Les monuments de Paris

Projet de groupe


This project will focus on famous monuments and touristic sites found in Paris. You will work in groups of 3-4 to create un dossier (a packet) containing specified information about your assigned site. You will also createune maquette(a 3D model) of your site according to given guidelines. Finally, you will present the information in your dossier and your completed maquette to the class.

You may create a power point for your presentation.

Monuments and sites

  • La Tour Eiffel
  • L’Arc de Triomphe
  • Le Louvre
  • Le Centre Georges Pompidou
  • La Cathédral de Notre Dame
  • Les Invalides

Le Dossier

Title Page

Must include the name of your site/monument, date, and group members’ names


Include a map of Paris with you site/monument highlighted. You may also include a written description of the location.


Your dossier must include at least 3 pictures of your site/monument. You may place them throughout the dossier, on the title page, or on a separate page.


Describe the history and/or origins of you site/monument in 1 paragraph or more. Also include how it relates to the culture of France.

(At least7sentences)

Appearance - What does it look like?

Describe the physical features of your site/monument including dimensions, if they are appropriate.

What’s inside?

What can be found inside your site/monument? Art, tombs, restaurants, lots of stairs…

Why should someone visit?

Describe why your site/monument is an interesting place and why you might want to visit.

Interesting Facts

Optional. Include anything else you want us to know about your site/monument.


Use the above website and resources provided by your instructor to begin your research. You must use at least two reputable sources. Please list your resources on the final page of your dossier. You are not required to use MLA format. See your instructor if you need help.

La Maquette

Work with your group to create a 3D model of your site monument. You do not need to build your model to a specific scale. You may use cardboard boxes, construction paper, paint, and any other art supplies provided by your instructor. You may also bring items from home to use. Please check with your instructor before bringing items from home.

Have fun and be creative!

Dossier Rubric

Site/Monument: ______

Names: ______

Category / Points Possible / Points Earned
Title Page / 5
Location / 5
Pictures / 5
History/Culture / 7
Appearance / 7
What’s inside? / 7
Why visit? / 7
Interesting Facts / 0
Resources / 2
Total Points / 45

** The interesting facts category is worth O points because it is optional. If you chose to do this category, you may receive up to 5 points of extra credit.


Maquette Rubric

Site/Monument: ______

Names: ______

Category / Points Possible / Points Earned
Built roughly to scale / 5
Accurateness / 5
Creativity / 5
Overall Appearance / 10
Total Points / 25


Group Member Evaluation Form

Site/Monument: ______

Your Name: ______

Complete an evaluation for each member of your group. Please consider your group members’ overall work ethic and participation. Consult your instructor if you have any questions or concerns.

Group Member’s Name
Overall rating on a scale of 1 to 5 / 1 2 3 4 5
Other Comments
Group Member’s Name
Overall rating on a scale of 1 to 5 / 1 2 3 4 5
Other Comments
Group Member’s Name
Overall rating on a scale of 1 to 5 / 1 2 3 4 5
Other Comments