Referral Form

ARMHS Programs Referral Form

**This completed form can be faxed Attn: Shayla Eubanks,Lead Service Coordinator at 612-547-0556 or

e-mailed to ; (612) 362-4452. Please have the service applicant sign and then return the enclosed Release of Information with the referral form. Copies of a diagnostic assessment (within 6 months) and other collateral mental health documentation supporting their medical necessity could facilitate eligibility process.

Referred by: Self-referral / Phone number:
How do you know this individual?

Personal Information

Does person require an interpreter? What language?
SS#(required) : / DOB: / Working(required)Phone number:
City: / Zip code:
Spend down? Yes No If yes, has the person agreed to pay the spend down for ARMHS? Yes No
*See attached form to be completed for each referral
Mental Health Diagnosis ICD-10 code/description:
Emergency Contact (relationship):

Team Members

A psychiatrist? Name: ______Clinic/Agency: ______
A therapist?Name: ______Clinic/Agency: ______
A Care Coordinator? Name: ______Clinic/Agency: ______
A CADI/TBI/Elderly Waiver Case Manager? Name: ______Agency: ______
A rep-payee? Name: ______Contact info: ______
Other provider? ______
Helpful contact numbers or email addresses are appreciated.


Reason for referral/Goal Suggestions:
Does this person have any history of violent behavior and/or criminal history? Yes No
Are there any known spiritual or cultural considerations? Yes No
Are there any possible safety concerns present in the home, including bedbug infestation? Yes No
Is there a gender preference regarding the assigned staff? No Male Female
Selection could affect availability of staff for assignment.
Any other relevant information:

Participant Agreement for Payment of Medical Spenddown

Participant Name: ______Date: ______

I understand that I have a Medical Spenddown in the amount of $ ______per month.

Once this amount is satisfied, my medical psychiatrist services will be completely covered.

(This amount does not include any co-payments that I may have for medication).

I will use this service of a representative payee:



If yes, the Rep Payee is, Name: ______

Address: ______


I agree to pay CIP my monthly spenddown amount and I understand that if payment is not made to CIP; my services may be terminated.


Signature of ParticipantDate

NA—Participant does not have a spenddown

Return to:

Community Involvement Programs

1600 Broadway Street NE

Minneapolis, MN55413

*Fax: (612) 547-0556