Minutes of the Council meeting held Thursday, 23rd February 2017 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall, Watlington
Present:ChairmanCllr J Golding
Vice ChairmanCllr B Leedell
CouncillorsCllr R Beeby
Cllr T Bradley
Cllr A Prior
Cllr A Wiles
Parish ClerkMrs S Porter
Members of Public0
16/17Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence had been received fromCllr A King (work commitment), Cllr K Smith (personal commitment), Cllr P Smith (personal commitment) and BoroughCllrP Hodson (BCKL&WN meeting).
The apologies were accepted.
17/17Approval of the minutes of the Council meeting held on Thursday, 12th January 2017
Proposed –Cllr BeebySeconded – Cllr Bradley
That the minutes of the Councilmeeting held on Thursday, 12th January 2017 (items 1/17-15/17) are approved and signed as a true and accurate record.
All in favour
The Chairman, Cllr Golding, duly signed and dated the minutes of the meeting.
18/17Declarations of interest and requests for dispensation
Cllr Prior declared a pecuniary interest in Item 26.1.2/17as the planning application was his own.
19/17Councillor issues and village matters
19.1/17Casual Vacancy
The Clerk reported that no applications had been received for the two Councillor vacancies.
19.2/17Dog fouling issues throughout the village
The Chairman, Cllr Golding, reported that the dog fouling inWatlington had reduced but was still a problem in some areas. Cllr Bradley reported that the Stone Close Play Area, an area with a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO), had recently been very bad. It was noted that a corrugated Dog Sign would be placed on the bow top fencing.
Ms Jackie Squires, BCKL&WN Neighbourhood Officer, had confirmed that the metal PSPO signs were with the BCKL&WN operative to install at the playgrounds. It was agreed for the Clerk to contact Ms Squires and enquire whether they could be delivered to the Parish Council for a volunteer to erect them.
Cllr Bradley reported that the dog bin in Fairfield Lane was loose. The Chairman, Cllr Golding, agreed to secure the bin by repairing the strapping.
19.3/17 Sports and Social Club street light on the adjacent footpath
The Chairman, Cllr Golding, reported that the Council’s street lighting contractor, K & M Lighting Services, had visited the Sports & Social Club to examine the defective lamp on the footpath, which had not been working for at least two years. This was as a result of numerous complaints being received. Whilst on site the engineers also examined the electricity supply in the building to ascertain the entire unit set up and it was established that the lamp did belong to the Club.
As the Club was not under contract with any street lighting provider, the engineers kindly replaced the lamp with an LED light. As a result, the Council was invoiced for the works and the Clerk wrote to them requesting payment.
The Clerk reported that she had been emailing the Club Secretary, Mrs Lorraine Bussens, for three months regarding various matters, including the street light, but had never received a response. When a letter was sent to the Club requesting payment for the replaced light, Mrs Bussens telephoned to advise that they hadn’t known the lamp belonged to them and that they were not responsible for the health and safety of pedestrians in the footpath and would therefore not be paying the invoice. She advised that the Club were contemplating the removal of the light and the Clerk had suggested that they consider donating it to the Council in order that it could then be added to the Council’s street lighting contract, the cost of which would be an additional £7.25 + VAT per annum. The Clerk had advised Mrs Bussens that the Club would still pay the electricity charges, as the feed was connected to their supply, but that they would no longer have the burden of the maintenance of it. Mrs Bussens confirmed that she would report this to the Club Committee and confirm by email that this was to be discussed. To date, no email had been received.
It was agreed for the Chairman, Cllr Golding, to contact Mr Brian Creasey, acting Chairman of the Sports & Social Club Committee, to discuss this matter and attend their forthcoming AGM.
The Chairman, Cllr Golding, adjourned the meeting at 7.25pm.
County Cllr Brian Long
County Cllr Long was not present at the meeting and no prior written report had been received.
Borough Cllr Peter Hodson
Borough Cllr Hodsonwas not present at the meeting and no prior written report had been received.
Public Participation
There were no members of public present at the meeting.
The Chairman, Cllr Golding, resumed the meeting at 7.26pm.
20/17Finances and Clerks Report
20.1/17Clerks Finance Report
The Clerk reported that at a BCKL&WN meeting held on Thursday, 19th January 2017 it had been agreed that discounts relating to empty, unfurnished and uninhabitable properties would be reduced to encourage owners of empty properties to bring them back into use. The Clerk had circulated details of the new taxbase to Councillors prior to the meeting as follows:
2017/2018 Precept
2016/2017 Tax base 777.2 - For a precept of £39,065 this was £50.26 per band D property2017/2018 Tax base 791.9 - For a precept of £49,665 this equates to (precept divided by tax base):
Band D = £62.31(23.99% increase on 2016/2017 = £12.05 increase per annum / £1.00 increase per month / 23p increase per week / 3p increase per day)
Band A = £41.54(2/3 of Band D)
Band H = £124.60(twice Band D)
Section 137 payments limit for 2016/17 is £7.42 per elector (2002) = maximum £14,854.84
The new details were noted.
The Clerk had circulated the bank reconciliation for the period ending January 2017 with the agenda. The bank balances were as follows:
Chairman Signed ...... Dated ...... (2017) Page 1 of 12
January 2017
Bank Reconciliation / Community Account / Business Account / Reconciliation Community Account / Reconciliation Business AccountBank Statement Start Balances / 1,940.50 / 85,857.78 / Bank Statement 01.01.2017 / 1,940.50 / Bank Statement 01.01.2017 / 85,857.78
Total Opening Bank Balances / 87,798.28 / Receipts / 2,204.06 / Receipts / -
Payments Cleared / - 2,931.18 / Payments Cleared / - 1,000.00
Unpresented Cheques B/F / - / - / Bank Statement 31.01.2017 / 1,213.38 / Bank Statement 31.01.2017 / 84,857.78
Unpresented Receipts B/F / - / -
Unpresented Cheques / Unpresented Cheques
Opening Balances / 1,940.50 / 85,857.78
Total Opening Balances / 87,798.28
Receipts / 2,204.06 / -
Payments / -2,931.18 / - 1,000.00
Bank Statement Close Balances / 1,213.38 / 84,857.78
Total Closing Bank Balances / 86,071.16
Unpresented Cheques / - / - / - / -
Unpresented Receipts / - / - / Unpresented Receipts / Unpresented Receipts
Closing Balances / 1,213.38 / 84,857.78
Total Closing Balances / 86,071.16
- / -
Closing Balance / 1,213.38 / Closing Balance / 84,857.78
Total Closing Balances / 86.071.16
Earmarked Funds
Operating Costs (3 Months) / 9,766.25
Martingales Estate (£7,000 27th June per annum) / 49,530.00
Martingales Estate available funds / -
Martingales Estate Reserved Funds 2016/2017 / 1,000.00
Recreation Ground / 2,367.12
Recreation Ground MUGA Support Grant / 4,885.00
Parish Partnership Scheme 2015 / 9,000.00
Parish Partnership Scheme 2016 / -
Historical Use / 107.26
Millennium Green Annual Grant / -
Churchyard Annual Grant / -
S137 Grants / Donations / 100.00
Sports & Social Rent (Paid to 2021) / 23.00 / Total Closing Balances / 86,071.16
Total Earmarked Reserves / 76,778.63
Total Earmarked Reserves / 76,778.63 / Remaining Available Precept / 9,292.53
Chairman Signed ...... Dated ...... (2017) Page 1 of 12
The Clerk would increase the Operating Costs in the Earmarked Funds to £13,333 (4 months) in the February 2017 reconciliation. Further funds would be added in the new financial year.
20.2/17Payment of bills authorisation
Date / Payee / Description / Transaction / Net £ / VAT £ / Gross £ / Receipt £13.01.2017 / HMRC / VAT Repayment 2/3 / BACS / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 1,204.06
31.01.2017 / Sherry Grief / Litter Picking January / BACS / 144.00 / 0.00 / 144.00 / 0.00
31.01.2017 / Clerk Salary / Salary / BACS / 901.50 / 0.00 / 901.50 / 0.00
31.01.2017 / Clerk Expenses / Expenses / BACS / 10.00 / 0.00 / 10.00 / 0.00
31.01.2017 / HMRC / Employer PAYE / NI / BACS / 66.74 / 0.00 / 66.74 / 0.00
09.02.2017 / BT Payphones / Plough Lane Kiosk Adoption / 102551 / 1.00 / 0.00 / 1.00 / 0.00
To be paid / Glazewing / Replacement Lockable Bin / BACS / 25.00 / 5.00 / 30.00 / 0.00
To be paid / Glazewing / Waste Collection December / BACS / 28.72 / 5.74 / 34.46 / 0.00
To be paid / Glazewing / Annual Duty of Care Charge / BACS / 60.00 / 12.00 / 72.00 / 0.00
To be paid / Maxey Grounds & Co / Glebe Rent Jan-Dec 16 / BACS / 700.00 / 0.00 / 700.00 / 0.00
To be paid / Maxey Grounds & Co / CarPark VH Rent Jan-Dec 16 / BACS / 800.00 / 0.00 / 800.00 / 0.00
To be paid / Anglian Water Oct 2016-Jan 2017 / Allotment Water Supply / BACS / 14.46 / 0.00 / 14.46 / 0.00
To be paid / K&M Lighting Services Ltd / Street Light Repairs VH/Club / BACS / 260.00 / 52.00 / 312.00 / 0.00
To be paid / K&M Lighting Services Ltd / Street Lighting Maint Feb / BACS / 125.88 / 25.18 / 151.06 / 0.00
To be paid / Watlington Village Hall / Room Hire 12.01.2017 / BACS / 15.65 / 0.00 / 15.65 / 0.00
To be paid / Cllr Jean Golding / Chairman's Allowance 16/17 / BACS / 90.00 / 0.00 / 90.00 / 0.00
Late Bills / Receipts (Received after Agenda advertised)
To be paid / Glazewing / Waste Collection January / BACS / 24.56 / 4.91 / 29.47 / 0.00
To be paid / Clerk (SLCC) / Annual Member (50% Split) / BACS / 78.50 / 0.00 / 78.50 / 0.00
To be paid / Watlington Village Hall / Office Rent Jan-Dec 2016 / BACS / 300.00 / 0.00 / 300.00 / 0.00
Totals this month / 3,646.01 / 104.83 / 3,750.84 / 1,204.06
Proposed –Cllr WilesSeconded – Vice Chairman Cllr Leedell
That the payment of bills areapproved in accordance with the schedule.
All in favour
20.3/17 Insurance claim for the damaged street lamp in Thieves Bridge Road
The Clerk had emailed Westcotec several times for a date of completion but no response had been received. The Clerk would continue to pursue this.
20.4/17 Annual Subscription to the Society of Local Clerks and Councils (SLCC) 1st March 2017–28th February 2018
Proposed – Vice Chairman Cllr LeedellSeconded – Cllr Beeby
That the Council renews its annual membership with SLCC at a cost of £78.50, this being 50% of the total annual premium split equally with Marham Parish Council.
All in favour
20.5/17 Quotations for securing the Fairfield Lane litter bins
The Chairman, Cllr Golding, reported that Norfolk County Council was no longer able to provide disused steel poles to Parish Councils. In view of this, the Clerk had sought quotations for metal posts, postcrete and labour for positioning the two litter bins in Fairfield Lane and circulated these with the agenda as follows:
Posts(Exc VAT) / Delivery / Sub Total
(Exc VAT) / Postcrete / Labour / Total
(Exc VAT)
A1 Signs / £80.00 / £0.00 / £80.00 / £0.00 (Included in Cost) / £75.00 / £155.00
Hirst Signs / £59.40 / £14.95 / £74.35 / £27.48 (B&Q Collect) / £160.00 (Handyman) / £261.83
Archer Signs / £68.00 / £15.95 / £83.95 / £27.48 (B&Q Collect) / £160.00 (Handyman) / £271.43
A short discussion took place and it was felt that it would be an unnecessary expenditure to purchase posts, postcrete and labour and that one bin could be placed on the notice board at the Fairfield Lane entrance and one on the railings at Jackson Close, not Kent Drive as previously requested. The Clerk had already obtained a Licence from Norfolk County Council but would ensure it was void and replaced with the new locations.
The Vice Chairman, Cllr Leedell, confirmed that Mr Keith Leedell would erect the bins when the Licence had been authorised and signed.
20.6/17 Subscription to Parish Online Get Mapping
An example of a Watlington street map had been circulated with the agenda. The Clerk reported that Get Mapping GIS was a department within Getmapping PLC which provided products such as Parish Online, District Online, Public Map and a variety of other geographic web services. Parish Online provided cost effective up to date map data with mapping aids and enabled users to zoom in and produce clear street views or span out for larger area maps.
Proposed – Chairman Cllr GoldingSeconded – Cllr Beeby
That the Council subscribes an annual membership with Parish Online Get Mapping at a cost of £42.00 + £8.40 VAT.
All in favour
20.7/17Grants and donations (Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972)
20.7.1/17Village Fete Committee
The Village Fete Committee had made a request for financial help with their insurance costs for this year’s event being held on Saturday, 17th June 2017 (circulated with the agenda). The Clerk reported that a total of £100.00 remained in the allocated budget for S137 grants and donations.
Proposed – Vice Chairman Cllr LeedellSeconded – Cllr Bradley
That £100.00 is granted to the Village Fete Committeetohelp with their insurance costs for the 2017 annual village fete.
All in favour
The Clerk would confirm this in writing and issue a BACS payment to the Village Hall Committee for £100.00.
21.1/17 Correspondence for action
BT / BCKL&WN / BT Adopt a Kiosk for a £1.00 schemeThe Clerk had contacted BT and the BCKL&WN to obtain an extension on the adoption of the phone kiosk at the junction of Plough Lane/Mill Road. The planning document for the removal of payphones had been sent to the Secretary of State but Watlington Parish Council was given special permission to extend its decision to early February 2017. The Clerk had sought a quotation from Remember When UK for the restoration work and circulated it prior to the agenda as follows:
Price to fully refurbish the box based on the personal viewing and supplied photographs would be £3,335.00 plus £150.00 (not VAT registered) to remove and dispose of the concrete. Cosmetic welding repairs such as fractures in glazing bars are repaired in the initial price quotation providing the overall length of weld does not drift beyond 12” (30 cm). Any additional unforeseen damage, such as crucial structural repairs that require welding, or reinforcing plates fabricated/installed, would be subject to a supplementary estimate. Any necessary additional work would require approval prior to starting. Each restoration takes around 5-7 weeks and this could be carried out in September 2017. Professional and experienced collection and delivery is via thehaulier Lawrence Kellingray. Heavy haulage is charged by the mile, namely £1.60 + VAT per mile but as the company is based in West Winch, King’s Lynn, this would be waived.
The Clerk reported that no budget had been set for this project in 2017/2018 but funds could be raised through Council heldcommunity events, etc. An email had also been sent to the Sports and Sports Club asking whether they would wish for the Council to adopt the kiosk for a community use but no response had been received from them.
The Clerk had circulated an email to all Councillors advising that the majority votewould be taken as resolute and that comments would be recorded in the minutes for historical and transparency purposes (Appendix A). The majority decision was that the phone kiosk be adopted for a £1.00 but not restored at this time and that it remain in Plough Lane/Mill Road for the foreseeable future.
BCKL&WN / Statement of Community Involvement Consultation (Planning) – 6th February-20th March 2017This was noted.
21.2/17 Correspondence for information
Various / Varying emails for information purposes (circulated to Councillors)22/17Recreation Ground/Open Spaces
22.1/17Byelaws and use of open spaces
The Chairman, Cllr Golding, reported that an inspection of Dulcies Footpath (Downham Road to Chestnut Close) had recently been carried out by Mr Bryan Foster, Community Payback Placement Coordinator, to establish the works required. He confirmed that the team would be able to trim back the overgrowth on the footpath but that the team would not be able to carry out works on the large trees for health and safety reasons. Councillors were asked to consider contracting TreelinkLandcare for all future works of this nature as opposed to obtaining three quotations every time tree works, large land works and vast weed spraying were required. The Clerk confirmed that TreelinkLandcare always provided the cheapest quotation and best value for money and that it was permissible for the Council to do this.
Proposed – Cllr WilesSeconded – Cllr Beeby
That the Council contracts TreelinkLandcare for all future tree works, large land works and vast weed spraying and does not seek three quotations for these types of work, providing the quotations are always approved by Council and that this is reviewed on a three-yearly basis.
All in favour
The Chairman, Cllr Golding, would contact TreelinkLandcare for a quotation to carry out the work on Dulcies footpath for approval at the next meeting.
22.1.1/17Village Fete usage of the Recreation Ground and Glebe Land
A copy of the Village Fete Committee’s request to hold the 2017 fete on the Recreation Ground and Glebe Land had been circulated with the agenda.
Proposed – Cllr WilesSeconded – Cllr Prior
That the Village Fete Committee is given permission to hold the 2017 Fete on the Recreation Ground and Glebe Land and that the Public Space Protection Order (Control of Dogs) is suspended for the duration of the event.
All in favour
22.1.2/17Land transfer of the triangular plot adjoining the Stone Close Play Area
The Clerk reported that the Council’s solicitor had confirmed by email on Tuesday, 21st February 2017 that the land transfer was progressing.
22.1.3/17Sponsorship of Planter
The Vice Chairman, Cllr Leedell, confirmed that The Gossip had agreed to donate a planter to the Council. The Clerk had obtained a Licence from Norfolk County Council to site the planter at the junction of Church Road/Downham Road and had contacted the Council’s grounds maintenance company, Ultimate Land & Gardens, to enquire whether they wished to sponsor it. This would mean they would fill it with soil, plant it with seasonal flowers,keep itmaintained, water it via their own bowser and in return, place a promotional companybanner on the frontletting passers-by know who maintains it (much the same asHolly Landscapes does in Downham Market). The sponsorship of the planter would ensure there would be no cost to the Council and Ultimate Land & Gardens had confirmed their agreement to this.
The Clerk had obtained quotations for various planters and the Vice Chairman, Cllr Leedell, would be liaising with The Gossip and Ultimate Land & Gardens to establish a mutual agreement for the best planter size, material and cost.
22.1.4/17Use of Glebe Land for Mrs Pope’s recent funeral
The Chairman, Cllr Golding, reported that guests at Mrs Pope’s funeral had been given permission to use the Glebe Land as additional car parking overflow facilities. Unfortunately on the day of the funeral it had poured with rain all day and the grass had been damaged. The land farmer of the Pope Estate had today placed top soil on the area, cordoned it off and would be reseeding it in April 2017.
It was agreed that in view of the damage caused and subsequent difficulty in getting the matter resolved quickly, permission would not be granted in the future for events such as this.