Week of September 8, 2014
4th Grade Newsletter

Mrs. DiGiovanni and Mrs. Lamb

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
-Word Study – review nightly
-Study vocabulary words nightly
-DOL sentences-complete Monday
1.1 Both sides, all problems; multiplication practice (one side timed and one side all completed) / Language
-Word Study
-Study vocabulary words nightly
-DOL sentences
1.2 Both sides;
multiplication practice (one side timed and one side all completed) / Language
-Word Study
-Study vocabulary words nightly
-DOL sentences
Reteach 1.3 / Language
-Word Study - review for quiz
-Study voc. words for quiz
-DOL sentences
Reteach 1.4
Week of September 8, 2014
4th Grade Newsletter

Mrs. DiGiovanni and Mrs. Lamb

What we are learning this week…


Narrative Elements; Compare/Contrast/Prefixes/

Suffixes; Character Analysis

How can literature help us understand the events

of the world? How does recognizing narrative elements

help me comprehend a story? How do I compare and

contrast two stories? Why is it important to

recognize prefixes and suffixes in words? How does

recognizing character traits help me comprehend?


Orderof Adjectives;Coordinating Conjuntions;

Compound Sentences; Action Verbs

Why is it important to have command of the conventions of

the English language? How do I recognize coordinating

conjunctions? Why is it important to know the correct order

of adjectives?

Word Study

Words with prefixes (mis-, bi-, and im-)

Why is it important to know common Greek and Latin roots?




How do I multiply one digit by one digit and two digits by

one digit?

Social Studies Given a map and a word bank, can I

locate the physical features of the Atlantic Coastal Plain,

the Great Plains, the Continental Divide, the Great Basin,

Death Valley, the Gulf of Mexico, the St. Lawrence River,

the Great Lakes, the Erie Canal, and the following cities:

New York City, NY; Boston, MA; and Philadelphia, PA.