School: Bostrom High School Teacher: Mrs. Mills Website:

Email: Department: Physical Education Course: Fitness & Sports

Code: 5501 No. of Credits: 1/2 Grade Level(s): 9-12 Prerequisite(s): None

1. Course Description: This course will provide an environment for students to improve their health related fitness skills along with learning personal workout guidelines. The settings of the class will be varied to provide a variety of fitness activities thus giving the student an opportunity to reach a higher level of personal physical health.

2. Materials Required: The school uniform consists of the grey “Bostrom Physical Education” t-shirt and black bottoms. Students must be dressed out daily in the school uniform, along with athletic shoes and socks.

·  Course Fee – $15.00 (shirt = $7, Shorts $8; purchase in front office)

·  Pencil/Pen

·  Interactive Notebook

·  Hygiene products

·  Lock – (provided by school; if lost or stolen replacement fee is $5.00)

******Student may purchase their own black workout bottoms***

3. Class Regulations: All students will be expected to follow the classroom regulations. If a student violates any of the following, consequences such as: student conference, loss of points, parent contact, administration involvement or referral will be implemented.

Classroom Rules:

·  Be on time, prepared and present to participate

·  Be respectful to self, others and property

·  Food, drinks or electronic devices are prohibited (accept water)

*teacher may allow students to use cell phones for academic purpose

·  Leaving the room/area without permission is prohibited

·  Vandalizing any school property will result in a referral

·  Follow all district/school policies and procedures

Classroom Procedures:

The following are the procedures in which the students should enter into the class:

1.  Students will report to the Health classroom (room 228) before the final bell has rung

2.  Students will grab their binder, SSR book and sit in assigned seats

3.  Students will review whiteboard for instructions

Cell Phone/Electronic Policy

Students must have cellular phones and electronic devices off (or on silent) and in the container on their table at all times (unless permitted by the teacher for learning purposes). Students will be allowed to use cell phones before school, after school and during lunch. Disruptive and inappropriate use of devices will be handled in the following manner:

1.  Warning

2.  Confiscation of device: conference with student after class; loss of 10 participation points; device returned to student

3.  If offense is repeated a parent conference will be required and/or disciplinary referral for defiance of authority may be given

*A free public phone is available for student use in the front office lobby area.

*Students bring personal property to school at their own risk. The school is not liable for loss, theft or damage to personal property


Students will be responsible for taking tests and quizzes on-line. Access to technology is a must to be successful in this course. Computers are available on campus for student use during Advisory, lunch, before school and after school.

Activity Procedures:

The following are the procedures that must be followed when in the activity portion of the class:

·  Students will have 5 minutes to change into their workout clothes and be seated in their roll call lines.

·  Students will proceed to the day’s workout area to complete warm-up laps and dynamic stretching routine.

·  The students will then participate in their daily activities.

·  At the end of the block the students will have 10 minutes to shower (if they choose) and change back into their original clothing.

Restroom Policy:

Students will be required to ask for permission to use the restroom during appropriate times. Failure to follow rules or excessive use of the policy will result in denial of request or administrative assistance.

*Restrooms will not be used until class is in the “activity” portion of class

Inappropriate Language:

If a student is found using inappropriate language/gestures they will be disciplined with one of the following (per each offense): 10 push-ups, 15 seconds of wall-sits or a referral.

4. Grading System: This is a participation class. Students must be present to maintain a passing grade! You and your child can monitor class progress by logging on to ParentVue or StudentVue located on our school website.

Point Value Breakdown:

·  Performance: 35% (refer to performance rubric below)

§  20 pts. dress out

§  20 pts. participation

·  Assignments: 35% (examples: homework, SSA, SSR Log, etc.)

·  Assessments: 20% (examples: midterm, unit tests, Word Wall tests, etc.)

·  Final Exams: 10% (5% PE MCESA Test & 5% Fitness Gram)

Grading Scale:

·  100-90%: A

·  89.9-80%: B

·  79.9-70%: C

·  69.9-0%: F

Daily Dress-Out Rubric

Advanced proficient 20 points / Proficient
10 points / Partially proficient 5 points / Not proficient
0 points
Dress out in proper school uniform with athletic shoes. / Dressed with athletic shoes and without school uniform (shirt or shorts). / No school uniform only workout clothes with athletic shoes. / No athletic clothing or no athletic shoes

Daily Participation Rubric

Advanced proficient
20 points / Proficient
10 points / Partially proficient
5 points / Not proficient
0 points
Consistently participates in all daily activities. / Participates most of the activity. / Participates ½ the activity. / No participation in any activities.

*Key words:

Performance – Combination of dressing out and participating in all daily activities.

School Uniform – District enforced school P.E t-shirt and black athletic bottoms.

Proper Dress Out – no sleeveless shirts, no saggy shorts, no athletic clothes worn to school for the day

5. Title I Program: Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support for passing classes and graduating on time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding is available in the areas of: math, reading and English. If interested, please contact the Principal or Assistant Principal for additional information at 602-764-1700.

6. Make-up Policy: Only students who were absent from class (for any reason) may receive and turn in missed work.

Classroom Make-up Work:

Students may receive missed work during the first 15 minutes of class or Advisory. Student will have the number of days missed to complete the work.

*Please be aware that some in-class assignments or activities cannot be made up

Performance Points Make-up:

If a student is absent from class for any reason they will lose their Performance points (40) each day they are not present. 20 points may be made up by completing 1 of the following options per each absence:

1.  After school 30-minute workout session in weight room (must be scheduled with teacher; must be completed within a week of the absence; excludes students with 3rd block)

2.  Written summary on a topic related to the class

Tardy Work:

If a student turns in work a day late the maximum amount of points they may receive is 50%. No work will be accepted past a day late.

7. Attendance: Since this course is only 6 weeks, each absence highly effects the information learned and your overall success in the class.

Tardy Policy:

Students that arrive to any class tardy without a pass will be assigned to Alternative Instructional Setting (AIS) the following school day from 1:55 - 2:55. Classroom teachers will document all tardies in synergy and fill out AIS slip for students. Students that have a 3rd block class will serve AIS during lunch for 2 consecutive days. Any student that receives AIS 3 times within a term will engage in a conference with the Principal and parent(s), receive an attendance contract and will be placed in a mandated attendance group.

* “Absent” is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than one-half of the period. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)

* “Tardy” is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)

Student Name (print): ______Period: ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Name (print): ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______