Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2002
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Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2002
Immediate Past President Richard Skalski called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM
In attendance: Steve Chizek, P.E. (SC), President
Kamran Qadeer, P.E. (KQ), President-Elect (Via Telephone)
Jim Grant, P.E. (JG), Vice President
Bryan Jennings, P.E. (BJ), Secretary
Jerry Sivak, P.E. (BJ), Treasurer
Richard Skalski (RS), Immediate Past President
Frank Meyers, P.C. P. (FM), Executive Secretary
No additional items were added to the Agenda
JG moved to accept the Meeting Minutes from the October 24, 2002 meeting as submitted; RS seconded. Motion passed.
No correspondence was submitted.
a) Financial Reports - October 2002
FM reviewed the transactions through the end of October 2002. There was some discussion on the High School Scholarship Fund. The intent is for the branches to use the money to provide a scholarship to a high school senior going into Civil engineering. It appeared that many branches were not aware of this option and were therefore not participating. JG moved to accept Financial Report; BJ seconded. Motion passed.
b) Membership & Dues Status - October 2002
FM reviewed the current status of dues receipts and membership by Branch. JG moved to accept the Membership & Status Report; BJ second. Motion passed.
a) MCE Editor – SC presented proposal by Jim Hegarty to become editor of the MCE. This included a proposed new format and costs. Presently there are 2800 copies printed at a cost of approx. $5000 per quarter. The proposal is for 2500 copies at $12,300 annually. Discussion followed regarding fund raising and sponsorship. Potentially have annual state sponsors for both the MCE and the State Annual Meeting. There will be a need to have one person “ramrod” to take control of the sponsorships. We will nedd to define where the dollars go – Annual Meeting, MCE, Scholarships, Student Chapters, etc.
JG moved to accept Jim Hegarty’s proposal. BJ second. Motion passed.
b) Annual Meeting 2002
JG presented report and will send a copy to RS. JG will also send RS a list of “do’s & don’ts” in preparation for next year’s meeting in Kalamazoo.
Annual Meeting 2003
RS reported that the dates of the meeting are 9/25/03 & 9/26/03 at the Radisson Plaza Hotel in downtown Kalamazoo. Golf will be at the Heritage Glen Golf Course just west of Kalamazoo. RS was contacted by a Leadership Consultant that is interested in working with ASCE. RS will send info to KQ. RS will pursue the potential of getting the new ASCE President to speak.
c) Web Page - SC asked that all Section Board members to please verify their personal information. Rhett Groenevelt is searching for a replacement for himself.
d) 150th Anniversary Committee – No Report
e) Flint Saginaw Northeast Branch – SC passed out a copy of an E-mail from Gerry Godley w/ Rowe, Inc. The E-mail outlined proposed counties that might work well for the new branch. These include: Bay / Midland / Isabella / Gratiot / Saginaw / Genesee / Lapeer / Tuscola / Huron / Sanilac. Presently, Lapeer County and ½ of Genesee County is assigned to the S.E. Branch. There are 12 people assigned to Lapeer County and 45 people assigned to Genesee County. FM will find out how many are paying members. FM states that the state board can create a new branch and SC states that ASCE National needs to be involved. FM SC will resolve to find out exactly what needs to be done. KQ will present this possible creation of a new branch to the S.E. Branch.
f) Membership 2003 – SC suggest Rhett Groenevelt for State Chairperson. He will contact. JG has potential candidate for younger member at Zone II Meeting. JG will contact Rhett for information.
No new business was discussed.
The next meeting is scheduled for January 23, 2003 @ 5 PM at the Lansing office of NTH Consultants (520 S. Creyts Road, Suite A, 48917).
Meeting adjourned at approximately 6:15 PM.