Minutes of a meeting of the Search Committee held
at the college on Wednesday 9March 2016 at 8.00am
PRESENT:PRESENT: / Mrs A Moore (Chair)Mr M McCormick
Mrs K Rinaldi
IN ATTENDANCE: / Mrs B Robinson (Director of Governance)
Mr D Vasse (Principal)
1 / Apologies
An apology for absence was received from Mr Thomas.
RESOLVED that this be noted.
2 / Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations made at the meeting.
RESOLVED that this be noted.
3 / Minutes
RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 18November 2015 be approved as a true record and signed by the chairperson.
4 / Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
RESOLVED that this be noted.
5 / Membership Issues
Consideration was given to a paper that highlighted the need to review the use of co-opted positions and the current vacancy of Student Governor.
RESOLVED(a) that the paper be received.
RESOLVED(b) that it be recommended that PA’s position as co-opted member on Audit Committee be continued for a further year.
RESOLVED(c) that it be recommended that the appointment process for a replacement Student Governor be undertaken.
RESOLVED(d) that it be recommended that a representative of Search be invited to join the interview panel for the appointment of Student Governor.
RESOLVED(e) that it be recommended that for future Student Governor appointments the process not to be undertaken until October half term to enable a period of “settling in” for learners prior to deciding whether to put themselves forward.
Considerationwas then given to the succession planning exercise to be embarked upon during 2016.
It was reported that the following governors’ terms of office ended as follows:
Jenny Couch – July 2016
Simon Driver – July 2016
Josh Myhill – August 2016
Mike McCormick – September 2016
Ann Moore – September 2016
Andy Pascoe – September 2016
Kelly Rinaldi – November 2016
Madeleine Keyworth – December 2016
George Thomas – December 2016
Discussion ensued around the following areas:
-Role descriptions of governors, chairs & vice chairs – do these need updating to explicitly state time and capacity need of role e.g. participation in Area Review?
-Skills and knowledge needed – does the application form need updating to reflect current priorities?
-time capacity of individuals in fulfilling governance requirements
-diversity of membership – acknowledging the poor balance of gender currently
-Length of terms of office – should external members be two years to provide parity with other members and to make the role more attractive to new members?
-Should the number of terms of office be limited to all members?
-Should the aspiration of a move towards e:governance be included in expectations of members?
-Should members consider the remuneration of certain roles?
-Should consideration be given to a person’s membership of other boards and the composition of those boards, such as the presence of competitors on those boards?
In considering the above members also considered the ease of recruiting new members and the methods to be engaged e.g. writing to employers already associated with the college, contacting volunteer centres, detail in any marketing information being sent to prospective students/parents, use of SGOSS.
RESOLVED (f) that the following recommendations be made:
-Role descriptions to be updated to explicitly outline the time requirements of governors including the requirement to visit regularly (half-termly) during the college day to undertake their insight work and the impact of the Area Review process (particularly for the Chair)
-Application form to be updated to outline core requirements of governors e.g. ability to attend during college day, ability to attend meeting requirements, willingness to engage in e:governance etc. Separate section to be included on additional skills of governors e.g. financial, assurance, chairing etc. (Search members to feedback any particular views to the Clerk)
-Application form to include whether an individual serves on another board
-Priorities for governor appointment/re-appointed to be reiterated as skills, diversity and time capacity. Skills and time capacity to be assessed by completion of application form. Diversity to be prioritised by ethnicity representation, gender balance and to ensure the average age profiledoes not increase
-All external governors wishing to be re-appointed to complete the application form to demonstrate their match against this criteria
-External governors’ terms of office to be changed to two years to provide a parity with other positions and to remove a barrier to appointment process
-All governors to be restricted to serving two terms of office (with the exception that any governor who is re-appointed during this succession planning exercise be able to serve a final term irrespective of previous service)
-That further guidance be received on the remuneration of governor roles prior to making any decision. However, for it to be noted, that Search members had concerns over any performance management issues that may arise from moving in this direction
-All governors would be expected to engage with e:governance
-Clerk to commence with the recruitment exercise to enable the aspiration of a full complement of governors by the end of 2016
6 / Transforming Governance
Consideration was given to the report which covered the following and discussion ensued:
(i)Review of Instrument & Articles of Government
(ii)Focus & Format of Corporation Planning Day
(iii)Implementation of Governance Improvement Plan
(iv)Implementation of FE Good Code of Governance
(v)Implementation of Communication & Engagement Strategy
(vi)Actions from Annual Report of Search Committee
RESOLVED (a) that the Instruments & Articles of Government be updated to reflect the changes to membership as recommended above.
RESOLVED (b) that the Standing Orders be updated to reflect the expectations of governors with regard to time to undertake their role (e.g. insight walks).
RESOLVED (c) that the focus of the Corporation Planning Day be:
- Improving and sustaining improved financial health – governors to look at the advantages of stronger financial health (good) and then form a view as to where financial scoring should sit - what it would take and implications of moving from 140 to 180 points to achieve tied into JLC position in going into the Area Review process
- Preparing for Area Review process (to commence in September 16)
- Moving teaching, learning and assessment to outstanding
- Links to development of all of the above themes
- Overall outcome of Planning Day - Corporation to be clear about its starting point of entering the Area Review process
RESOLVED (d) that the Corporation Planning Day allow for engagement with stakeholders including learning walk, representation from AoC re Area Review and a speaker to advise on the legalities of academisation.
RESOLVED (e) that discussion and reflection time be built into the Corporation Planning Day.
RESOLVED (f) that governors be reminded on the March agenda on the importance of attending this event and to advise now if this will not be possible in order to allow for a re-arranged date – currently Thursday 9 June 2016 9:00am – 4:00pm.
RESOLVED (g) that the governance improvement plan be received and the progress in its implementation be noted.
RESOLVED (h) that the template outlining progress towards complying with all requirements of the Code of Good Governance be received with thanks.
RESOLVED(i) that the Clerk include the action points arising from the template within the governance processes and the Search Committee monitor their implementation at each meeting.
RESOLVED (j) that the Communication & Engagement Strategy be received and Search members note their invitation to attend the event on 15 April 2016 to develop the action plan.
RESOLVED (k) that the revised terms of reference for the Search Committee be approved.
RESOLVED (l) that Chairs be asked to outline the main focus of each meeting at the start following consultation with the Principal and Clerk.
7 / Recommendations to the Corporation
RESOLVEDthat resolutions4(a) – (f) and 6(a) – (l)be considered by Corporation.
8 / Any Other Urgent Business
There was none.
RESOLVED that this be noted.
9 / Reminder of Future Dates and Time of Meetings
RESOLVEDthat it be noted the next meeting would be held at 8:00am – 8:45am (directly before Corporation Planning Day):
- the main focus to be succession planning 2016
chairperson's initials ......