DATE: January 5, 2009
Attendees: Cindy Flint, Jean Sullivan, Marlene Tucker, Mark, Dickson, Suzanne Romness, Jeanne Crawford, Mary Catherine Overby, Nancy Reller, Carol Payne, Bill Payne, Laura Russo, Bob Brosnan, Diane Davis, Linda Heberton, Beth Lehnert, Debra Perez, Mary Beth Mohr, Diane Thompson, Cy Ferenchak, Jennifer Baker, Mark Covington, Charlotte Alexander, Claire Dutrow, Katy Koch, Bree Melton, Vince Ancell, Ryan Mills.
Welcome: Cindy Flint presided.
Welcome to everyone
Thank you again to our coaches. December was a good month for sports. Boys Varsity Basketball won over West Springfield. Girls Varsity Basketball won over Langley and the Boys team had a very close game. Indoor Track won a quad. Congratulations to all.
Approved: December 1, 2008 meeting minutes.
Holiday Bazaar was once again a good fundraising opportunity for teams. Booster apparel sales totaled over $3700 that day. Thank you to everyone who participated. For teams that didn't, think about doing so next year.
Brick sales: order deadline February 1, 2009 for the next batch before graduation. The order form is on our website under the Files link. They make a great senior gift or coach's gift.
Volunteer garden: honoring Demby Branbury and parent volunteers. Design plans are in infancy. Coach Stotler has requested drawings of the stadium area and will use his architectural expertise to suggest design options for the garden. Anyone interested in becoming involved in the planning and process please contact Cindy Flint. Monthly updates to follow.
Membership Report: Mark Dickson reported.
6 new memberships since last meeting. This is expected due to new pricing structure of passes.
Mark and Melody have chaired membership for many years, Palmer is graduating, and thus this position will need to be filled next year. Thank you to both of them for their continued commitment to Boosters. Membership is MHS Athletic Boosters single largest fundraiser contributing over $30K this year. The bulk of the work is done in the fall months. This is a vital position in Boosters and will need someone(s) to step in and take over.
Treasurer's Report: Cindy Flint reported.
$82,476 is our current balance. Reston National has not yet invoiced us $10k for golf tournament. Bottom line of about $70k is still good. Tom Herman's budget will eat up over half of that. This leaves Boosters with a nice bottom line. How do we go forward? Earmarked capital improvement(s)? We will wait for Tom with the final budget and see what's left. To be continued…
Are all teams receiving accounting report? Please check with your coach and let us know if not.
Apparel: Jean Sullivan reported.
As mentioned, $3766 was made at the Holiday Bazaar. Thank you to Kent Arnold, Cindy Flint, Masuko last name?, Pamela Tapscott, Janis Thomas, Mary Catherine Overby, Jean Sullivan, Bill Payne, and Michele D'Alesandro for assisting with sales that day.
Mary Catherine Overby has agreed to stay on for another year. This is a co position that still needs to be filled for the balance of this year and on into next.
Public Relations: Nancy Reller reported.
MHS Athletic Boosters has taken over the cases by the gym.
Holiday Bazaar was advertised in the local paper.
Thoughts about replacing electronic sign on Westmoreland and putting up a new sign on Chain Bridge. Kathy Veoni has some costs. Input on signs?
Snack Bar: Suzanne Romness and Jeanne Crawford reported.
New procedures in snack bar. Request that volunteer call or email Suzanne or Jeanne at conclusion of the game letting them know profits and what supplies are out or low and need to be replenished.
Income for snack bar over $19k, with expenses around $11k. Current profits around $8k. Thank you to the team volunteers who work every game. And thanks to Suzanne and Jeanne for ordering smart, streamlining inventory, and standardizing procedures. Kudos!
DSA Report: Cindy Flint reported.
2009-2010 Fairfax County budget is not looking good. Girls Gymnastics and Indoor Track on table to be cut. Each sport costs about $250k, county wide, per year. If you feel strongly about saving these sports, a positive email can be sent to all Fairfax County School Board members (names and email addresses are listed in current PTSAMcLeanHigh School directory, page2).
PTSA president Susan Perla requested that Jack Dale's comments in The Washington Post be read regarding grading policy changes. FAIRGRADE supporters are encouraged to email School Board members and attend the January 8th meeting. A vote on this is expected January 22nd. Flyers were distributed to all at the meeting.
New Business: Cindy Flint reported.
Each school year brings the passing of an administration. For the 2009-2010 year, the MHS Athletic Boosters will need replacements in the following positions: President (Cyndee Cannon will move to Past President and serve as advisor), Secretary, Membership, and Apparel (co-chair). The organization and structure is firmly in place, finances are sound, and momentum and spirit for MHS Athletic Boosters is growing. Please help us identify qualified replacements. We'd like to have people chosen by April to allow for a smooth transition.
Our June 2009 Sports Award Banquet is in the planning stages. Volunteers are needed to fill various positions such a coordinating food, invitations, programs, etc. If you can lend a hand, please contact Cindy Flint. Also a guest speaker needs to be identified. We'd like to get someone committed by the end of February. Lastly, our coach's award comes with a $500 stipend. The nomination form is on our website under the Files link. Talk to other team parents and nominate your coach. Dr. Jackson and Tom Herman pick the winner.
Do we want to hold a spring fundraiser? Ideas?
MHS Cheerleaders are sponsoring a winter cheer clinic on January 28th, 29th, and 30th culminating with a half time performance at the Girls Basketball v. Woodson game. Sign-up forms can be found on the MHS Athletics' Home Page website.
Next meeting is on February 2nd at 7pm in the cafeteria.
Teams Represented: Baseball, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Cheer, Cross Country, Field Hockey, Football, Ice Hockey, Indoor Track, Soccer, Softball, Swim and Dive, Tennis, Track and Field, Wrestling.