List of all Regulatory Measures planned for SNR9 – One-in, Two-out, Red Tape Challenge and EU measures
Shading and Acronym Keys are available at the end of the table
IA No. and/or RTC theme / Lead Dept / Title of Measure / Effect of the Measure / Coming into force / Regulatory / Deregulatory / OITO / RTC / EUMOJ210 / MOJ / Judicial Review Phase 2 / To reduce the incidence of weak JR’s by providing better balanced financial incentives to discourage weak or frivolous cases / 06 April 2015 / Reg / √
MOJ022 / MOJ / Ban on lawyers giving inducements to make a claim / To prohibit the offering of inducements or similar rewards as an inducement to make a claim / 06 April 2015 / Reg / √
MoJ-FT / MOJ / The Legal Services Act 2007 (The Law Society) Modifications of Functions Order 2015 / To harmonise the regulatory regime to eradicate regulatory inefficiency reducing costs for sole practitioners and the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA) and possible risks to consumers of legal services / 06 April 2015 / Dereg / √
MOJ028/2014 / MOJ / Recovering the costs the Lord Chancellor will incur in meeting the costs of the Legal Ombudsman dealing with complaints about claims management companies (CMCs) from the authorised claims industry / To ensure that the costs incurred by the Lord Chancellor in relation to the Legal Ombudsman expenditure in dealing with CMCs are recovered from regulated CMCs in a fair and proportionate way, ensuring that the fees imposed are not overly burdensome on smaller CMCs / 28 Jan 2015 / Reg / √
Acronym Key:
IA Nr and/or RTC theme / Number on the Impact Assessment and/or category of Red Tape Challenge themeLead Dept / Department with lead on the measure
Title of measure / Title of the UK legislation created/amended/removed, if available
Coming into force / Date measure is due to come into force
Reg/Dereg / Regulatory or Deregulatory
OITO / One-in, Two-out measure
RTC / Red Tape Challenge measure
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EU / EU measure (legislation or directive) necessitating a change in UK law for implementation