Julie Miller, BA, MD, FRACS.

Curriculum Vitae, page 1

Curriculum Vitae

Julie Ann Miller, BA, MD, FRACS

Specialist Endocrine Surgeon

Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery

Address / Department of Surgery
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Parkville, 3050 Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 (03) 9342 7703

Fax: +61 (03) 9342 8247

Mobile: +61 0413 387 052


Address / 8 Denmark Street
Kew, Victoria, 3101

Family: Married, with three children, aged 15, 13, and 11

Professional Expertise

Specialist Endocrine Surgeon.

Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Adrenal Tumours.

Office based thyroid and parathyroid ultrasound and biopsy.

Professional Licensure/Certifications

Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 2002

American Board of Surgery: Board Certified General Surgeon, 2001

American Board of Surgery Recertification Exam 2011

Medical Board of Australia Registration # MED0001175635

New York State medical license # 207093

Associate Fellow, American College of Surgeons

Endocrine Ultrasound for Surgeons, Lead Instructor 2010-2016

RACS Cancer Communication Skills Workshop –Nov, 2012

Breast Ultrasound for Surgeons, Nov ’02, Aug ‘04

DSTC (Definitive Surgical Trauma Care) Instructor

ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) Instructor

ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) Certified

Trauma Sonography (FAST) Certified


THE ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

Consultant General Surgeon, July 2002 – present

Head of Thyroid and Endocrine Tumour Group, 2006- present

-  Breast/Endocrine/Oncology Surgery Unit

-  Chair of Thyroid Cancer MDT

ROYAL WOMEN’S HOSPITAL, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

Consultant General Surgeon. January 2007 – present

EPWORTH FREEMASON’S HOSPITAL, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

Visiting Surgeon. 2011 – present

MELBOURNE PRIVATE HOSPITAL, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

Visiting Surgeon. 2004 – 2016

UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, 2014-present

Clinical Sub-Dean for Surgical Education, 2011- 2013

Senior Lecturer, Department of Surgery, July 2002 – 2014

Coordinator, Dep’t of Surgery Advanced Medical Science Program 2002-2011

Advanced Medical Science Steering Committee 2002-2011


Endocrine/Head and Neck Fellow


Chief Resident Surgeon, 2000-2001

Assistant Surgeon, 1996-2000

Senior Clinical Associate in Surgery, Medical College of Cornell University

Education and Training

MD ANDERSON CANCER CENTER Dept of Surgical Endocrinology, Houston, TX, USA

Sabbatical Nov 2010-Jan 2011

AUSTRALIAN SCHOOL OF APPLIED MANAGEMENT Advanced Women in Leadership Course. 2013-14. (Scholarship recipient via RACS)


Surgical Fellow, 2001-2002



General Surgical Training, 1996 – 2001

Chief Resident Surgeon 2000 - 2001

- New York Presbyterian Hospital

- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (Endocrine/Head and Neck Fellow)


Medical Doctorate, Summa Cum Laude (Highest Honours), May, 1996


Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude (High Honours), May, 1992

Professional Activities and Leadership Positions


·  Victorian State Health Care Awards–For Australia’s first public one-stop thyroid nodule clinic. Runner up for Best Quality Service: Victorian State Health Care Awards 2017.

·  Health Leaders Award – Innovation in Health Care. For introducing a safer and less painful adrenalectomy technique (PRA) to Victoria, and mentoring other surgeons in Victoria and interstate to launch their own PRA programmes. Melbourne Health “Celebrating Excellence Awards” 2013.

·  Advanced ‘Women in Leadership’ Course - Scholarship Recipient – Australian School of Applied Management, 2013-14

·  Melbourne Health Best of Health Awards - Improving the Quality and Safety of Patient Care, for Thyroid Cancer Services, 2010

·  Runner up for Teacher of the Year Award, Melbourne University, 2007

Professional Societies and Committees

·  Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Endocrine Section

o  Executive Committee, 2012-present

·  Australia/New Zealand Endocrine Surgeons Full Member

o  Scientific Officer 2014-present

·  Asian Association of Endocrine Surgeons

o  International Advisory Committee, 2014 – present

·  American Association of Endocrine Surgeons

o  Executive Committee (Membership), 2015-present

·  Australian Thyroid Cancer Registry Steering Committee 2017-present

·  American Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Society – Medical Advisory Board, 2013-present

·  Endocrine Society of Australia

·  Australian Society of Ultrasound Medicine

Endocrine and General Surgery Contributions (2001-present)

·  Head of the Thyroid and Endocrine Tumour Group – Royal Melbourne Hospital 2006-present.

·  Thyroid Cancer Multidisciplinary Meeting at RMH – Founder and Chair.

·  Introduction of Posterior Adrenalectomy (PRA) Programme to Victoria, May 2011

·  Surgeon Mentoring in introducing Posterior Retroperitneoscopic Adrenalectomy to multiple surgeons in four states (VIC, NSW, QLD, SA), 2012-15.

·  International Faculty – American Association of Endocrine Surgeons’ Masters of Endocrine Surgery Course, Houston Texas, USA, 2013.

·  Author/Reviewer for Understanding Thyroid Cancer publication for Cancer Council NSW, 2014-2016

·  Clinical Immersions (Epworth Freemason’s) – Hosting clinical visits by consultant surgeons wishing to observe endocrine surgery. (3 courses yearly since 2015).

·  Lead Faculty – Annual Thyroid Ultrasound for Clinicians Course – 2011-present.

·  Asian Association of Endocrine Surgeons Adrenal Surgery Workshop, Jan 2011.

·  RACS Post-graduate Course in Endocrine Surgery (Organizing Committee 2010, Faculty, 2012, 2014, 2016).

·  Developed thyroid cancer database at RMH –accruing patients since Nov 07.

·  Operating Theatre Quality Committee, Member (Mar 08), Chair (Mar 09).

·  Melbourne Health Quality Committee, 2010 – 2013.

·  Performance Review Assessor for Medical Practitioner’s Board of Victoria (07-09).

·  Breast Services Enhancement Project, Young Women’s Project Clinical Coordinator 2003.

·  Invited International visitor (Endocrine Surgery) for New Zealand College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, August, 2008 .

Trauma Surgery Contributions (2001-2011)

·  Melbourne Multidisciplinary Trauma Journal Club – Founder and Convener 2005-2010.

·  Dept of Human Services Trauma Education and Trauma Quality Committees 2007-2009.

·  Chair, RACS Victorian Trauma and Road Trauma Committees, 2009 – 2011.

·  DSTC (Definitive Surgical Trauma Care) Instructor, Nov ’05-2011.

·  EMST (Emergency Management of Severe Trauma) Instructor, 2007-2011.

·  Coroner’s Consultative Committee on Road Traffic Fatalities, Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine 2002-2006.

o  A multidisciplinary panel of expert trauma clinicians that met fortnightly and reviewed every road traffic death in Victoria to identify errors in management and reported to the Coroner. The ultimate goal of the project was identification of repeated error patterns and improvement of the system to reduce preventable mortality.

·  Firearms Consultative Committee of the Victorian Police and Emergency Services Department 2005-06.

·  RACS Victorian State Trauma Committee, 2003 – 2005.

·  RACS Victorian State Road Trauma Commmittee, 2005 – 2010.

·  Royal Melbourne Hospital Advisory Committee on Trauma, 2002 - 2011 .

·  Active Participant in Trauma Guideline Development Committees.

·  National Trauma Research Institute (NTRI) Research Symposium Program Scientific Advisory Committee, 2005, 2006.

·  NTRI Research Symposium Session Chairperson, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008.

Editorial Board

·  World Journal of Endocrine Surgery

·  Gland Surgery

Peer reviewer for the following journals:

·  Thyroid

·  JAMA Surgery

·  Australia and New Zealand Journal of Surgery

·  World Journal of Surgery

·  British Journal of Surgery

·  British Medical Journal

·  Injury


Tian Y, Tanny S, Lichtenstein M, Stella D, Phal P, Miller JA. Four-Dimensional Computed Tomography: Its Diagnostic Value and Clinic Impact for Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism. In Press, Annals of Surgical Oncology, 2017

Czarnecki C, Phal P, Einsiedel P, Miller J, Stella D. Dynamic CT for parathyroid adenoma detection – how does radiation dose compare to nuclear medicine? In Press, American Journal of Roentgenology. 2017

Osborne JR, Papachristos A, Skandarajah AR, Tam M, Gorelik A, Hng D, Miller JA. Selective use of calcium and calcitriol after total thyroidectomy reduces the rate of hypocalcemia and hospital length of stay. In press, World Journal of Endocrine Surgery, 2017

Flynn A, Dwight T, ….Miller JA, Clifton-Bligh R, Hicks R, Tothill RW. Cousins not twins: intra and inter-tumoral heterogeneity in the context of syndromic neuroendocrine tumours. Journal of Pathology, 2017. Jul;242(3):273-283.

Patel R, Skandarajah AR, Gorelik A, Shears M, Tasevski R, Miller JA. Surgeon-performed ultrasound fine needle aspiration cytology improves efficiency of care. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2016. Oct 27 (epub ahead of print)

Daruwalla J, Sachithanandan N, Andrews DT, Miller JA. Ectopic Intravagal Parathryoid Adenoma – Case report and review of the Literature. Head and Neck. 2015. Dec. 37(12) 200-204

Cabalag M, Gorelik A, Mann GB, Miller JA. Posterior Retroperitoneoscopic Adrenalectomy: Outcomes and Lessons Learned from Initial 50 Cases. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2015 Jun. 85 (6): 478-82.,

Cabalag M, Christie M, Miller JA.Pigmented Lymphadenopathy Secondary to Tattoo Ink: A Potential Masquerader. Surgery, 2015. May 157 (5): 959-60.

Delbridge L, Gough I, Lisewski D, Middleton P, Miller JA, Parkyn R, Pyke C, Shaw J, Stanton P, Sywak M, Townend D. Consensus Statements in Surgery: Intra-Operative Neural Monitoring for Thyroid Surgery. ANZ J Surg 2015 Feb 85 (1-2): 5-7.

Cabalag M, Gorelik A, Mann GB, Miller JA. Comparison of Outcomes After Laparascopic vs Posterior Retroperitoneoscopic Adrenalectomy. Surgical Laparoscopy and Endoscopy, 2014; 24 (1): 62-66

Bai JB, Shakerian R, Westcott J, Lichetenstein M, Miller JA: Factors Influencing Radioiodine Uptake after Thyroid Cancer Surgery. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2013. Aug 22. DOI: 10.111/ans12368.

Verna K, Gorelik A, Miller JA: Anticoagulation and Thyroid Surgery: A Survey of Practice of Endocrine Surgeons in Australia. World Journal of Endocrine Surgery, 2013; 5 (1): 6-11

Miller JA, Kwon DS, Dkeidek A, Yew M, Abdullah H, Walz MK, Perrier ND,. Safe Introduction of a New Surgical Technique: Remote Tele-mentoring for Posterior Retroperitoneoscopic Adrenalectomy. ANZ J of Surg, 2012 Nov 82(11): 813-816

Al-Azawi D, Mann GB, Judson RT, Miller JA. Endocrine Surgeon-Performed Ultrasound-Guided Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology is Accurate and Efficient. World Journal of Surgery. 2012 Aug 36(8): 1947-52

Li Y, Ang M, Miller JA. A rare cause of bowel obstruction in pregnancy. J Surg Case Rep 2012. Jun 19 (12)

Beitner MM, Suh N, Dowling R, Miller JA. Penetrating Liver Injury Managed with a Combination of Balloon Tamponade and Venous Stenting: A case report and literature review. Injury 2011, 10.1016/j.injury.2011.08.028

Connon F, Namdarian B, Ee J, Drummond K, Miller JA. Do Routinely Repeated CT scans in Traumatic Brain Injury Influence Management? A prospective observational study in a Level I Trauma Center Annals of Surgery 2011, 254 (6): 1028-1031

Fong J, Kurniawan E, Rose AK, Mou A, Collins JP, Miller JA, Mann GB. Outcomes of Screening-Detected Ductal Carcinoma In Situ Treated with Wide Excision Alone. Ann Surg Onc, 2011. 18(13) 3778-84

Kurniawan E, Rose A, Mou A, Buchanan M, Collins J, Miller JA, Mann GB. Risk factors for invasive breast cancer when core needle biopsy shows DCIS. Archives of Surgery, 2010. 145: 1098-1104

Mann GB, Kang C, Ebeling PR, Brand C, Miller JA. Secondary causes of low bone density in breast cancer patients – a need for greater vigilance. J Clin Onc Jun 2009,27 (22) 3605-3610

Kurniawan E, Wong M, Windle I, Rose A, Mou A, Buchanan M, Collins JP, Miller JA, Gruen RL, Mann GB. Predictors of surgical margin status in breast-conserving surgery within a breast screening program. Ann Surg Onc, 2008.15(9): 2542-9

Kelaher M, Cawson J, Miller J, Kavanagh A, Dunt D, Studdert DM. Use of breast cancer screening and treatment services by Australian women aged 25-44 years following Kylie Minogue’s breast cancer diagnosis. Int J Epi 2008: 1-7

Chandra RV. Miller JA. Jones IT. Manley B. Mann GB. Small bowel malignancy: an elusive diagnosis. Medical Journal of Australia. 2004 180:182-3.

Miller JA, Norton JA. Multiple endocrine neoplasia.

Cancer Treatment and Research, 1997. 90: 213-25

Miller JA, Corteville JE, Langer JC. Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid

Malformation in the Fetus: Natural History and Predictors of Outcome.

Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 1996. 31: 805-08.

Projects in Progress:

-  International review of pheochromocytoma management and outcomes.

-  Controversies in parathyroid surgery – a survey of AsAES surgeons.

-  Trends in radioiodine use for thyroid cancer with evolution of evidence

-  Appropriate opioid use after breast and endocrine surgery

-  TSH suppression in differentiated thyroid cancer

Book Chapters:

Yates C, Miller JA. Familial Hyperparathyroid Syndromes. Chapter in Evidence Based Endocrine Surgery. R Parameswaran and A Agrawal, Ed. Springer publishing, 2017

Pattison DA, Miller JA, Khavar B, Tie J. Management of Distant Metastases in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. Chapter in Evidence Based Endocrine Surgery. R Parameswaran and A Agrawal, Ed. Springer publishing, 2017

Sagan D, Miller JA, Klatka J, Stepulak A. Parathyroidectomy. Chapter in Atlas of Operative Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery: BT Hathiram and V Khattar, Ed. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2013.

Miller JA, Norton JA. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia . Chapter in Advances in Surgical

Oncology, RE Pollock, Ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.



A One Stop Thyroid Nodule Clinic Streamlines Care for Patients with Thyroid Nodules RMH Endocrine Surgery Forum, October 2015..

Partial Adrenalectomy – Indications and Outcomes. RMH Endocrine Surgery Forum October 2014.

Posterior Retroperitoneoscopic Adrenalectomy. ANZ Endocrine Surgeons 4th Biennial Post-Graduate Course, Melbourne, June 2014.

“Meet the Professor” - Management of Primary Hyperparathyroidism. – Invited National Speaker – Endocrine Society of Australia Annual Meeting, Sydney, Aug 2013.

Innovations in Adrenal Surgery – Painless Adrenalectomy - Invited National Speaker – Endocrine Society of Australia Annual Meeting, Sydney, Aug 2013.

Adrenal Masterclass – Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Auckland, NZ, May 2013.

Cabalag MS, Mann GB, Gorelik A, Miller JA. Posterior Retroperitoneoscopic Adrenalectomy: the first 30 cases in Victoria. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, Auckland, May 2013.

Endocrine Surgeon-Performed Ultrasound-Guided Thyroid FNAC is Accurate and Efficient. RMH Endocrine Surgery Forum, 2013.

Life Work Balance for a Surgeon/Wife/Mother. Melbourne University Surgical Student Society. Oct 2012.

Innovations in Adrenal Surgery – Surgical Science and Innovation Symposium, Sydney, Oct 2012.

Update on Posterior Adrenalectomy – The First 25 Cases. RMH Endocrine Surgery Forum, October 2012