Tagat 3 Units Summer 2005 1 תג"ת 3 יחידות קיץ 2005


חלק 1. הבנת הנקרא ألفصل الأول فهم المقروء

A.1 Read the following text.
א.1. קראו את הקטע הבא. أ . 1. إقرؤوا النص التالي

Dolphins in Haifa Harbor

Haifa harbor is full of fish — but also chemicals

In March 2005, about 45 dolphins came into Haifa port. Another 20 were swimming in the bay outside the port.

The dolphins were the “rough-tooth” type. They are called that because their teeth are not smooth, but have ridges. Rough-tooth dolphins usually live in deep, warm tropical waters, but not near our coast.

Dolphins are very intelligent. Usually they do not come into busy ports because of all the ships there. But it seems that these dolphins were hungry. One dolphin expert said that they probably came in for “lunch” because the port area has a lot of fish living in it.

However, dolphin lovers were worried. The water in the bay is very polluted and there are many chemicals in it. People were afraid that the dolphins would get sick from being in the water and from eating the fish there. Scientists know that fish that live in dirty water are not good to eat, neither for people nor for dolphins.

People in Haifa were very interested in their dolphin visitors. T.V crews came to film them; it was the first item on the news. Lots of people also tried to get into the port to see the dolphins, but not many succeeded. Many went to other places where they could see the dolphins in the bay.

The dolphins left the port a few days later. Experts said that they looked well and did not seem to be suffering from the pollution.

A. 2. Answer the questions in English. (20 points)
א.2. ענו על השאלות באנגלית. (20 נקודות)
أ. 2 أجيبوا على الأسئلة بالإنكليزية (۲۰ درجة)

1.  When did dolphins come to Haifa port? (2 pts)


2.  a) How many dolphins came into Haifa port? ______(1 pt )

b) How many dolphins waited outside the port area? ______(1 pt )

3.  What kind of dolphins came to Haifa port? Why are they called that? (4 pts)




4.  Why were dolphin lovers worried about the dolphins in the harbor?
(4 pts)



5.  How did people in Israel hear about the dolphins in the port? (4 pts)



6.  How do experts think the dolphins looked when they left?(4 pts)



B.1. / Read the following advertisement.
ב.1. קראו את מודעה. ب.1. إقرؤوا الإعلان.

Gift Packages for Workers

Suitable for all Holidays, Passover, New Year, Christmas, Eid al Fitr

All gift parcels only NIS 80 each

For Men

Shampoo for Normal Hair

Shaving Cream and After Shave Lotion

Suntan Cream with extra Moisturizer

For Ladies

Shampoo for Normal Hair

Body Lotion and Liquid Soap

Suntan Cream with extra Moisturizer

Comes in special cosmetic bag

Blue for Men,

Pink for Ladies

Our Phone Number is 1-800-711-71. You don’t have to pay for the call!

Call us from: / 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Sunday to Thursday
9:30 am to 2:30 pm on Fridays
B.2. Complete the text according to the advertisement you have read.
Use the words in the box. (20 points)
ב. 2. השלימו את הטקסט לפי המודעה שקראתם.
היעזרו בחלק מהמילים שברשימה. (20 נקודות)
ب. 2. أكملوا النص حسب الإعلان الذي قرأتموه. إستعينوا ببعض الكلمات التي في القائمة. (۲۰ درجة)
packages / products / cosmetics / holidays / soap
contains / Deluxe / coffee / selling / food
workers / lotion / knapsack / shave / beauty
chocolates / suntan / advertising / shampoo / Gift

The ad is about gift packages for employees. Many places of work give their ______gifts before holidays. The company that is selling these gifts is “Deluxe ______Packages”. They have different kinds of ______that bosses or their workers can choose from and are sure to love.

In the ad there are two kinds of packages. One is cosmetic products, either for men or for women and the other is a ______package.

This package contains a box of chocolates, black ______and red wine. It comes in a ______that you can use for a long time after you finish the ______, the coffee and the wine.

The package of beauty products for men contains shampoo, shaving cream, after-shave lotion and ______cream. The package for women has body ______, shampoo, liquid soap and suntan cream. Both the men’s and the women’s gifts come in a cosmetic bag. The bags are blue for men and pink for women. Like the knapsack you can use them for a long time after you finish the ______.

C.1 Read the text and answer the questions.
ג. 1. קראו את הקטע וענו על השאלות.
ج . 1. إقرؤوا النص التالي وأجيبوا على الأسئلة .


4 / Many people like to travel. Some enjoy traveling in their own countries, others like to see the world and visit new places. Apart from the main options of home or abroad, there are other choices too. Those who look for peace and quiet choose camping in the wild. Others prefer big, busy cities with lots of museums, theaters, and restaurants.
But there are people who want to experience something absolutely new and unusual. For such tourists, an American company called Virgin Galactic has a special offer. Their engineers are working on a new kind of spaceship. It will take tourists into space and they will be able to look at the Earth from a height of more than 100 kilometers. During the flight, passengers will experience what real astronauts feel when they are in outer space.
Tickets for a space flight aren’t cheap. But there are enough rich people who are ready to pay $200,000 ─ $390,000 for a trip like that. One of these is American multimillionaire Dennis Tito, 60, who went on an eight-day space flight on a Russian spacecraft. The trip cost him $20,000,000 !
Another American company called Rocketplane is working on making a regular plane suitable for traveling into space. This is much cheaper than building a new spaceship. That is why this company promises that its tickets to outer space will cost “only” $150,000 – $160,000. A real bargain!
C. 2. Answer the questions in English. (20 points)
ג.2. ענו על השאלות.באנגלית (20 נקודות)
ج. 2 أجيبوا على الأسئلة بالإنكليزية (۲۰ درجة)

1.  According to the first paragraph, what are two of the main options for travel?

a)  ______(1 pt)

b)  ______(1 pt)

2.  List 3 things a tourist can find in a big city. Use only what is in the text!

a) ______(1 pt) b) ______(1 pt)

c) ______(1 pt)

3.  Why do some people go camping? (2 pts)


4.  What is Virgin Galactic’s special offer? (2 pts)


5.  What will passengers on the Virgin Galactic spaceship be able to do? (3 pts)



6.  According to paragraph 3, what will future space tourists pay for a space flight? (2 pts)


7.  Who already went into space and how much did he pay for the trip?
(3 pts)


8.  Why will the tickets of Rocketplane be cheaper than the tickets of Virgin Galactic? (3 pts)


תרגילים בלשון ואוצר מילים. / חלק 2
ألفصل الثاني: تمارين في اللغة والكلمات.
D.Circle the most suitable word from those in brackets. (15 points)
ד. הקיפו בעגול את התשובה הנכונה מבין המילים בסוגריים.
(15 נקודות)
ضعوا دائرة حول الجواب الصحيح من الكلمات التي توجَد بين القوسين
(١٥ درجة)

Walking Your Way
to Better Health

More and more people are walking (for / because / against ) their health. Here are ten tips to get the most out of your walking:

1)  Wear comfortable clothes. Wear a sweater you can ( takes / taking / take ) off if you feel too hot.

2)  Your sports shoes should give you good support and (also / too / as ) protect your back.

3)  Do a warm-up first. (When /Before /Then) walk slowly and later speed up.

4)  Increase your time (suddenly / gradually / quickly). Walk only 10 minutes on the first day. Then add 5 minutes ( more / less / most ) each day.

5)  To keep your muscles in good condition, walk 15-20 minutes; to lose weight, walk for at least 30 ( days / minutes / hours ) each time.

6)  ( Slows / Slowing / Slow ) down for the last few minutes of your walk. Then do stretching ( examples / experts / exercises).

7)  You don’t ( must / need / should ) to walk every day. Three or four times a week is ideal. The best place to walk is outside in the fresh air.

E.1. Read the story and complete the notice below with one or more words in each space. (15 points).
ה. 2. קראו את הסיפור והשלימו את ההודעה לפי תוכן הסיפור שקראתם. אפשר להשתמש במילה אחת או יותר.(15 נקודות)
هـ. 2. إقرؤوا القصة وأكملوا الإعلان حسب مضمون القصة التي قرأتموها. يمكن استعمال كلمة واحدة أو أكثر. (١٥ درجة)

Hi. My name is Avi Morad and I’m a carpenter. I work for the Acme Garden Furniture Company in Kiryat Shmona. I have worked there for nine years. But now the boss says that he is closing the factory because no one is buying Acme furniture any more. The company is losing money. I am the head of the Workers’ Committee. Everyone is complaining and they are angry and afraid. We need to demand that we get money as compensation from the company. We don’t know if we will get our salary this month. The boss says that he will give us letters of recommendation for other companies, but there are no other furniture factories here. Most of us don’t know any other kind of work. The Workers’ Committee decided to call a meeting of all the workers and decide about the situation. The meeting will be on Friday morning in the company cafeteria. We have to discuss whether to go to the Labor Court, ask the Histadrut for help or offer to work a month without pay. This is the notice we are sending to all the employees. Everyone must come! If we all pull together we will get a fair deal!

Meeting of all the Employees of the
Acme (1)______Furniture Company:

All of you are invited to a meeting in the (2)______on Friday, June 20 at 10:00 o’clock. We are going to discuss the boss’s decision to (3) ______the factory. We are going to (4)______what to do about the situation.

Our options are:

a) demand money as (5)______for our lost jobs

b) suggest to the boss that we work one month (6)______

c) go to the Histadrut and ask them to help us

d) go to the (7)______Court.

It is very important for (8)______to come to this meeting.

We need to pull together in order to get a (9)______. Make sure you come to the meeting on Friday!

Avi Morad.

Chairman, Workers’ ______

F. Complete the dialogue. Copy the question words from the box below. (10 points) NOTE: Choose 5 out of the 10 words given.
ו. השלימו את השיחה. העתיקו את מילת השאלה המתאימה מהמסגרת שלמטה.(10 נקודות) שימו לב: השתמשו ב-5 מתוך 10 האפשרויות.
و. أكملوا الحوار. إنسخوا حرف/ حروف الاستفهام الملائمة من القائمة أدناه
(١۰ درجات). إنتبهوا! إستعملوا ٥ من بين ١۰ الإمكانيات.

The Interviews

Samir: ______people did you interview for the job of salesman?

Maria: Well, two people came today, Steve and Murray. One was pretty good, and the other was not so good.

Samir: ______one was the good one?

Maria: The first one, Steve, seemed better to me.

Samir: ______do you think so?

Maria: Steve came on time and was dressed neatly. He also has sales experience.

Samir: ______the other one any good at all?

Maria: Oh, Murray? He wasn’t at all good. He was late. I asked him to come at 11:00 o’clock.

Samir: ______did he arrive?

Maria: He came at 11:30. And his clothes were dirty and his hair messy. I don’t think he’s suitable.

Samir: I agree. Ask Steve to come in for a second interview.

Which / Why
Did / Don’t
Where / How many
When / How much
Was / What

Good Luck!