

Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism
One Capitol Mall, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201

March 25, 2004

Commissioners Present:

Sarah Wruck, Chairwoman Mary Smith, Vice-Chairwoman

Laurie Black Dixie Carlson

Phyllis Jones Thurston Lamb

Gelene MacDowell Linda Westergard

Brenda Williams

Commissioners Absent:


Staff Present:

Robert Phelps, Jack Singleton and Brenda Halbert of Keep Arkansas Beautiful

Guests Present:

Richard Davies and Gloria Robins, AR Dept. of Parks & Tourism

Steve Holcomb, Sharon Vogelpohl and Julie Robbins of Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper

Richard "Matt" Webber, Cabot City Beautiful

Carol Bevis, Keep Pulaski County Beautiful

Paul Mansfield, Keep Benton Beautiful

Judy Manley, Keep Mayflower Beautiful

Call to Order:

Sarah Wruck called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m., and Brenda Halbert called the roll.

Presentation of Minutes:

Ms. Wruck asked for approval of the January 22, 2004.

Thurston Lamb made a motion, seconded by Linda Westergard, to

approve the KArB Commission Minutes of January 22, 2004. The

motion passed unanimously.

Chairwoman's Report:

Ms. Wruck welcomed guests and turned the meeting over to Mr. Phelps.

KArB Commission Minutes

March 25, 2004 - page 2

Financial Report:

Mr. Phelps reported that KArB is under budget on all areas for the period ending February 29, 2004, reflecting year-to-date expenditures of 59%. The following action was taken:

Linda Westergard made a motion, seconded by Mary Smith,

approving the KArB Financial Report for the Period Ending

February 29, 2004, as presented. The motion passed.

Mr. Phelps recommended that the next Commission meeting be held in June instead of July due to the end of the fiscal year. Ms. Wruck confirmed that a June 24 meeting would replace the July meeting.

Executive Director's Report:

Mr. Phelps reported on the following:

·  Arkansas Democrat-Gazette editorial shared regarding keeping Arkansas clean and beautiful.

·  2004 KArB Network Conference & Awards:

1) Registrations to date: approximately 20 for the conference; 45 for the awards luncheon with 3 tables reserved;

2) Embassy Suites - reduced lodging rate extended to April 14 (same date as deadline for conference registration);

3) Awards luncheon guests: 2 complimentary reservations for finalists, awards sponsors and judges; Commissioners, finalists, judges and other dignitaries will be

designated by a colored ribbon on their name badge;

4) Conference program in final stages with welcomed input from Commissioners;

5) Mr. Phelps commended Commissioners for their participation in the Awards' process, particularly Ms. Westergard, Ms. Carlson and Dr. Lamb who served as judges, requesting everyone's continued support in getting word to potential attendees;

6) Grants Guidelines:

a) Proposed amendment to facilitate registration grants for conference presenters who volunteer their time as well as pay for their own lodging and travel;

b) Proposed amendment to allow for mass registration/grant application for network

members, so that processing can be more efficient with direct payment to the KArB Foundation;

c) Grants will be non-restrictive subject to funds available, requesting that a couple of Commissioners assist with approval, stating there are currently pending applications that need approval with a meeting to be held following today's Commission meeting.

Ms. Wruck appointed Brenda Williams and Phyllis Jones to serve on the grants review committee. She also called for a motion regarding the proposed grant amendments with the following action taken:

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March 25, 2004 - page 3

Linda Westergard made a motion, seconded by Thurston Lamb, to approve

the Proposed Amendments to the Guidelines for KArB Grants, as presented. The motion passed.

Mr. Phelps continued with his report as follows:

·  KArB Community Action Network:

1) From the KArB Affiliate Network of the past to the Community Action Network of the future - a more defined and workable plan of community involvement in the KArB mission;

2) Legislative Council: appropriate process and approval will be followed with a July 1

target date to change to the new "CAN" guidelines and Grants Guidelines;

3) An in-depth presentation entitled "Together, We Can" will be made by Mr. Phelps and Mr. Singleton at the opening session of the statewide conference.

Mr. Phelps and Mr. Singleton presented an overview of the presentation they will make at the KArB Statewide Conference. Additionally, other conference topics will include:

·  Developing partnerships in community curbside recycling, cleaning up urban wetlands and community beautification, as well as developing a successful grant application.

·  Getting schools involved with "School Litter Free Zones" concept, "service learning" as a model in litter-prevention, how to use "School Recycling Guides", the impact of butterfly gardens to students and the community, planting Arkansas natives in the landscape, and an Earth Day Awareness Center will be set up to share resources.

·  Partnering for the Great Arkansas Cleanup and Great American Cleanup , litter prevention and beautification related to economic development, and litter law enforcement issues.

Mr. Phelps highlighted other aspects of the conference, including an opening luncheon recognizing finalists in Media Advocacy; dinner presentation of partnership awards to AR Game & Fish Commission Law Enforcement, Glock, AR State Highway & Transportation Department and Glad Manufacturing; and entertainment provided by the Fountain Lake Jr. High EAST Lab presenting "Clean Getaway". The second day will include Earth Day awareness events, the KArB Awards presentations, followed by planting of a butterfly garden at the new Embassy Suites in Hot Springs.

Volunteer Services:

Jack Singleton continued, reporting on conference/awards events and other issues as follows:

·  Earth Day events: specifics reviewed.

·  "Service Learning" concept and developing a litter-prevention plan in the community or a school litter free zone - a work in progress.

·  Great American Cleanup 2004 progress report:

1) 13 participating communities;

2) New sponsors, including Lysol, providing products, banners, posters and t-shirts;

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March 25, 2004 - page 4

3) Challenging businesses and other local organizations to join in, as well as encouragement of partnering with local law enforcement to advocate a "no tolerance" to litter policy.

·  Cell phone recycling:

1) Reviewed Eco-Phones partnership implementation plan;

2) Specifics related to school fund raising, i.e., $3 return on each phone, or possibility of recycling donation to KArB Foundation;

3) Two million cell phones in Arkansas;

4) 200,000 gallons of water can be contaminated by toxic chemicals from one cell phone with environmental issue being top priority.

Mr. Singleton was asked to investigate further the cell phone recycling issue and report at the next Commission meeting.

Advisory Reports:


Richard Davies, Executive Director of ADPT, reported:

·  The Special Masters will report to the Supreme Court on April 3 regarding the school consolidation and tax issues. He reminded Keep Arkansas Beautiful that we are constitutionally mandated and have better security than some divisions.

·  He commended KArB on the "service-learning" concept and working with schools on litter issues, noting there is a need for such a program at Central High School, a historical landmark.

Governor's Office:

No report given.

Congressional District Reports:

Ms. Wruck opened the floor for Congressional District reports as follows:

Congressional District 4:

Laurie Black reported:

·  AR Game & Fish Commission is becoming more involved with litter control/enforcement and the awards program.

·  E-mails have been sent to District 4 Affiliates and Awards finalists regarding attendance at the statewide conference and awards luncheon.

·  AR Federation of Garden Clubs State Convention: booklet "The Arkansas Gardener 2004" will include article about litter, flower seeds will be distributed and Ms. Black will make a presentation supporting the KArB mission.

KArB Commission Minutes

March 25, 2004 - page 5

Mary Smith reported:

·  Personal contact made with KArB Awards finalists in District 4; every group will be represented except one that has a conflict.

·  Governor's Conference:

1) Attended since 1987 with activities including presentations, participation in a KArB booth, contacting at least 10 influential people regarding the KArB mission with a packet of material, all with minimal effectiveness;

2) Proposal: Send at least four people to the conference, be standing at doors during mealtime wearing something to designate as a KArB representative, i.e., banner, vest, something that stands out; distribute handouts to make an effective impression on the people "who care what this state looks like" and will take our ideas back to their community.

General discussion followed regarding tailoring our product to fit the needs of the tourism industry and how we can effectively market it to involve them in our conference each year.

Ms. Smith stated that we have one year to prepare for our role in the Governor's conference to be held in Little Rock in 2005.

Congressional District 3:

Phyllis Jones presented her activity report for March as follows:

·  Fayetteville: Ms. Jones and Ms. MacDowell presented three Distinguished Services Awards to Mayor Coody and the City of Fayetteville with press in attendance.

·  Huntsville:

1) Presentation of Distinguished Service Award to representatives of Madison County Recycling Center;

2) April 3 - Recycles Day to be celebrated;

3) Thrift shop is excellent entity to recycle.

Gelene MacDowell added to Ms. Jones report as follows:

·  Fort Smith Flower & Garden Show this weekend:

1) KArB will share booth space with Fort Smith Pride, focusing primarily on cigarette litter;

2) Ad placed in "Entertainment Fort Smith", paid in part by a grant from KArB;

3) Prepared flower seed packets and "cigarette butt" bouquets for the event;

4) Litter coats will be worn.

·  Travel brochures: shared ideas, from surrounding states, i.e., "Don't Mess with Texas", stressing the importance of Arkansas travelers seeing a Keep Arkansas Beautiful message when they enter the state.

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March 25, 2004 - page 6

Congressional District 2:

Thurston Lamb had to leave early but had expressed support of the "school litter free zone" program, stating he would personally contact Central High School regarding possible implementation.

Linda Westergard reported on the following:

·  Fairfield Bay:

1) Attended event recognizing Fairfield Bay as a Community of the Year finalist;

2) Marge Wright served as host of a city tour, including a butterfly garden and visit to

the Chamber of Commerce;

3) They will purchase a table for the awards luncheon and have applied for grants to attend the full conference.

·  Resignation: Ms. Westergard officially announced her resignation as KArB Commissioner, effective May 1, with the annual conference and awards luncheon being her last official duty. She stated that a very qualified person has agreed to serve as her replacement if approved by the Governor, so that a smooth transition will take place. She shared pots of "Birds Foot" violets, a rescued native perennial from her home place; also, two flats will be donated to the Grandview Prairie. She concluded her remarks by stating, "Don't forget about the wildflowers."

Ms. Wruck expressed her gratitude to Ms. Westergard for the great work she has done on behalf of Keep Arkansas Beautiful, stating she has been a "driving force" on the Commission.

Congressional District 1:

Brenda Williams reported that she and Jack Singleton attended the Arkansas Environmental Education Association's annual expo in Eureka Springs. She said the conference was very informative, particularly an exceptional presentation by students from a school in Reed Springs, Missouri, who reported on success of a dump being located next to their school. They have partnered in a recycling program with the community; they also have a greenhouse, selling one-third of the plants used by Silver Dollar City. She recommended the same presentation be given at next year's KArB conference.

Dixie Carlson reported that she has been very busy, getting more involved in schools, and is becoming more recognizable as a KArB Commissioner. She stated the radio spots are getting a lot of attention in her district.


Sarah Wruck reported:

·  Met recently with AR Game & Fish Commission Law Enforcement Officers in Greene County regarding illegal dumps.

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March 25, 2004 - page 7

·  She is returning to live in Pine Bluff and hopes to reconnect with the Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Commission.

Guests' Remarks:

Cabot City Beautiful:

Matt Webber reported on activities surrounding the Cabot City Beautiful spring cleanup scheduled for April 24. He voiced his regrets that Cabot would not be represented at the KArB Statewide Conference in Hot Springs due to preparation for the cleanup.

Keep Mayflower Beautiful:

Judy Manley reported on a political event where KArB litter bags were distributed along with campaign material to approximately 1500 voters, noting we should be mindful of similar opportunities where KArB information could be disseminated.

Keep Benton & Saline County Beautiful:

Paul Mansfield stated that Keep Benton Beautiful is gaining support with 30 members currently. A spring cleanup is scheduled for April as well as a Great Arkansas Cleanup event planned for September. He has personally distributed KArB and ADEQ educational materials to approximately 2,000 elementary students in the Benton area. Mr. Mansfield said he is encouraged by the enthusiasm of people he is working with and is proud to be a part of Keep Arkansas Beautiful.

Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper:

Julie Robbins reported as follows:

·  KArB Awards & Conference 2004:

1) Distinguished Service finalists have been announced, distributing lists with contact information to each district Commissioner;

2) Postcard and program brochure mailings have been completed by the KArB office;

3) Website has been updated for the awards and conference, including registration form and grants application;

4) Media has been notified;

5) Press events have been scheduled and/or held for the following: Fayetteville, Clinton Elementary and Oakbrooke Elementary, Russellville and Stone County.

·  Newsletter will be mailed next week by the KArB office;

·  "Please Don't Litter" bumper stickers have been ordered and are available at KArB.

·  Arkansas Advertising Federation Awards - ADDY's that MHRC received recently on behalf of Keep Arkansas Beautiful:

1) Silver: animation/special FX, Cigarette Fairy, TV;

2) Silver: sound design, Cigarette Fairy, TV;

3) Silver: sound design, Cigarette Fairy "Fairytale" radio;