OCTOBER 20, 2009

Regular session of NewBostonVillage council was called to order at 6:30 p.m. James Warren, Jr., President of Council, presided over the meeting. The roll was called with the following members of council being present: Mr. Fetty, Mr. Williams,

Mr. Payton, Mr. Mills, and Mr. Salyers.

Mr. Williams made a motion to excuse the absent member, Mrs. Newman.

Mr. Salyers seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the motion carried 5-0.

Pledge of Allegiance/silent prayer

Mr. Mills moved to accept and file the minutes from October 6, 2009.

Mr. Williams seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the motion carried 5-0.

No reports from visitors

No petitions

Communications: Shrine Club has requested to solicit funds in New Boston on November 6 and reported they are a 501(c)(3) using the Cincinnati’s Shrine Club number.Also the Police Department and Bikers for Charity are requesting solicitation on November 27th and December 12th. After some discussion regarding solicitation, Mr. Williams made a motion to bring in the Ordinances to allow the Shriners and Bikers for Charity to solicit funds on their requested days. Mr. Payton seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the motion carried 5-0.

Reports of:

James Warren, Mayor

Recommended Officer Gregory Powell be appointed as Deputy Marshall since he has completed his one year probationary period. Mr. Payton made a motion for the appointment. Mr. Mills seconded the motion. The roll was called. The voting results are as follows: ayes – 5.

Trick or Treat is next Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and the grand opening for the new Maurice’s is next Friday at 10:00 a.m.

Received information in connection with a skate park from American Ramp.

Lana Loper, Clerk – absent – presented report for September 2009. Mr. Mills moved to accept and file the report. Mr. Payton seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the motion carried 5-0.

Kathy Bender, Treasurer – reported funds deposited for September 2009.

Walter Lytten, Legal Counsel –

Steve Hamilton, Village Administrator – reported there is an Ordinance for tonight that needed passed on emergency concerning a report from a consulting group to ODOT stating there be no left turn into River Street from 52 west. Signs are ordered and we will be certified after the signs are up.

Training was done with the service department over at the river. Flood gate was put up. Training will be done each year.

Meeting was held today regarding flood plain management. Currently we have no ordinance regarding this subject and Walt Lytten is checking into one. Also reported by April 15, 2011 flood walls, conservation and levys must be engineered which must be paid by the village. Hopes to work with Portsmouth regarding an engineer.

Talked to Bright Street regarding traffic lights and hope to research grants for lights or do a five year plan. Bid for lights is $276,200.

Starting bids for liability insurance and asked each department to check inventory or make sure new equipment has been listed.

Theda Aldridge, Income Tax Director – absent

Darrold Clark, Chief of Police – presented police report dated 10/20/09 –

Mr. Mills made a motion to accept and file the report. Mr. Payton seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the motion carried.

Thanked council for the appointment of Officer Powell and he should be back to work in a few days.

Chris Bender, Fire Chief – hydrants have been taken care of.

Reports of:

Junior Williams, Laws & Finance – Terry Salyers presented a report of the last finance meeting held on October 13. Discussion at the meeting included shortfalls the village is facing, billing of services for traffic accidents, Steve’s salary being paid from Community Development, sick leave and pothole repairs. Discussion was held to transfer the money from the sewer line extension fund to the general fund since this grant has been closed and appropriating $14,000 for base mapping for sewer lines and $2,200 for a starter.

Mr. Mills made a motion to accept and file the report. Mr. Payton seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the motion carried 5-0.

Mr. Williams made a motion to bring in an ordinance to pay one half the village administrator’s salary out of Community Development and to change the master pay ordinance. Mr. Mills seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the motion carried 5-0. Mr. Williams also made a motion to transfer the sewer line extension fund balance to the general fund. Mr. Mills seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the motion carried 5-0. Mr. Williams also made a motion to appropriate the $14,000 for mapping and $2,200 for a starter.

Mr. Mills seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the motion carried 5-0.

Also Mr. Williams presented a written report for August 27th meeting which has already been discussed. Mr. Williams made a motion to accept and file the report.

Mr. Mills seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the motion carried 5-0.

Mr. Mills moved to bring in an ordinance regarding the parking in front of Pap’s Carry Out. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the motion carried 5-0.

Mr. Williams set another Finance Meeting for November 10 at 6:00 p.m. to review finances of the Village.

Mr. Williams provided information regarding the motor vehicle accident fees. Discussion was held and council decided to table the issue until someone can come in and explain the full details.

Mr. Warren appointed Mr. Dan Fetty as chairman of Lands & Buildings.

Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions

An ordinance was read amending section 147.05 (a), “sick leave”, of the codified ordinances of the Village of New Boston, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Mr. Salyers moved the rules requiring an ordinance or resolution of a general or permanent nature involving the expenditure of money be read on three separate dates be suspended. Mr. Payton seconded the motion. The roll was called. The voting results are as follows: ayes – 5. Mr. Salyers moved to adopt ordinance no. 32-09. Mr. Mills seconded the motion. The roll was called. The voting results are as follows: ayes – 5.

An ordinance was read prohibiting left turns by operators of motor vehicles proceeding westerly on U.S. 52 west onto River Street and declaring an emergency. Mr. Fetty moved the rules requiring an ordinance or resolution of a general or permanent nature involving the expenditure of money be read on three separate dates be suspended.

Mr. Payton seconded the motion. The roll was called. The voting results are as follows:

ayes – 5. Mr. Salyers moved to adopt ordinance no. 31-09. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. The roll was called. The voting results are as follows: ayes – 5.

An ordinance was read transferring and appropriating amounts in the various funds of the village and declaring an emergency. Mr. Salyers moved the rules requiring an ordinance or resolution of a general or permanent nature involving the expenditure of money be read on three separate dates be suspended. Mr. Fetty seconded the motion. The roll was called. The voting results are as follows: ayes – 5. Mr. Williams moved to adopt

Ordinance no. 30-09. Mr. Mills seconded the motion. The roll was called. The voting results are as follows: ayes – 5.

New Business

Mike Payton – thanked the police department. Would like to see everyone at the grand opening of Maurice’s.

Junior Williams – asked if paving was discussed at the District 9 meeting.

Mr. Warren stated it was not but definitely will need to be done.

Dan Fetty – discussed the bump at Lakeview Avenue and Spruce Street.

Welcomed Chief Bender back and thanked Capt. Raike for the fill-in.

There being no further business, Mr. Mills moved the meeting be adjourned.

Mr. Fetty seconded the motion. All members concurring, Mr. Warren declared the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.


President of Council

Passed: ______, 2009

Attest: ______

Village Clerk