2015 Chair’s report for CLSIG AGM 24 May 2015
A special welcome to Jill Howard and Sonia Ramdhian from CILIP
This has been a short year due to last year’s AGM being two months late, but nonetheless a busy one. Events held and meetings attended include
- Graduate Open Day - April
- Legal Research Workshop -June
- Bishopsgate Institute Tour - October
- Legal Research Workshop– November
- Joint PATMG-CLSIG meeting – January
- Katie Carter and Kim Austin ran the CLSIG stand at ILI 2014 – October
- I represented the Group at the CILIP Networks Forum in November
- Katie attended a Future Leadership workshop - January
This year we are planning a number of events and meetings:
- Graduate Open Day on 15 April*
- Legal Research Workshop in South West – possibly Taunton, jointly with SWMN
- Kim Austin will represent CLSIG at the Member Networks Forum - April
- Planning joint stand with PATMG at CILIP Conference - July
- Business Research Study Day - ? early Autumn
- CLSIG will again be an Association Partner with ILI – October
- One of our members is preparing a Project Proposal for CILIP’s Leadership Programme
- Another is considering CILIP’s invitation to join the new Policy Committee
Last October saw the addition of our column COMMERCIAL ROAD – a view from the other side of the street – to the other ‘regulars’ in UPDATE. I am delighted that UPDATE has welcomed this spotlight on our members who work in the commercial field, and I am extremely proud of the excellent articles our contributors come up with.
CLSIG Journal started its third year with probably the best issue yet. Richard Gaston, our Editor, is unfortunately not able to be with us tonight to take a modest bow, but he and the team are splendid, in their editorship,production values and reliability at all times.
Briggs-Washington Bursary: the first winner goes to CILIP conference, andthe second to ILI.
As ever tremendous thanks to our generous sponsors in the past year - Hammicks LIS of the John Smith Group, and TFPL, and in particular to today’s event sponsors, the International New York Times and EBSCO
Thanks as always to the great team on our committee, and a special welcome to our three new members joining us today.
Oriole Newgass 24 March 2015
* this requires a special mention: we have been running it with various partners for at least seven years and the measure of its success can be judged by this year’s event selling-out within 24 hours of booking being open!