Central Regional TAFE
Vocational Competency and Industry Currency Record
Ref: TA013T1
Trainer/assessor name / Date developedIndustry area / Date reviewed
Qualification code and title
(insert additional lines if this VCIC addresses more than 1 qualification) / Release date
Release number
This document provides evidence that trainers and assessors meet the requirements of the Standards for RTOs 2015 and have:
a)the necessary training and assessment qualifications;
b)vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed;
c)current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being provided; and
d)current knowledge and skills in vocational education and training that informs training and assessment practices.
The document contains five parts:
- Part 1: Trainer and assessor qualifications and skill sets
The trainer and assessor qualifications you have (e.g. Certificate IV TAE).
- Part 2: Professional development record of current knowledge and skills in vocational education and training (VET) that informs your training and assessment practices
A record of PD you have completed to develop your knowledge and skills relating to training and assessing in the VET sector.
- Part 3:Identification of units of competency held and industry currency for these.
Identification of the units you deliver and/or assess where you hold the unit of competency and how you will show your industry currency.
- Part 4:Competency and currency for units not held (Equivalence)
Demonstration of your competency to deliver and/or assess units you do not hold and how you have maintained your industry currency for these, is to be detailed separately in the VCIC-Demonstration of Equivalence and Verification Form (TA013F2).
- Part 5: Verification
This Vocational Competency and Industry Currency Record must be signed by you the trainer/assessor and a CR TAFE Representative (eg.PortfolioManager) to verify that you have the required skills and knowledge to deliver and assess the units of competency documented in this record. Where you are demonstrating equivalence for one or more unit (see Part 4) you must provide all evidence to support your claim to the panel when completing the VCIC-Demonstration of Equivalence and Verification Form (TA013F2)
Part 1: Trainer and Assessor Qualifications and Skill Sets
For each of the items ticked below you must provide certified copies of your qualifications and/or statements of attainment to both HR and your manager.
I have:
☐TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training☐TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training / ☐TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
☐TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
☐A diploma or higher level qualification in adult education as listed below
If you do not hold one of the qualifications listed above you must work under supervision and cannot conduct assessment. Identify which of the following you hold while working under supervision
☐TAESS00007 Enterprise Training – Presenting skill set or its successor, TAESS00014 / ☐TAESS00001 Assessor Skill Set or its successor, TAESS00011☐TAESS00003 - Enterprise Trainer and Assessor Skill Set or its successor, TAESS00015 / ☐TAESS00008 Enterprise Trainer - Mentoring Skill Set or its successor, TAESS00013
Part 2: Professional development for current knowledge and skills in vocational education and training that informs training and assessment
Describe the professional development and other activities that you have participated in to maintain and build your knowledge of vocational training and assessment to further develop your understanding of current practices, trends and issues in the VET sector.
Title of Workshop Event, Topics covered and Training Provider / Date /Duration /LocationExample: VET Compliance Q and A: Systematic validation and statistically valid sample size. VELG Training / May 2017, 2 hrWebinar
Do you hold the qualification that you deliver? ☐Yes ☐No
List any otherrelevant vocational qualification/s you have.
Qualification/snational code and titlePart 3: Identification of units of competency held and industry currency for these - Complete Part 3 only for the units you hold (where the national code is exactly the same). If you do not hold any of the units you deliver and/or assess please move on to Part 4 and complete the VCIC-Demonstration of Equivalence and Verification Form TA013F2. Please note you may have some units that fit into part 3 and some units that fit into part 4.
To complete part 3 of this VCIC
- In the table below, list all of the units of competency that you are delivering and/or assessing where you hold the exact same unit.
- Include your statement of attainment with this VCIC as evidence that you hold the unit
- For each unit outline how you have maintained your industry currency.
- Identify the evidence you have to support your industry currency and include it with this VCIC
To demonstrate your industry currency at unit level, consider:
- industry placement
- applying for sponsored corporate teaching awards and scholarships
- work shadowing
- undertaking specific training courses in new equipment or skill sets
- concurrent employment in industry and Central Regional TAFE
- attending professional development activities run by industry skills alliances
- networking with industry mentors, employers and other trainers
- industry specialist visits, industry site visits and study tours
- industry professional association membership
- subscribing to professional journals and publications
- talking to students about practices and job roles in their workplaces
- fulfilling industry licensing or regulatory requirements
- conducting training and assessment in students’ workplaces
- undertaking specific training courses in new equipment or skill sets
Part 3
Unit code / Industry currency activitiesDescribe the types of activity/ies you have undertaken to keep your industry skills current / Evidence of Industry currency
List and number the evidence you have to support your claims
Part 4: Identification of demonstrated equivalence for units of competency not held and industry currency for these - Complete the VCIC-Demonstration of Equivalence and Verification Form TA013F2 only for the units you are delivering and/or assessing but do not hold.
Part 5: Declaration
Trainer and/or Assessor Statement☐The information in this record is true and complete.
☐I have provided Central Regional TAFE with verified copies of my qualifications and/or equivalent evidence.
Signature / Date
Central Regional TAFE Statement
☐I acknowledge that the trainer/assessor has followed the relevant procedure of the College that relates to vocational competencies, industry currency and current knowledge/skills in VET to deliver/assess the units of competency/accredited modules identified in this record
Portfolio / Portfolio Manager Name / Signature / Date
Store the followingon the G Drive within the Portfolio in the Staff Competency and Currency folder under the staff member’s name.
- All supporting evidence and documentation
- Qualifications of all verifiers
- Resume of verifiers (where provided)
First Created: 27/10/2017Issue 5Page 1 of 4