Oracle UCM 10g to 11g Upgrade
Oracle Universal Content Management Upgrade from 10g to 11g
1. Install Webcenter 11g Suite
2. Upgrade Oracle UCM schema
3. Upgrade UCM Middle Tier
4. Change the Data Source for UCM 11g
5. Verify Instance
1. Install Webcenter 11g Suite
Install 11g Webcenter Suite and create a domain for UCM and check whether UCM 11g Admin console is coming up properly.
In Our environment we have installed UCM 10g and in the same node we installed Weblogic Server 11g (which has UCM 11g).
2.Upgrade Oracle UCM schema
We are using Mocha Xserver in our desktop as display server
Start mocha server in the desktop
Open a telnet session for server and export DISPLAY to IP address of desktop
export DISPLAY=
Navigate to Enterprise Content Management Home bin(11g) directory and invoke upgrade assistant
cd /apps/opt/fmw/webcenter/Oracle_ECM1/bin
Chose the radio button to Upgrade Universal Content Management Schema
We had already taken a backup of schema. We had also checked certification matrix for upgrade, hence checked both the option and proceed further
Here enter the 10g UCM instance directory bin location
Enter the database access details for 10g UCM schema
Complete the upgradation
3. Upgrade UCM Middle Tier
Navigate to Enterprise Content Management Home bin(11g) directory and invoke upgrade assistant
cd /apps/opt/fmw/webcenter/Oracle_ECM1/bin
Choose the option to Upgrade UCM middle Tier
Here give 10g UCM instance bin directory
Here give the location of the UCM domain which we created. We can backup the cs directory in weblogic 11g domain and then create a new cs directory.
Enter the access details for Weblogic Admin Server
Complete the Upgrade.
4. Change the Data Source for UCM 11g
From Weblogic Admin Console navigate Services -> Data Sources -> CSDS
Here enter the UCM 10g schema details
After this restart UCM server and the weblogic admin server.
5. Verify Instance
After this start upgrade assistant and then verify the instance.