National Literacy Strategy Teaching ObjectivesWeekly Plan.

Name of Text:Robin Hood text typesUnit: Narrative Unit 2 Myths and Legends.Year Group:5Term:1 part 1Week Beg:3/09/07

Phase 1 / Read and analyse features of the text-type. Make comparisons between different versions of the same legend.
GFW: Year 5 units 28 and 35 / Familiarisation with the text-type; reading comprehension (3 days)
Phase 2 / Children continue familiarisation with the text-type. Discuss and investigate the effect of different techniques used by the author. Work in a group to explore and empathise with characters through drama activities. Children use a reading journal to record inferences and demonstrate understanding of characters by writing in the first person.
GFW: Year 5 unit 34 / Phase 2: Reading analysis of the legend of Robin Hood; capturing ideas and writing in role (6-7 days)
Phase 3 / Make comparisons between oral and written narratives. The teacher demonstrates effective note-taking techniques. Children make notes on visual and oral performances before working in small groups to prepare and present an oral retelling of the legend of Robin Hood for an audio or digital video file. / Phase 3: Comparison of oral and written narratives and analysis of their key features; retelling known legend orally using appropriate techniques to engage the audience (5 days)
Phase 4 / Children evaluate their oral performances against agreed success criteria. The teacher demonstrates how to write a legend, transferring oral storytelling skills into writing. Children work collaboratively to write the legend, exploring how to transfer the visual and oral text to a written narrative. / Phase 4: Evaluation of oral performances; transfer of skills learned during oral performance to support writing with clear authorial voice; collaborative writing of the legend for a tourist leaflet (5 days)
Spelling Objectives and Sentence Level Objectives / Spelling Bank
  • Week 1:- Spell words containing unstressed vowels
  • Week 2:- Know and use less common prefixes and suffixes such as im-, ir-, -cian
  • Week 3:- Group and classify words according to their spelling patterns and their meanings
  • Week 4:- Revision of all Spellings.
  • Week 3:- Adapt sentence construction to different text-types, purposes and readers
  • Week 4:- Punctuate sentences accurately, including using speech marks and apostrophes

T = Teacher.D:\Robs Documents\Year 4-5\Year 5 Planning\Literacy\Week 1\Week 1 Phase 1.doc OA = Other adult. I = Independent.

National Literacy Strategy Teaching ObjectivesWeekly Plan.

Name of Text:Robin Hood text typesUnit: Narrative Unit 2 Myths and Legends.Year Group:5Term:1 part 1Week Beg:3/09/07

Phase 1 / Objectives / Whole Class shared reading and writing. / Whole Class – phonics, spelling, vocab. and grammar. / SEN / Independent Group Tasks. / Plenary. / Evaluation
(TA Support) / AA / MA (Teacher Support) / BA
Tues. / T16 to prepare for reading by identifying what they already know and what they need to find out / IWB Pg 1
Hide and RevealCastle
Discuss with the children how the castle might have looked in the past. Talk to the children about the castle and link it into their previous knowledge. Have any of the children been to Nottingham castle before?
20 questions game listening for links in meaning between pupils. Use the Robin Hood PowerPoint to support the children. / S1- Reordering sentences to make questions. The children are given statements and they are to make the statements into questions. Use the IWB and flipchart to record their responses.
Teacher modelling using IWB Pg 3&4.
Spell words containing unstressed vowels.
Select a group of words that contain unstressed vowels and write them on the board or flip chart. Ask the children to work out what the words have in common and why people might have difficulty in spelling these words.
Ask for suggestions as to how the spellings of such words could be memorised, e.g. exaggerated pronunciation where words are broken down
into syllables – diff-er-ence; thinking of the root word, e.g. differ + the suffix
ence use of mnemonics, e.g. ‘pet on the carpet’, ‘Al is in hospital’. Use spelling poster. / Share write questions to ask the curator at NottinghamCastle.
The children to be given pictorial support and they are to read back the question and think of some answers they might get via hot seating. / Children formulate own questions based on KWL chart IWB pg 3 using pictures of castle and non-fiction texts/internet.
The children write a letter asking the curator of NottinghamCastle questions that they would like to be answered. These to be sent off. / Children formulate own questions based on KWL chart IWB pg 3 using pictures of castle and non-fiction texts/internet.
The children write a letter asking the curator of NottinghamCastle questions that they would like to be asked. The children are to be given letter support frame. / Children to write on the KWL chart. The children to write four sentences about what they do know. They are to write four questions on what they would like to find out. / Demonstrate how the KWL chart will help us develop our thirst for learning and help us ask relevant questions.
(TA Support) / AA / MA (Teacher Support) / BA
Wed. / T 1 Know and classify features of legends
T11 Identify themes and structures of legends within reading
- legend order and structure / Read story of Robin IWB pgs 5-10
Discuss features of legends
Begin building class list.
Get the children to share write with the teacher everything they can think of to make a really good legend. Get them to think of the different features their story, or the story they are reading, must have in order to make it work. / S2 – Agreement of tense and subject, nouns and verbs
IWB Pg 12-13. Get the children to look at the different tenses and explain the correct and incorrect tense and why.
GFW: Year 5 unit 28
Move the words around, first within the noun phrase, and then around the verb. Establish which can be moved whilst retaining the same meaning and which cannot. Repeat with other sentences in order to construct a general hypothesis. / The children order the pictures. They are to share write a sentence to go with each of the pictures. / Reorder story into correct order on own whiteboards. IWB pg11
Babble Gabble* (twice – once for detail then for skeleton outline)
Begin to prepare notes for own retelling. / Reorder story into correct order on own whiteboards. IWB pg11
Babble Gabble* (twice – once for detail then for skeleton outline)
Begin to prepare notes for own retelling. / Children are to reorder the story using the pictures. They are to order the text underneath the picture to understand the correct linkages. / Have the pictures on the IWB get the children to reorder these and show how this can help our writing. Discuss what we have learned so far.

T = Teacher.D:\Robs Documents\Year 4-5\Year 5 Planning\Literacy\Week 1\Week 1 Phase 1.doc OA = Other adult. I = Independent.

National Literacy Strategy Teaching ObjectivesWeekly Plan.

Name of Text:Robin Hood text typesUnit: Narrative Unit 2 Myths and Legends.Year Group:5Term:1 part 1Week Beg:3/09/07

Thur / T11 Identify themes and structures of legends within reading
To be able to plan own legend from reading completed during the week. / With the children go through the story of Robin Hood so far. Look in detail at the different suspense ideas used and how this has influenced the reader.
On the flip chart make a list of different suspense elements that make the story really exciting. Make sure the children pick up the different descriptive elements.
Share write on the board sentences for the children to improve, and state how we could use this in our planning. / Use the skeleton framework for planning a short sequence. The children are going to re-plan the story that they have been reading this week. Remind the children that they are to use the features of good text type in their legends from the ones studied.
Go through the planning grid and explain each planning stage. / Less able to share write using a story board and pictures. They are to write what could happen under each picture. /
The children to use the planning grid and the pictures to support them with the plan of the story that they will write. Remind them that it is a Legend. /
The children to use the planning grid and the pictures to support them with the plan of the story that they will write. Children given picture to support with their writing. / Share plan with adult support and picture clues. / Demonstrate good planning by a child and show hoe we can all emulate this.
(TA Support) / AA / MA (Teacher Support) / BA
Fri. / T11 Identify themes and structures of legends within reading. / Re read story IWB pg5-10
Model highlighting sentence construction.
Discuss with the children the different sentence types and how they go together to produce a quality piece of work. Explain to the children how they can improve sentence structure.
Look at the response sandwich display and get the children to think about how they could comment on others work. / S8 – construct sentences in different ways.
IWB pg 14,15 & 16
GFW: Year 5 unit 35
Collect and classify (page 156). Use the GFW unit. / The children to discuss key sentences and why they think that sentence is good/bad for suspense.
Verbal feedback and shared writing responses. / Model highlighting suspense and good story features. Use pg 5-10
Response partners find examples from the text of other features.
Create class list. (This will be used later as success criteria)
Text mark the reading texts we have looked at so far.
Use the PowerPoint from the Disk. / Highlight the key phrases in the text given. Get the children to say why they think that particular text is a good piece of suspense writing. / Discuss how we can improve our own understanding of the work so far. Explain this to the children.
Extended Writing / Objectives / Activity / Group 1 / Group 2 / Group 3 / Evaluation
To write own versions of legends, myths and fables, using structures and themes identified in reading (T2 T11)
To make notes of a story as preparation for oral storytelling (T2 T 14) / The children are to re-write the story they have been shared reading in the class from their planning. We are to focus on the sentence structure in order to develop sentence writing abilities ready for the final phase. / Children use their planning to write a story based on the work we have been reading in class. / Children use their planning to write a story based on the work we have been reading in class. / Children use their planning to write a story based on the work we have been reading in class.
They use the picture sequences to assist with their writing.
Share write.

T = Teacher.D:\Robs Documents\Year 4-5\Year 5 Planning\Literacy\Week 1\Week 1 Phase 1.doc OA = Other adult. I = Independent.

National Literacy Strategy Teaching ObjectivesWeekly Plan.

Name of Text:Robin Hood text typesUnit: Narrative Unit 2 Myths and Legends.Year Group:5Term:1 part 1Week Beg:3/09/07

Phase 2 / Objectives / Whole Class shared reading and writing. / Whole Class – phonics, spelling, vocab. and grammar. / SEN
(TA Support) / AA / MA (Teacher Support) / BA / Plenary. / Evaluation
Day 1 / 7. Explore how writers use language for comic and dramatic effects
T13 review and edit writing; / Make class collections of ‘shun’ words. Categorise them according to word ending (see lists below).
Develop and draw out patterns leading to general rules determining spelling pattern (see Notes below).
Give a base word and ask children to write the correct ‘shun’ suffix, e.g. educate, magic.
Alternatively, use a ‘shun’ fan for children to flash in response. / The children watch the Jousting video. In response partners get the children to discuss what action words help describe the scene. In groups of 4 the children write some action sentences in order to describe what they have seen and heard.
Show the children the picture from the PP on Robin Hood. Explain to the children that they will be writing a descriptive paragraph about the clashing of the two knights from the start. E.g. He sat upon his horse, his breath echoing from inside the tin hat for a face plate that he was wearing. The horse between his legs shuddered with anticipation… Help the children plan the writing that they will be doing using a feeling graph. / The children share plan and continue independently.
Use picture segments to help with the feelings graph. The children put the pictures at different points on the graph. / The children map out a graph using the tension framework. At each point the children state what the knight is doing and why they are feeling this way. / The children map out a graph using the tension framework. At each point the children state what the knight is doing and why they are feeling this way.
Picture time line. / The children share plan and continue independently.
Use picture segments to help with the feelings graph. The children put the pictures at different points on the graph. / Look at different examples of the graph. What makes a really useful one for our writing?
(TA Support) / AA / MA (Teacher Support) / BA
Day 2 / T16 to prepare for reading by identifying what they already know and what they need to find out. / Children complete their own KWL grid (what I know, what I want to find out, what I have learned).
Children create a vocabulary bank for the text-type. Use the IWB file to collect ideas and notes and to act as a working wall for reference and support as the sequence progresses. / Remind the children of the understanding gained of the text-type by exploration of the writer's techniques to develop suspense. Working in pairs, children investigate the features of the text-type, referring to the written text for evidence. Use the IWB file ('Year 5 F legend RH') to collect, annotate and discuss findings.
With the children use a feelings graph to write their description of the jousting battle. Use this to link into the children’s ideas of the Robin Hood story. / The children share write and continue independently. / The children write a description of the Knights coming together in an awesome battle of jousting.
They are to describe the feelings, sights and sounds. / The children write a description of the Knights coming together in an awesome battle of jousting.
They are to describe the feelings, sights and sounds. / The children write a description of the Knights coming together in an awesome battle of jousting.
They are to describe the feelings, sights and sounds.
Give the children picture support. / Read a good example out to the children. Explain to the children how this can be read use two different voices. Look at the sentences and structure used.
(TA Support) / AA / MA / BA (Teacher Support)
Day 3 / Make notes on and use evidence from across a text to explain events or ideas. / Explain that weaker writers tend to write in simple and some compound sentences with a limited range of conjunctions within, and connectives between, sentences. Remind the children that varied sentences occur when a conjunction is introduced, so it is helpful to draw the children’s attention to the range of conjunctions available, e.g.after, although, as, as if, as long as, as though, because, before, if, in case, once, since, than, that, though, till, until, unless, when(ever), where(ever), whereas, while, and pronouns, e.g.who, which, what, whose, where, when, why, how. / Show the children how we note take. Highlight key elements from different websites on the Internet. Show the children how to search and how we can make notes on what we have researched.
Look at the importance of brief notes and diagrams. Explain that this will help us write out own legend later. / With the children research on the Internet and look at key features of castles. Show how we note take. / The children are to use the Laptops to research about castles and how they were designed and built. They are to write a paragraph in their Literacy books about what they have found. Short notes and sentences. / The children are to use the Laptops to research about castles and how they were designed and built. They are to write a paragraph in their Literacy books about what they have found. Short notes and sentences. / With the children research on the Internet and look at key features of castles. Show how we note take. / Show the class a completed compiled set of notes for them to use. Explain to the children why these notes are good. Show some poor notes explain why these are not so good. Both sets to have been created by the teacher.

T = Teacher.D:\Robs Documents\Year 4-5\Year 5 Planning\Literacy\Week 1\Week 1 Phase 1.doc OA = Other adult. I = Independent.

National Literacy Strategy Teaching ObjectivesWeekly Plan.

Name of Text:Robin Hood text typesUnit: Narrative Unit 2 Myths and Legends.Year Group:5Term:1 part 1Week Beg:3/09/07

Day 4 / T11 Identify themes and structures of legends within reading
To be able to plan own legend from reading completed during the week. / With the children show them the PP of the different characters. Share write the feelings for Maid Marion. Show the children how we can use this to plan a characterisation.