Our Lady of Lourdes School Board

Minutes for the meeting held on

October 2, 2012

Present: Patricia Koetzner, Sabino Biondi, John McNierney, Regina Portsmore, Lisa Durand, Lisa Kalin, Jen Prizzi, Mike Grant, Father Frank, Mrs. Mary Murphy

Approve minutes from May 2012

School Report:

·  ½ day Friday, October 5 for Zone Day

·  Mrs. Lettieri will attend training for Fast Forward (Kindergarten program)

·  Parents……. please take Middle States survey (link on OLL website)

·  Scholastic Book Sale this week in church basement

·  Innisbrook Fundraiser ended Monday, October 1

·  Bake sale for OLL School Fundraiser October 13-14

·  Fall raffle pulled November 21st

·  4th and 7th graders taking COGATS

·  7th Grade Technology Day- October 10 (Adventureland)

·  October 22- individual pictures, October 29 group photos

·  October 8th off, also October 19th

·  Chess Club meets Wednesday

·  Yoga Club begins October

·  Sunday, October 7th Living Rosary

PTL Report:

·  Movie-Pajama Night has been changed to November 30 (Christmas Theme)

Safety Report:

·  Safety Inspection conducted by Mike Grant and Kevin Dieck on October 2, 2012 (details on file)

·  OLL Men’s Club will be looking for volunteers to contribute to a “painting day” to paint areas in need around the school.

·  Drop off and pick-up safety is a concern as parents are picking up in crosswalks, blocking driveways etc. Chief of Police will have officers patrolling the area distributing tickets to parents parking illegally.

Publicity Report:

·  First Wednesday of every month will try to have a parent representative attend Town Meeting

New Business:

·  “SMART” Tuition interested in making presentation

·  OLL Men’s Club will present $12,000 to school

·  OLL families are encourage to attend Parish Spiritual Events throughout the year

Upcoming School Board meetings:

November 6th

January 8th

March 5th

May 7th