October 2003
Price, Barrie Jo, Ed.D., Professor
Institute for Interactive Technology http://iit.ches.ua.edu
College of Human and Environmental Sciences http://www.ches.ua.edu
The University of Alabama http://www.ua.edu
Partner, emTech Consulting http://www.emTech.net
15163 Burnt Pines Road
Northport, Alabama 35475
205.333.9185 fax: 205.333.8288
University Experience:
2001- present Professor, Interactive Technology, Institute for Interactive Technology, The University of
1989 - 2001 Professor, Educational Leadership & Applied Technology The University of
Alabama, College of Education
1991 - 1996 Director, International Graduate Education Program, The University of Alabama
1989 - 1991 Co-Director, Center for Communication and Educational Technology and
Professor, The University of Alabama
1987 - 1989 Professor of Teaching and Learning and Co-Director, Miami Center for Interactive Technology, The University of Miami, Miami, Florida
1983 1987 Associate Director, Center for Interactive Technology, College of Engineering,
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas
1980 1987 Faculty, College of Education, University of Arkansas; Rank of Professor 1987
1979 1980 Director of Inservice Grants, College of Education, University of Arkansas
Selected Consultancies
2000- present Principal’s Electronic Desk, The National Principal’s Resource Center, National Association of
Elementary School Principals, http://nprc.educationworld.com
1999-2001 America Reads Project, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C
1994 - present Central and Eastern European Schools' Association (CEESA)
1994 - present Mediterranean Association of International Schools (MAIS)
1998 - Present Consultant, The University of Maryland, Online Classes and Degrees, Frankfurt, Germany
1998 - Present Technology Consultant, International Schools Services (ISS) Princeton, New Jersey
1994 - Present National Association of Elementary School Principals, Washington, D.C.
1992 Multimedia Development Consultant, Central Bank of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama
1987 Consultant, United School Services, Miami, Florida and San Jose, Costa Rica
1988 - 1989 Consultant, Pratt-Whitney, Inc., West Palm Beach, Florida
1989 Consultant, United Nations Development Program for Caribbean Initiative and Central America
1984 1986 Consultant, Phillips Petroleum Co. Bartlesville, Oklahoma
1984 - 1992 Consultant, Welfare Reform Project, Arkansas Legislature and Baldor Electric Corporation
1983 Summer Training Consultant, Private Volunteer Organization Project: Agricultural Development,
Latin America. Win Rock International Livestock Research Foundation
1983 Technology and Curriculum Consultant, Seroe Colorado and Lago Oil Company, Exxon Corporation, Aruba, The Antilles
1983 Consultant, Caribbean Development Group, Curacao, The Antilles
1982 Consultant, Microcomputer Software Division, Random House Publishing, Tulsa, Oklahoma
1982 1992 Software Consultant, Nursing Division, J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1982 Consultant, Interactive Video Project, Allied Health Services, Texas Tech University Medical
1982 Summer, International Schools of Saudi Arabia
1982 Summer, International Community School, Athens, Greece
1979 Present Consultant, Office of Overseas Schools, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C.
Selected Books
Price, B.J.; Mayfield, P.K.; McFadden, A.C.; Marsh, G.E. (1998) Collaborative Teaching: Special Education for Inclusive Classrooms. Parrot Publishing: Kansas City, Mo.
Price, B.J., Marsh, G.E. II, & McFadden, A.C. (1997). Student publishing on the worldwide web. Kansas City: Parrot Publishing Co.
Price, B.J., McFadden, A.C., & Marsh, G.E. II. (1997). Protecting pupils on the Internet. Kansas City: Parrot Publishing Co.
Marsh, G.E. II and Price, B.J. (1995) Internet: Connecting Classrooms to the World in Quality Elementary and Middle Schools, Edited by A.C. McFadden. Alexandria, VA., National Association of Elementary School Principals.
Podemski, R.S.; Marsh, G.E. II; Smith, T.E.C., and Price, B.J. (1995) Comprehensive Administration of Special Education (2nd Edition). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Merrill and Prentice-Hall.
Price, B.J. and Marsh, G.E. II (1995) Performance-based Assessment in Quality Elementary and Middle Schools, Edited by A.C. McFadden. Alexandria, VA; National Association of Elementary School Principals.
Amundson, K.J.; Marsh, G.E. II; Price, B.J. (1995) TQM and School-based Management in Quality Elementary and Middle Schools. Edited by A.C. McFadden. Alexandria, VA.; National Association of Elementary School Principals.
Smith, T.E.C., Price, B.J., and Marsh, G.E. (1986). Mildly Handicapped Children and Adults. West Publishing.
Podemski, R., Price, B.J., Smith, T.E.C., and Marsh, G.E. II. (1984). Special Education Programming: Comprehensive Organization and Administration. Aspen Publishing Company.
Marsh, G.E. II, Price, B.J. and Smith, T.E.C. (1983). Teaching Mildly Handicapped Children: A Comprehensive Approach for Special and Regular Classrooms. Merrill Co.
Marsh, G.E. II, and Price, B.J. (1980). Methods for Teaching the Mildly Handicapped Adolescent. Mosby Co.
May, (Price) B.J. (1978). Instructor's Manual, Marsh, G.E. II, Gearheart, C., and Gearheart, B.R., The Learning Disabled Adolescent. Mosby Co.
Selected Articles
Anna C. McFadden, Ph.D., George E. Marsh II, Ed.D., and Barrie Jo Price, Ed.D. (1999). Why Do Educators Embrace High-Cost Technologies? Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration. Volume 2, Number 4, Winter.
Marsh, G.E. II, McFadden, A.C., & Price, B.J. (1999). Neural Networks and Constructivist Theory. The Internet Source for Schools. Vol. 3 No. 1 - Fall.
Marsh, G.E. II, Price, B.J. & McFadden, A.C. (1999). An Overview of Online Educational Delivery Applications The Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, Volume 2, Number 3, Fall.
Marsh, G.E. II, Price, B.J., & McFadden, A.C. (1998). Tools for student research. The Internet Source for Schools. Vol. 1 No. 2 - Spring.
Marsh II, G.E., McFadden, A.C. & Price, B.J. (1999). Neural Networks and Constructivist Theory. The Internet Source for Schools. Vol. 3 No. 1 - Fall.
Price, B.J. (1998). The Cost-Effectiveness of Computers. The Internet Source for Schools. Vol. 1 No. 2.
Marsh, G.E; Price, B.J; McFadden, A.C. Instructivism vs. constructivism, The Internet Source for Schools, Vol. 1, No. 2, Spring, 1998.
Marsh, G.E.; Price, B.J.; McFadden, A.C. Tools for student research. The Internet Source for Schools, Vol. 1, No. 2, Spring, 1998.
23 additional articles, 1980-1992.
Selected Presentations
The GLEF Modules for Professors, Keynote Address, National Association of Professors of Educational Administrator, Sedona, Arizona, August, 2003.
Introduction of George Lucas Educational Foundation’s Resources for School Leaders, NAESP National Convention, March 2003.
Matching Technology to Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences, Tri-Association Annual Conference, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 2002.
Miss America, Change and Purple Fingers, Keynote Address, European Council of International Schools (ECIS) Technology Conference, Paris, France, March 2003.
Online Delivery Systems. SITE, San Diego, California, February 2000.
Project PLANT: Program for Local Area Network Training, Central and Eastern European Association of Schools (CEESA), Prague, The Czech Republic, March 2000.
Putting Digital Images into Lessons: A 1/2 day workshop for teachers from Westlawn Academy for Math, Science and Technology, Tuscaloosa City Schools, January 8, 2000.
Using The MAIS PLACE: A paper featuring an online clearinghouse on professional development. MAIS Teachers' Conference, Rabat, Morocco, November 1999.
Digital Cameras in the Classroom. A day-long workshop for teachers from MAIS (http://www.web-mais.org) region, hosted by American School of Rabat, Morocco, November 1999 (with Dr. Anna McFadden)
Technology in the Classroom: A day-long workshop for teachers, hosted by the Rome International Schools Association, Rome, Italy, October 1999.
On-line Courses – They Aren't What They Used to Be. Presented in panel format with Dr. Cindy Emmans, Dr. Anna C. McFadden, and Dr. George E. Marsh II. Role of Universities in the Future Information Society. Flagstaff, Arizona, Saturday, October 23, 1999.
Professional Development Workshop. The American School of Rome, Rome, Italy. May, 1999.
The Internet: Something for All Grades and Subjects. A presentation to the Central and Eastern European Schools Association Conference. Warsaw, Poland, March 19, 1999.
Professional Development on the Internet. A presentation to the Central and Eastern European Schools Association Conference. Warsaw, Poland, March 19, 1999.
Writing and Acceptable Use Plan for Teachers and Students Using the Internet. A presentation to the Central and Eastern European Schools Association Conference. Warsaw, Poland, March 20, 1999.
Technology Planning. A presentation to the Central and Eastern European Schools Association Conference. Warsaw, Poland, March 20, 1999.
Technology: A Two-Edged Sword? Presentation and panelist. AAIE Conference Forum, Houston, Texas, February 25, 1999.
Training and workshops in technology for teachers and administrators, ASOMEX, Puebla, Mexico, October 24-26, 1998.
Additional 57 national and international presentations, 1980-1998.
Board Memberships
Member, Advisory Council, George Lucas Education Foundation (http://www.glef.org)
Elected Member, Board of Trustees, Association of American Schools in International Education (AAIE)
Program committee, AAIE, Annual Conferences (1999-present)
Executive Committee, Association of American Schools in International Education (AAIE), 2002-present
Judge, THINKQUEST, international student computer project activity
Board Member, DaVinci Project, Rome, Italy, 1999-present
College Board, Middle States Regional Office, representing AAIE
Board of Directors, IRIS Foundation, a non-profit foundation for the advancement of professional development
Professional Review Activities
Board of Reviewers, Internet In-Sites (2 years)
Editorial Board, The MAIS Place (2 years)
Editorial Board, The Source (2 years)
Board of Reviewers, Read Write Now (2 years)
Content Manager, The Principal’s Electronic Desk (weekly ezine) (since 2000)
Professional Columns in Newsletters
Column, iTeachnet.com, I Was Just Thinking About…
Sample: http://members.iteachnet.com/webzine/article.php?story=20001118231550461
Column, ISS, Newslinks Quarterly Newsletter
Column, AAIE Quarterly Newsletter, INTER-ED, InSites: A Digital Update
Column, ECIS Electronic Newsletter, Digitally Speaking
Teaching Areas
Curriculum and Technology Integration
Technology and Leadership
Barrie Jo Price, Ed.D. 1