Note: This is a short request to a funder. You can adapt it to your event and put it into any format that you are comfortable with. This gives the basics of:

1.  What you want

2.  How to channel the money

3.  Who the key contact is

4.  Organization Description (who you are)

5.  What the Workshop is about, key objectives, and target audiences


To: XYZ Foundation

From: Randy Hayes, World Future Council

Re: Funding Request for a Renewable Energy Policy Workshop

1) The World Future Council – USA requests a $2,500 general support grant in support of activities such as an October 2008 Renewable Energy Payment Workshop in San Diego, California. Contributions will help bring five WFC staff and experts to an audience of 50-70 energy professionals gathering at the Solar Power Conference & Expo. Our overarching objective is to explain the concept and benefits of Germany’s successful renewable energy approach (called a “Feed-In Tariff” policy) into the ongoing dialogue amongst conference participants and attending decision makers.

2) Checks would be written to: Rainforest International, which serves as WFC’s tax-exempt 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor for its US program. Tax ID number 22-3335385.

3) Contact

Randall Hayes, Rainforest International Board of Directors

PO Box 29314

San Francisco, CA 94941

Project contact: Randall Hayes, World Future Council’s Climate Policy Officer ()

4) Organization Description

Founded in 2004, The World Future Council is a group of 50 highly respected NGO leaders, educators, legislators, scientists, and writers from across the globe dedicated to actively implementing progressive social, environmental, and economic policy changes often stalemated by international institutions. The World Future Council (WFC) identifies necessary policies and works to develop new business models based on ethics and science and recognizing real wealth – our climate, water, soil, air, and the health of our communities. WFC-USA focuses on REP policy adoption and implementation, initially in California, Florida, and Michigan.

The overarching topic addressed by WFC is climate change (including deforestation) – our goal is to delineate climate stabilization as a fundamental necessity and human responsibility for a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world for future generations. All global campaigns involve parliamentary hearings, legislative assistance, public events, and its website ( designed as a multimedia clearinghousefor information on policiesto change the world. Efforts in the US are spearheaded by Alliance for Renewable Energy (, which the WFC helped start and serves on the steering committee.

5) Workshop Project Description

The World Future Council is organizing a one-day REP strategy workshop for 50-70 invited participants. Theworkshopwill take place on Sunday, October 12, the day before the start of the Solar Power Conference in San Diego, California (October 13-16). Theidea is to use the workshop as a launching padfor people to spread the word about REPs throughout the conferences thousands of participants.

The workshop will focus on the need for REPs in the US, possible strategies for promoting them, and barriers that must be overcome on the state and federal levels. A special focus will be put on the potential benefits of REPs relative to Solar Renewable Energy Certificates for renewable industries and investors. The workshop will draw on German experiences with Feed-in Tariffs and explore the possibilities and potential for REPs and forREP-RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard) hybrid systems in the US, including economic growth, job creation, and energy and climate security.

Three two-hour panels will be led by WFC staff and experts from the US and Europe that will include and open question and answer session. German Experience with Feed-In Payment Policy will explore the differences between REPs and Renewable Portfolio Standards, realized financial profits, and the benefits to economic growth, energy security, and climate change. Perspectives from Solar Business and Venture Capital will discuss the economic structures behind successful REPs in Europe, New Jersey, and Maryland. Implementation of REPs will explore the necessary processes for establishing local, state, and federal REP plans.

A number of invited speakers have yet to confirm their participation, but we have received considerable interest in presenting.

Key objectives

·  Increase awareness and understanding of German-style renewable energy policy, including their significant potential to address climate change, create new jobs, and support the wind/biomass/solar photovoltaic industry

·  Discuss the details of how to develop andimplementthe German approachin the US

·  Develop solutions for technical problems and political strategies for implementing renewable energy policy in this region

·  Build coalitions and networks to support this policy approach

·  Strengthen and support legislators and others currently working on, or interested in developing bills that introduce Renewable Energy Payments in this area

Main target groups

·  Environmental and Renewable Energy Advocates

·  Policy and Regulatory Staff

·  Solar Manufacturers, Distributors, and Retailers

·  Solar Installers and Contractors

·  Industries, Businesses, Non-Profits, and Municipalities

·  Legislators and Legislative Staff

·  Utilities