
Project Grants support independent artists in the development of new work and its production or presentation. The grant also assists touring and expansion of markets of new and existing works, regionally, nationally and internationally.

In Performing Arts, funded activity may include playwriting, dramaturgy, creative development periods, performances, seasons of work and touring regionally, nationally and internationally.

In Literature, funded activity may include research, manuscript draft and development, translation of work and concentrated periods of work on a project.

In Visual Arts, Craft and Design, funded activity may include development, making of work, concentrated periods of work on a project, exhibitions and touring locally or abroad. Assistance is also available for marketing and promotion of exhibitions throughout Australia and internationally. Funding generally covers costs associated with publications such as brochures or catalogues. These marketing tools are most effective when created in collaboration with the presenting venue and as part of a long-term career development plan.

Development of new work might involve periods in the studio or rehearsal room, or working with other artists. Applicants may seek assistance towards various stages of the work’s development with, or without, a public outcome. Research projects are eligible if the applicant hasa track record of achievement.

If you wish to tour your work in regional South Australia please contact Country Arts South Australia on 08 8444 0400.


Applicants must be Australian citizens or have permanent resident status and live, or be primarily located, in South Australia.

Organisations currently in receipt of Arts South Australia’s Arts Organisations funding may also apply to the Project Grants category for international touring and expansion of markets only.

The following applications are ineligible:

·  projects already completed, or due to be completed, before the commencement of the funding period. Funding will not be provided retrospectively

·  projects without professional outcomes, such as amateur productions, the self-publication of literary works, fundraising, competitions, awards and prizes, as well as projects forming part of a course of study, including graduation activities

·  screen-based projects aimed at the cinema, film festivals or television, and media projects with a purely commercial outcome. Some activity will be eligible when incorporated into projects in other art form areas. Speak to Arts South Australia if you are unsure

·  start-up business costs and the purchase of basic equipment. Speak to Arts South Australia if you are unsure.


You must address the Criteria specified in Essential reading before applying. Artistic Merit and Viability are the two key criteria to consider in your proposal. Address the Engagement and/or Development criteria as they relate to your proposal - your proposal may meet all criteria. You do not need to respond to each individual bullet point.

In addition, the following criteria apply specifically to the Project Grants funding program:

·  the track record, creative achievement and skill of the artists involved

·  the quality and depth of the ideas

·  the context in which the work is being presented

·  existing and potential resources being brought to the project, including other funding and your own contribution.

Application Advice

Use the Project Grants application form to apply for this grant.

You should discuss your application and budget with the relevant Arts South Australia Arts Development Officer, and look at past grant recipients as a guide.

Eligible expenses

Eligible expenses include / What this category does not fund
·  Living allowances
·  Stationery costs
·  Hire of an office or equipment
·  Travel
·  Accommodation
·  Artist's fees
Eligible expenses include
·  Performers' fees
·  Creatives' fees (such as composers, choreographers, designers, etc)
·  Producers' fees
·  Commissioning fees
·  Seasons of work and touring regionally, nationally and internationally
·  Living allowance, daily allowances and salaries for creative and technical personnel
·  Travel, freight and direct presentation and production costs
·  Materials, venue and equipment hire
·  Marketing costs
·  Administration and accountancy
Eligible expenses include
·  Artists' fees
·  Living allowance, daily allowances and salaries for creative and technical personnel
·  Curatorial costs, catalogue essay writer's fees, design costs, materials, photography
·  Travel, freight and direct presentation and production costs, catalogue printing
·  Materials, studio and equipment hire
·  Exhibition costs
·  Marketing costs
·  Administration and accountancy / ·  Manuscripts aimed at the education sector
·  The preparation of work intended for, or the costs associated with, self-publication
·  Individual writers seeking to employ an editor to work on a manuscript or to market their own titles
·  Film, TV and games scriptwriters (who should contact the South Australian Film Corporation)
·  Purchase of equipment
What this category does not fund
·  Amateur productions
·  Purchase of equipment
·  Film, TV and games scriptwriters (who should contact the South Australian Film Corporation)
What this category does not fund
·  Framing costs
·  Purchase of equipment

When applying for funding for touring, it is expected that the funds requested would cover travel and freight costs, as there is a further expectation that the presenter of the work would be meeting the majority of on-the-ground costs (artist and technical staff wages, accommodation etc.) or that these would be included in the fee charged to the presenter, programmer or venue.

Rates of pay for artists can vary depending on the skills and experience the artist brings to the project. Where an award or industry standard clearly applies, applicants are encouraged to comply. Where there is no award, it is advisable to quote industry standard rates for artists. For guidance on awards and rates of pay or other arrangements, contact:

·  Australian Writers' Guild (AWG)

·  Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA)

·  National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA)

Projects undertaken on a collective or profit share basis need to demonstrate professional best practice. If a collective or profit share contract exists a copy should be included with your application. If no contract exists, provide an outline of arrangements.

Where the presentation of a work will result in box office income the amount must be shown in the income column of the budget and should be conservatively estimated at 40% of the capacity of the venue.

Support material

Support material is extra items submitted in support of your written proposal. Support material will be viewed by assessment peers and tabled at the assessment meeting.

Only submit material that is directly relevant to your proposal and ensure that visual support material is high quality. Support material will not be accepted after the closing date.

Support material may include:

•  books, publications, manuscripts, programs, catalogues etc. These items can be paper-based and provided with your original application

•  URL links to vimeo, youtube or other websites are preferred

•  music and video support material must be supplied in a format that is easily duplicated and playable on a range of devices. Edited highlights of 3 – 5 minutes are recommended

•  all digital support material must be fully PC and Windows compatible and accompanied by a short written description for conceptual installations or multimedia.

Visual art, craft and design applicants are required to submit images in PowerPoint form. The PowerPoint must be accompanied by an image list, including dates and full descriptions of the works. A total of nine (9) images for individual applicants or twenty (20) images for a group can be submitted.

Written materials such as CVs, letters of support and media clippings should be included as part of the written application. They are not considered support materials as such, but are useful for providing a history of the artist.

It is recommended that the electronic copy of your application and your support material are submitted together on a single USB. All USBs and files contained on them must be clearly identified with the applicant’s name and project title.

The total combined size of your application and support material must not exceed 6MB of data. Your support material must be in a format which is of the highest quality achievable within the data limit.

Hard copy support material can be collected from Arts South Australia after notification of the result of your application. If not collected within two months of notification, Arts South Australia will dispose of material.

Key Dates

Closing date: 5pm, 26 March 2018
Notification date: June 2018
Commencement date: 1 July 2018
Closing date: 5pm, 6 August 2018
Notification date: October 2018
Commencement date: 1 November 2018

Closing date: 5pm, 3 December 2018
Notification date: TBC

Commencement date: TBC

Amounts available

The grant must be discussed with Arts South Australia.

Who to talk to

Peter Grace

Manager, Artists’ Grants & Awards Program
Phone: 08 8463 5429

Julia Moretti

Arts Development Officer, Artists’ Grants & Awards Program
Phone: 08 8463 5455