Many local parents have voiced concern over skyrocketing gas prices. They have brought their concerns to the local school board, who have in turn, now limited each classroom to one field trip per school year.


Write an article for the local newspaper explaining how field trips enhance classroom instruction. Convince the school board to provide funding to allow more field trips.


Your local newspaper is having a writing contest about being a responsible student.


Write a feature article about being a responsible student who demonstrates good leadership qualities.


Write a letter to the local newspaper. Explain why your best friend deserves to win the contest for being the most responsible student.


Due to inappropriate use, your school has banned cell phones during school hours. Think of a time when you needed to use your cell phone at school.


Write a speech to be delivered to your Site Based Council about the pros of allowing cell phones in your school. Support your ideas by discussing a time when a cell phone would have been useful in a situation at school.


The principal has noticed that many students are throwing away more of their school lunches than ever before. There are many complaints about the lack of variety in our lunches.


Write a letter to the cafeteria manager persuading her to provide more lunch options each day. Include at least three healthy food alternatives which can be added to the school menu and give reasons why you think these would be good choices.


The SBDM Council is meeting to discuss the idea of local fast-food restaurants serving lunch in schools. The council wants student voice to make a decision for the 2007-08 school year.


Write a letter to the council including reasons why you agree or disagree with fast-food restaurants serving lunch in the cafeteria. Be sure to include the reasons why you feel this way.


There is an on-going debate regarding “free time” for students and homework assignments. At the next SBDM meeting, a policy regarding homework requirements will be addressed and possibly adopted.


Write a speech to be delivered to the SBDM council representing student opinion regarding this issue. Support your ideas by writing about a time when homework assignments interfered with non-academic obligations.


We have all experienced an occasion when we just wanted our way in a particular circumstance. Think of a time in your life when you desperately wanted your parents to side with you in a situation that directly affected you. What brought about your desire to gain their permission? How did you go about persuading your parents? Were you successful in changing their decision? Do you have advice for other teens who might find themselves in a similar situation?


Write an article describing the process you used to persuade your parents. Support your plan by writing about a time when constructing a convincing argument changed your parents’ or guardians’ decision in your favor.


Writing skills are important life skills, for instance, the ability to effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas effectively will be critical in your future. Think of a time when you needed to use writing to communicate effectively. What did you need to know? How did you go about organizing your writing? Could someone else learn from your experience?


Write an article for the end of year newsletter about the importance of knowing the writing process. Support your idea by including a time in your experience when you used writing to communicate effectively.


Recently, harassment and bullying problems have been reported at your school. From an early age we are taught to treat others the way we want to be treated. Why is this mindset important?


Write an editorial for your school newspaper, discussing the importance of respecting others and how mutual respect could reduce the incidents of bullying and harassment at your school.


The Federal Commissioner of Health and Nutrition has recently reversed its law on the sell of soda pop and sugary snacks during the school day. As of now, our local school board does not allow these items to be sold (during the school day). However, this issue is on the agenda for the next board meeting.


Write a letter to convince the school board to allow or reject the sale of pop and snack during school hours. Explain the benefits or negative side effects of allowing the sale of these items in your school.


OMS is having issues with cleanliness and safety in the restrooms.


Write a plan to solve these problems. Explain this plan in a letter to your principal. Give evidence to support why your plan is the best course of action.


Since there are so many opportunities offered to students outside of regular class time, it is easy for every student to become involved in their school regardless of different abilities or interests.


Write a letter to a new student describing some of the different types of extra-curricular activities offered to help them be involved in their new school.


Your class has not been performing at a proficient level on formative assessments. The class is looking for a different way to prepare for tests and quizzes. Your teacher is uncertain about changing his/her methods.


Write a letter to your teacher suggesting different ways you can prepare for assessments. Be sure to include why you think these strategies would work.


Your school is creating a safety newsletter to help prevent student injuries through the school day. Think about activities you do each day that require a set of safety guidelines.


Write an article for your newsletter that explains a set of safety guidelines to your schoolmates.


The Dell Computer Corporation is looking for a school to adopt in our county as an educational partner. In this partnership, the school would receive free hardware and software to help with their educational programs.


Write a letter to Dell Computer executives detailing why your school would be the best choice for educational partners.


The local school board has some extra money to spend. They are taking suggestions from students about the best way to spend the money.


Write a letter to the local school board convincing them that your suggestion is the best way to spend the money. Support your answer by giving reasons why you think so.

Abell & Atherton Educational Consulting, Inc.