be accepted. An electronic version may be submitted as back up for the paper copies and should be sent to . Both electronic and paper versions must be received by the deadline below, the paper copy will be used in the evaluation process.

• A Lead Officer should be identified for the bid and details specified in the submission.

• All correspondence must be in English.

2.2 Process for Questions/Clarifications

This CWQ process should be viewed as a confidential activity. As such, we ask that you treat NES’ data and this CWQ with full confidentiality. All questions regarding this material should be directed to:

Kieran McQuaid

Quality Improvement Manager (West)

NHS Education for Scotland

3rd Floor, 2 Central Quay

89 Hydepark Street

Glasgow G3 8BW

Tel: 0141 223 1503


Please reference CWQ: DNACPR in all correspondence.

Please do not provide any proprietary information in your questions

In the interests of fairness, all questions and answers will be shared with all Bidders. NES will post a list of questions and answers in response to any queries received on our website at www.nes.scot.nhs.uk/about-us/tenders.aspx and if advertised through it, on Public Contracts Scotland. In order to facilitate this process, please submit questions by Wednesday 11th January 2012. Responses will be posted on Friday 13th January 2012.

Any contact made directly with any other employee of NES regarding this CWQ is a violation of the terms of the CWQ response criteria and may be cause for disqualifying a Bidder at the sole discretion of the contract manager.

2.3 Proposal Deadline

In order to allow appropriate time for analysis, selection, implementation, and communication of the selected Bidders, your cooperation is requested in meeting all of the specified deadlines. It is our intention to respond to all reasonable requests for additional information and to reasonably cooperate with Bidders in the development of their quotation.

Therefore, it is imperative to submit your quotation by 13:00 on Friday 20th January 2012. NES may reject any bid which is late and does not fully comply with the stipulated requirements unless the Bidder can prove that the bid was dispatched in sufficient time to meet the specified deadline.

2.4 Timetable

NES intends to follow the schedule below in performing the evaluation and supplier selection process. The timetable below identifies the indicative dates:

Activity / Indicative Timescales
CWQ issued: / Friday 23rd December 2011
Questions to be submitted by: / Wednesday 11th January 2012
Question responses from NES by: / Friday 13th January 2012
CWQs returned to NES by: / Friday 20th January 2012
CWQ evaluation by NES Panel: / Tuesday 24th January 2012
Notification of Award: / Friday 27th January 2012

NES will notify Bidders whether or not they have been successful. The above dates are subject to change at NES’ discretion.

2.5 Collusion

Bidders must not submit an offer in collusion with any other person, company or body, which may have the effect of distorting or increasing the cost of the goods or service provided under the contract.

If in the opinion of NES a bid is submitted on that basis, the bid may be rejected.

2.6 Marketing

All marketing or similar activities by the Bidder associated with the bid must cease upon submission of the bid and only resume following notification from NES of the outcome of the CWQ process.

2.7 Confidentiality

Any material of a confidential nature submitted by a bidder should be clearly marked. NES will respect the confidentiality of material provided. Similarly, all material provided by NES in relation to this CWQ must be regarded as confidential.

2.8 Inducements

NES has a strong belief in propriety and ethics. A Bidder attempting to offer an inducement to any member of staff is likely to be excluded from the CWQ process.

2.9 Offer

The offer must be open for acceptance for a period of 90 days, from the date for last receipt of CWQs.

2.10 Prices

Prices and rates quoted within the CWQ should be on a fixed basis for the contract period and must be in Pounds Sterling, exclusive of Value Added Tax. Prices should remain fixed for ninety days from the CWQ close date.

2.11 Agreement Implementation

The successful Bidder will be required to enter into a formal contract with NES, under NES’s Terms & Conditions. The final contract will be subject to Scot’s law. NES’s Standard terms and conditions are available from www.nes.scot.nhs.uk/about-us/tenders/templates.aspx

2.12  Delivery of Responses

Four copies of the quotation and supporting information must be submitted, together with a covering letter signed by an authorised representative of the Bidder to the address listed below:

Kieran McQuaid

Quality Improvement Manager (West)

NHS Education for Scotland

3rd Floor, 2 Central Quay

89 Hydepark Street

Glasgow G3 8BW

Tel: 0141 223 1503


in a plain sealed envelope which should not bear any name or mark indicating the sender, bearing the letters “CWQ” followed by the subject to which it relates, to arrive not later than 13:00 on Friday 20th January 2012.

Bidders are advised to submit CWQs by registered mail, recorded delivery or by hand. Regardless of method chosen, delivery shall be entirely at the bidders’ risk.

It is important that the numbering scheme set out in this CWQ is followed. In addition, please ensure each page of the quotation is numbered in sequence and includes your company name and logo.


CWQs may be withdrawn at any time before the award of Contract, providing such intention is expressed in writing to the relevant Officer within NES.


CWQs will be securely stored and remain unopened until the closing date specified within this document. Emailed tenders will be stored in a restricted access, secure mailbox and remain unopened until the closing date specified within this document.

CWQs will be opened at the above address, in the presence of authorised officers, as soon as possible after the CWQ submission closing date.






S.T.A.R. Media Content: DNACPR (Do not attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) learning module


The S.T.A.R Supervisor Virtual Learning Development framework has been developed by NHS Lanarkshire for NHS Education for Scotland (NES) to provide high quality online training to support the role of Educational and Clinical Supervisors within the Scottish Health Boards. The training is designed to satisfy the requirements and standards for medical supervisors as specified by the governing bodies for Postgraduate Medical Education and Training.

The online framework currently hosts a number of modular multimedia, e-learning resources on the themes on Workplace Based Assessments, Planning Medical Careers, Small Group Teaching, Doctors in Difficulty & providing feedback to trainees.

In May 2010 the Scottish Government issued a new policy to ensure that a consistent and integrated approach was being taken for DNACPR[1] decision-making. This new policy seeks to ensure that decisions regarding CPR are made according to:

·  whether CPR could succeed

·  the clinical needs of the patient

·  the patient’s wishes and their judgement of the benefit provided by CPR current ethical principles

·  legislation such as the Human Rights Act (1998) and Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000


The provider will develop an animated resource suitable for embedding in an existing web-based module, hosted by the client’s existing web-based environment[2]. The resource will be available to all consultants in Scotland and will enable senior medical staff to achieve the following learning objectives:

·  appreciate why discussions on the end of life can create a challenge

·  be aware of the evidence for CPR success in patients approaching the end of life

·  appreciate the perceptions of patients, the general public and professionals on the success of CPR

·  be aware of accepted decision-making pathways, incorporating professional guidance and the legal position in respect of DNACPR

·  be aware of the methods of effectively communicating a DNACPR decision to the wider healthcare team

·  describe effective, appropriate and sensitive communication of CPR decisions with patients and relatives

·  describe how to respond to challenging questions on CPR decisions

NES will provide a draft script to be used as the basis for the resource voice over and storyboard. The service provider will work closely with the DNACPR project team to ensure that the content of the resource is relevant, practical and meets current Scottish Government policy guidance.


·  The provider will build an engaging high quality animated video suitable for a senior medical audience and designed to be set within the client’s existing online training module.

·  The materials will blend voice-overs with illustrative images, animations & diagrams.

·  The materials will help viewers review theory, understand key points and note examples of good or poor practice.

·  The provider will ensure that a consistent visual and auditory style is adopted for the materials being created, that is complimentary to the existing online materials.

·  The materials will refer to other resources, pre-reading or subsequent assessment and delivered by the client’s existing web module as dictated by the steering group and the agreed voiceover.

·  The materials will be embedded into a learning module produced by NES (STAR). The provider will supply the video in a variety of formats, as agreed with STAR. The overall module produced by STAR will also include separately generated Questions and Answers, further reading and supporting documents. The provider may be asked to contribute to the supporting downloads, a summary of the content from the video part of the module. STAR will handle separately the generation of Q+A and links, and presentation of the complete package to users

·  The provider will produce a voice-over based on draft script and other materials provided by NES, source a suitable professional actor, record and incorporate into the module.

·  Materials will present a fresh modern image style and be presented in format and content compliant and responsive to all strands of equality and diversity.

·  The provider will prepare an outline storyboard for the material showing how it will best illustrate the points to be made

·  The provider will prepare sample materials, including voice over, before proceeding to the main production of the animation.

·  The provider will incorporate 2 points for review and amendment after the initial storyboard has been completed at points agreed with the DNACPR project team.


There is a maximum budget of £14,000 excluding VAT for this project.