Tuesdays With Morrie Project

DUE: Dec 20 or Dec 21 (You will be assigned the due date on 12/17)

Directions: Create a photo/picture presentation using at least 8 photos/pictures to demonstrate your understanding of at least 8 life lessons taught by Morrie in the book Tuesdays With Morrie. Follow the steps below.

Step 1: Choose at least 8 life lessons that made an impression on you while reading the book. Record page numbers and quotes from each lesson that you choose from the book on a piece of paper.

Step 2: Decide on possible subjects to take photographs of, or find pictures that will illustrate the lessons you have chosen. You will have 2 photographs or pictures for each life lesson. You may select pictures from magazines, the Internet, and newspapers. If you choose to take your own photos, you may do so as long as it pertains to the project. Black and white photos/pictures could add an artistic flare to the project.

Step 3: Create a written explanation for each photo/picture beginning with the quote/aphorism and page number of the lesson addressed by Morrie. Explain clearly how the photo/picture illustrates the lesson. You must have at LEAST 5-7 sentences. (Full and Complex sentences only)

Step 4: Create a neat, organized, and creative method for displaying your project. You may wish to choose one of the following options, combine options, or create something completely original! Some ideas may include:



-Poster Board

Someof Morrie’s Life lessons:










-Meaning of Life





Presentation (Quiz Grade)

-You will present your project to the class on 12/20 & 12/21. If you know you won’t be here one of those days, it’s your responsibility to let me know so I can schedule you on the day you will be present.

-You will take your project and explain the 8 concepts you chose with the pictures you have for each one.

-Professionalism is expected and you will lose points if you do not take it seriously. See the rubric for more info.

-Practice! Do not just get up there for the first time on the day you present. This is a quiz grade.

-If you don’t make it up before the break, it is YOUR responsibility to set up a time when you get back to present before or after school.

**** Notes ****

-Original, QUALITY artwork may be substituted for photos and/or pictures. For a definition of quality artwork, see me.

-Photographs/pictures will not contain images that are school inappropriate (i.e. pornography, gang related symbols, images of people “thugging” out). School inappropriate work will result in a permanent zero.

-You will work on this project at home. There will be no class time.

-Quiz grade for the project, Quiz grade for the presentation.


Presentation Rubric (Quiz)

____ (20pts) Did the speaker state all 8 chosen life lessons?

____ (20pts) Did the speaker describe all 8 life lesson pictures?

____ (20pts) Was the speaker professional? (look at audience, good volume, take the presentation seriously?)

____ (20pts) Was the presentation on topic and well put together?

____ (20pts) Did the presentation portray what the speaker thought about all of the life lessons chosen?

Project Rubric (Quiz Grade)

____ (35 pts) Were there 8 quality photographs/pictures that fit the lesson chosen for each photo?

____ (35 pts) Were there accurate, thoughtful use of quotes and a thorough written explanation for each life lesson/picture?

____ (20 pts) Was the project neat, clean, organized, and creative?

____ (10 pts) Did the project follow the guidelines and format?

_____ Late points

Presentation Grade: _____

Project Grade: ______

(You must have this paper on the day of the presentation. You will turn your project in when you are directly done with your presentation.)