San Diego State University
Department of Administration, Rehabilitation, & Postsecondary Education
Ed.D., 5/99University of San Diego
Emphases: Leadership Studies/Organizational and Systems Change
Graduate San Diego State University
Certificate Department of Administration, Rehabilitation, and Postsecondary Education: Certificate: Rehabilitation Administration (1/97)
M.S.Ed., 12/82University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (Special Education)
Emphasis: Individuals with Severe Disabilities
B.S., 5/75Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois (Elem/Spec. Ed.)
Professor (August 1999 – present) & Chair(Aug. 2008 - present), Department of Administration, Rehabilitation, and Postsecondary Education San Diego State University, San Diego, CA; Coordinator, Rehabilitation Counseling Program (July 2004 – August 2008), Supported Employment and Transition Specialist Certificate; Certificate of Rehabilitation Technology (with College of Engineering); and Pupil Personnel Services – School Counseling Credential (with Department of Counseling and School Psychology)
Co-Director, Interwork Institute (August 1990-Present). Administration of more than $12 million annually in demonstration and research activities for state and federally funded grants and contracts related to continuing education for community rehabilitation professionals; use of interdisciplinary teams in the development of customized assistive technology for persons with significant disabilities; collaboration with schools and community agencies to facilitate the transition of students from school after graduation; online training and degree programs; state Medicare infrastructure and systems change efforts; family resource center/parent to parent support & parent/professional collaboration
Bobroff, S., & Sax, C. L. (in press). The effects of peer tutoring interview skills training with transition-age youth with disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Scherer, M. J., & Sax, C. L. (2010). Measures of assistive technology predisposition and use. In E. Mpofu & T. Oakland (Eds.), Rehabilitation and Health Assessment: Applying ICF Guidelines (pp. 229 – 254). New York: Springer Publishing.
Duffin, D., & Sax, C. (2009). Creating an inclusive synergy between user focused and environmental approaches in further and higher education. In P.L. Emiliani, L. Burzagli, A. Como, F. Gabbanini, A. Salminen (Eds.), Assistive Technology from Adapted Equipment to Inclusive Environments (Proceedings of the 10th European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe), Assistive Technology Research Series, 25, 652-657.
Sax, C. L., & Twomey, H. D. (2008). Lifelong learning for rehabilitation professionals. Journal of Rehabilitation Administration, 32, 85-93.
Hampton, N. Z., & Sax, C. (2008). Introduction and overview of the special issue in international rehabilitation education, Rehabilitation Education, 21, 219-221.
Sax, C. L., & Noyes, D. A. (2008). Interagency collaboration: It takes communication to support transitions. In F. R. Rusch (Ed.), Beyond high school: Preparing adolescents for tomorrow’s challenges (2nd ed.), (pp. 160-175). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Project Pendleton: Military Family Support 360 Center. $266,666 (annually, to be funded for 5 years). Department of Health & Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities.
Technical Assistance and Continuing Education Center for Region IX (TACE IX). $792,258 (annually, to be funded for 5 years). US Department of Education Rehabilitation Services Administration.
Long Term Training for Rehabilitation Professionals: Certificate of Rehabilitation Technology. Year 1: July 1, 2008 – June 31, 2009 ($99,999/year, to be funded for 5 years). US Department of Education Rehabilitation Services Administration.
California Health Incentives Improvement Project, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, AY 2008-09, $2,640,006; awarded funding for 2010: $4,028,900
California Community Choices Planning and Implementation Project, California Department of Health Services Award, AY 2008-09: $386,741
Hawaii VRSBD Masters Degree & Online Training Programs, $324,519;State of Hawaii.
Grants awarded to San Diego’s Exceptional Family Resource Center from state and local sources, including CA Department of Developmental Services, Family Health Centers of San Diego, Chula Vista School District, Down Syndrome Association, Family Voices, San Diego County First 5 Commission, AY 2008-09:$805,247
Editorial Board, Disability and Rehabilitation, beginning May 2006
Guest reviewer, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, beginning March 2006
Guest reviewer, Mental Retardation (American Association on Mental Retardation journal), July 2004
Editorial Board, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation (July 2003 – April 2009)
Editorial Board, Assistive Technology (Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America journal), beginning June 2002
Caren L. Sax1