What is soya milk?
Soy protein based milks are free of any animal products. Glucose, corn syrup or sucrose is used as the carbohydrate (sugar) source.
Soya infant milk formulas currently available are
Cow and Gate Infasoy
SMA Wysoy.
Why use infant soya milk and which conditions?
Some babies are sensitive to cow’s milk proteins. Food sensitivity may be due to an allergy or a non allergic food hypersensitivity to some proteins in cow’s milk. An allergy is more likely if symptoms are within a few minutes after consuming a small amount of food. A non allergic food hypersensitivity usually has a delayed on set of a few hours or days after a large quantity of food is consumed. Standard formulas are made from cow’s milk and therefore alternative formula may be needed.
The first line treatment for cow’s milk sensitivity is to use a hydrolysed formula (e.g Nutramigen Lipil). However some children dislike the taste of hydrolysed formulas. Soya formulas are more palatable than hydrolysed formulas and may be considered after other formulas have been tried. Soya infant formulas are recommended for infants over 6 months old with an allergy to cows milk or a non allergic food hypersensitivity who do not tolerate hydrolysed of amino acid formulas.
There are some babies who will react to both soya and cow’s milk, so if the symptoms do not improve, please seek further help from your GP, health visitor or GP.
Families who choose a vegan diet are not eligible for prescription soya milk.
Can I give my baby soya products?
Yes, once your baby is over 6 months old soya products such soya yoghurts, custard, ice-cream etc can be used in the diet.
Do I need to avoid cow’s milk in food?
Yes, if your child is sensitive to cow’s milk then foods containing cow’s milk should be avoided. A dietitian can support and advise on a suitable diet, your health visitor or GP can refer you.
Will my child always need Soya Milk?
For many children, they will grow out of their cow’s milk allergy or intolerance.
After 1 year old you may try reintroducing cow’s milk products. This should not be tried if your child had any swelling of the face or breathing difficulties to milk initially
Suitable soya milk after 1 year
Alpro Junior 1+ drink (1 pint per day) should be used at the age of one year rather than soya formulas. Calcium enriched supermarket soya in cooking can be used in cooking. You can also try other milks that do not contain cow’s milk protein such as nut milks, oat milk. The calorie content in these milks is not sufficient as the main drink for a child aged between 1 -2 years old, however they can be used to supplement the diet.
Suitable soya milk after 2 years
Calcium enriched supermarket soya milk can be used instead of Alpro Junior 1+ drink after the age of 2 years. You can also try other milk products that do not contain cow’s milk protein such oat milk, coconut milk or nut milks. Rice milk should be avoided under 5 years as it has naturally high levels of arsenic.
There should be no further prescription of soya formula after 2 years.