Summer Season 2012!
Currently registered WST swimmers:
Please fill out the Winchester Swim Team Summer Registration form (one per family) and provide a check (payable to WST) of $150 for each swimmer.
New Swimmers:
Please fill out the Winchester Swim Team Summer Registration form (one per family) AND the USA Swimming form (ONE PER SWIMMER). The fee for EACH new swimmer is $187.00 and is payable in full to WST upon registration.
Your WST registration includes the Shenandoah Valley Swim League (SVSL) AND USA/ Virginia swimming membership. Your swimmer will be eligible to compete in both leagues during the summer season. The higher cost for new swimmers covers USA/ VA swimming registration and insurance.
IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO REGISTER IN PERSON ON April 24 and 25 TH, please mail you forms and check to WST; PO Box 3157; Winchester, VA 22604. A SECOND IN PERSON REGISTRATION OPPORTUNITY WILL BE HELD ON June 4th.
Practice hours:
11 and older: M-F, 7:30- 10 AM*;
10 and under: 8:30-10 AM*
all swimmers: M-Th 6:30-8:00 PM
*1st half hour of AM practice is dry-land training (some running may be involved, bring appropriate attire). Practices are held at Jim Barnett Park, Outdoor Pool
How to register for a meet:
SVSL- There will be a sign up booklet at each of the practices listing all SVSL meets. Please enter your swimmer's name under each meet they will be attending (at least a week before the meet). The coaches will place the swimmers in their events. Swimmers will normally receive their events the morning of the meet. PLEASE LET THE COACHES KNOW IN ADVANCE IF YOUR SWIMMER CANNOT MAKE A MEET THEY HAVE SIGNED UP FOR. If your swimmer has not competed during the summer season at a scheduled meet, they WILL NOT be able to swim the championship meet.
USA - These meets are posted on our website, Winchesterswimteam.com. Sign-up for these meets are also done through the website. If you need assistance signing up for an event please contact Melanie Morrow at . You will receive an e-mail from her when a meet is posted. Please pay close attention to her sign-up deadline and not the one listed on the invitation.
WST Website: After registering with WST you will receive a password to access our website. Schedule changes, meet information and other news are posted here. All billing and sign-ups are also done through our website.
Winchester Swim Team
Summer Registration Form
(please print)
Full Name/ Nickname / Male/FemaleDOB
Full Name/
Nickname / Male/Female
Full Name/
Nickname / Male/Female
Full Name/
Nickname / Male/Female
Photo Permission / I give ____ or ____ do not give permission to WST to take my children(s)’ photo for use only in team related material.
Medical Condition(s)
All swimmers must complete this form. NEW swimmers must also complete a USA registration form.
Fee: Returning swimmers $150; New WST registrants $186, (covers insurance/USA registration); Make checks payable to WST. WST swimmers are registered in the Shenandoah Valley Summer League AND USA/ VA swimming
For mail-in registration, mail forms and check to WST; PO Box 3157; Winchester, VA 22604
Parents Name: ______
Email: ______Alternate E-mail ______
Home Phone: ______Emergency /Cell Phone: ______
Address: ______City: ______
State: ______Zip: ______
Additional emergency contact______Phone#______
* In the event of an emergency, if neither the parent nor emergency contact can be reached, I give permission for the WST Coaching Staff to proceed as they deem necessary.
Parents Signature: ______Date: ______