N.M. Levine

Marine and Environmental Biology, Department of Biological Sciences

University of Southern California

(213) 821-0745

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N.M. Levine


University of Southern California, Los Angeles CA

Gabilan Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences and Earth Sciences Dec 2013- present

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole MA

Postdoctoral Investigator, Doney Lab 2013

Harvard University, Cambridge MA

NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellow 2010- 2013

Faculty Host: Prof. Paul R. Moorcroft

Harvard University, Cambridge MA

Postdoctoral Fellow, Moorcroft Lab 2010


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge MA

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), Woods Hole MA 2010

Ph.D. Chemical Oceanography

Dissertation: Understanding the ocean carbon and sulfur cycles in the context

of a variable ocean: a study of anthropogenic carbon storage and

dimethylsulfide production in the Atlantic Ocean

Dissertation Advisors: Dr. Scott C. Doney, Dr. Dierdre A. Toole

Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), Woods Hole MA 2006

Microbial Diversity Course Participant

Princeton University, Princeton NJ 2003

B.A. Geosciences, summa cum laude

Honors Thesis Advisor: Prof. Michael L. Bender

Research Interests

·  Interactions between climate and ecosystem composition and function

·  Impact of fine-scale heterogeneity and variability on microbial ecosystem dynamics

·  Marine carbon and nutrient cycling

Awards & Honors

Sloan Research Fellowship, Ocean Sciences 2016-2018

Gabilan Assistant Professorship, University of Southern California 2013-2018

Ruth and Paul Fye Award for Excellence in Oceanographic Research Graduate Student Best Paper Award, MIT/WHOI Joint Program 2015

NOAA Postdoctoral Fellowship in Climate and Global Change 2010-2013

DISCO XXII (Dissertations Symposium on Chemical Oceanography), Invited Participant 2010


Peer Reviewed (* denotes papers first authored by supervised graduate student)

Lee, MD, NG Walworth, EL McParland, F-X Fu, TJ Mincer, NM Levine, DA Hutchins, and EA Webb (submitted), TheTrichodesmiumconsortium: species-level conservation and genomic signatures of co-dependency

Levine, NM (submitted), Life in a patchy ocean: the impact of fine-scale environmental heterogeneity on ecosystem dynamics

Levine, NM (2016), Putting the spotlight on organic sulfur: Diverse dissolved organic sulfur compounds play an active role in ocean biogeochemistry, Science 354(6311), 418-419 * invited Perspective

Restrepo-Coupe, N, NM Levine et al. (2016), Do dynamic global vegetation models capture the seasonality of carbon fluxes in the Amazon basin? A data-model intercomparison, Global Change Biology, doi:10.1111/gcb.13442

Liu, X* and NM Levine (2016) Enhancement of phytoplankton chlorophyll by submesoscale frontal dynamics in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1002/2015GL066996

Levine, NM, DA Toole, A Neeley, NR Bates, SC Doney and JWH Dacey (2016), Revising upper-ocean sulfur dynamics near Bermuda: New lessons from three years of concentration and rate measurements, Environmental Chemistry, doi:10.1071/EN15045

Levine, NM, K Zhang, M Longo, A Baccini, O Phillips, SLLewis, E Alvarez, ACS de Andrade, R Brienen, T Erwin, TR Feldpausch, ALM Mendoza, PNVargas, A Prieto, JES Espejo, YMalhi, and PR Moorcroft (2016),Ecosystem Heterogeneity Determinesthe Resilience Profile of the Amazon to ClimateChange, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113 (3), 793-797, doi:10.1073/pnas.1511344112

Burd, AB, S Frey, A Cabre, T Ito, NM Levine, C Lonborg, MC Long, M Mauritz, RQ Thomas, B Stevens, T Vanwalleghen, and N Zeng (2016), Terrestrial and Marine Perspectives on Modeling Organic Matter Degradation pathways and Controls, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12987

Zhang, K, A de Almeida Castanho, D Galbraith, S Moghim, NM Levine, R Bras, M Coe, MH Costa, Y Malhi, M Longo, R Knox, S McKnight, J Wang, and PR Moorcroft (2015) The Fate of Amazonian Ecosystems over the Coming Century Arising from Changes in Climate, Atmospheric CO2, and Land-use, Global Change Biology, doi:10.1111/gbc.12903

Rowland, L, A Harper, BO Christoffersen, DR Galbraith, HMA Imbuzeiro, TL Powell, C Doughty, NM Levine, Y Malhi, SR Saleska, PR Moorcroft, P Meir, and M Williams (2015), Modelling climate change responses in tropical forests: similar productivity estimates across five models, but different mechanisms and responses, Geoscientific Model Development, 8, 1097-1110, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-1097-2015

Knox,RG, M Longo, ALS Swann, K Zhang, NM Levine, PR Moorcroft, and RL Bras (2015) Hydrometeorological effects of historical land-conversion in an ecosystem-atmosphere model of Northern South America, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19(1), 241-273, doi:10.5194/hess-19-241-2015

Christoffersen BO, et al. (2014) Mechanisms of water supply and vegetation demand govern the seasonality and magnitude of evapotranspiration in Amazonia and Cerrado. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 191(0): 33-50

de Gonçalves, LGG et al. (2013) Overview of the Large-Scale Biosphere–Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia Data Model Intercomparison Project (LBA-DMIP), Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 182–183, pp 111-127

von Randow, C et al. (2013) Inter-annual variability of carbon and water fluxes in Amazonian forest, Cerrado and pasture sites, as simulated by terrestrial biosphere models, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 182–183, pp 145-155

Powell, TL,DR Galbraith,BO Christoffersen, A Harper, HMA Imbuzeiro, L Rowland, PM Brando, ACL da Costa, MH Costa, NM Levine, Y Malhi,SR Saleska, E Sotta,M Williams, P Meir, and PR Moorcroft (2013), Confronting model predictions of carbon fluxes with measurements of Amazon forests subjected to experimental drought, New Phytologist, doi:10.1111/nph.12390

Coe, MT, TR Marthews, MH Costa, DR Galbraith, NL Greenglass, HMA Imbuzeiro, NM Levine, Y Malhi, PR Moorcroft, MN Muza, TL Powell, SR Saleska, LA Solorzano, JF Wang (2013), Deforestation and climate feedbacks threaten the ecological integrity of south-southeastern Amazonia, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 368: 20120155, doi:10.1098/rstb.2012.0155

Levine, NM, VA Varaljay, DA Toole, JWH Dacey, SC Doney, and MA Moran (2012), Environmental, biochemical, and genetic drivers of DMSP degradation and DMS production in the Sargasso Sea, Environ. Microbiology, doi: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2012.02700.x

Goodkin, NF, NM Levine†, SC Doney, and R Wanninkhof (2011), Impacts of temporal CO2 and climate trends on the detection of ocean anthropogenic CO2 accumulation, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25, GB3023, doi:10.1029/2010GB004009 († NM Levine corresponding author)

Levine, NM, SC Doney, I Lima, R Wanninkhof, NR Bates, and RA Feely (2011), The impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation on the uptake and accumulation of anthropogenic CO2 by North Atlantic Ocean mode waters, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25, GB3022, doi:10.1029/2010GB003892.

Wanninkhof, R, SC Doney, J Bullister, NM Levine, M Warner and N Gruber (2010) Detecting anthropogenic CO2 changes in the interior Atlantic Ocean between 1989-2005, J Geophys. Res., 115, C11028, doi:10.1029/2010JC006251

Levine, NM, ML Bender and SC Doney (2009), The d18O of dissolved O2 as a tracer of mixing and respiration in the mesopelagic ocean, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 23, GB1006, doi:10.1029/2007GB003162

Levine, NM, SC Doney, R Wanninkhof, K Lindsay, and IY Fung (2008), Impact of ocean carbon system variability on the detection of temporal increases in anthropogenic CO2, J Geophys. Res., 113, C03019, doi:10.1029/2007JC004153


Corsetti, FA, et al. (2015) Investigating the paleoecological consequences of supercontinent breakup: sponges clean up in the early Jurassic, The Sedimentary Record, Vol 13 (2).

Braco, A, MC Long, NM Levine, RQ Thomas, C Deutsch, and GA McKinley (2015) NCAR’s Summer Colloquium: capacity building in cross-disciplinary research of Earth System carbon-climate connections, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

Goodkin, NF, NM Levine, SC Doney, and R Wanninkhof (2011), Atmospheric CO2 trends hinder detection of oceanic CO2 accumulation, SOLAS International Newsletter, Issue 12, (www.solas-int.org)

Doney, SC and NM Levine (2006), How long can the ocean slow global warming? Oceanus, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, (http://www.whoi.edu/oceanus/index.do)

Doney, SC and NM Levine (2006), Detecting anthropogenic carbon inventory growth in a noisy ocean, SOLAS News, Issue 4, (www.solas-int.org)

Manuscripts in Preparation (* denotes papers first authored by supervised graduate student)

Levine, NM, D Galbraith, B Christoffersen, H Imbuzeiro, NR Coupe, S Saleska, Y Malhi, MH Costa, O Phillips, A Andrade, RAINFOR, and PR Moorcroft (in prep), The role of short and long-term climate variability in governing Amazonian biomass dynamics

Liu, X*, P Calil, Y Teng, and NM Levine (in prep), Impacts of Climate Change on Phytoplankton Productivity and Carbon Export in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre

Liu, X*, BH Jones, DA Kiefer, P Zhan, I Hoteit, N Zarokanellos, AR Kartadikaria, Y Teng, and NM Levine (in prep), The environmental control of primary productivity in the Red Sea

Teel, EN*, X Liu, BN Seegers, MA Ragan, BH Jones, and NM Levine (in prep), Using in-situ glider data to improve the interpretation of time-series data

Teel, EN*, X Liu, JA Cram, R Sachdeva, JA Fuhrman, and NM Levine (in prep), Impact of free-living marine bacterial community composition on heterotrophic remineralization ratesand biogeochemical carbon cycling

McParland, E* and NM Levine (in prep), Solving the secret to DMSP synthesis: Answers from a meta-analysis of multi-species and multi-stressor culture studies

Gomez-Consarnau, L, NM Levine, LS Cutter, D Wang, B Seegers, J Aristegui, JA Fuhrman, JM Gasol, SA Sanudo-Wilhelmy (to be submitted to Nature), Marine proteorhodopsins rival chlorophyll in solar energy capture

Longo, M, RG Knox, NM Levine et al. (in prep), Amazon Forest vulnerability and resilience to drier rainfall regimes: incorporating heterogeneity from neighborhood to biome scales

Invited Lectures

Levine, NM, New insight into ocean carbon cycling by embracing the challenge of scales

University of California, Irvine, Department Seminar Dec 2016

University of British Columbia, Department Seminar Nov 2016

University of California, Los Angeles, Department Seminar Nov 2016

University of Southern California, Department of Computational Biology Seminar Oct 2016

Levine, NM, Competition in a patchy world: submesoscale dynamics, phytoplankton growth, and carbon export in the oligotrophic North Pacific, PICES-2016 Annual Meeting Nov 2016

Levine, NM, Bridging the gap between functional genes and biogeochemistry: a DMSP case study

Joint Academic Microbiology Seminars, Sydney Australia April 2015

Levine, NM, Life in a dynamic ocean: The impact ofsubmesoscale physical dynamics on phytoplankton growth and competition

Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Ecology Seminar April 2016

University of Technology Sydney, Department Seminar April 2015

UC Santa Barbara, IGPMS Seminar April 2015

University of Arizona, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department Seminar March 2015

Levine, NM, Embracing heterogeneity: bridging between the fine and large scales

University of Southern California, Earth Sciences Department Seminar March 2014

Levine, NM, Bridging the gap between functional genes and biogeochemistry: a DMSP case study

University of Chicago Jan 2013

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences Oct 2012

Levine, NM, Seeing the forest AND the trees: Modeling ecosystem-climate interactions

University of Georgia, Marine Sciences Department Seminar Dec 2012

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PAOC Lunch Seminar Apr 2012

California Institute of Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering Seminar Apr 2012

Levine, NM, Minding the Gap: Bridging genomics and biogeochemistry

Marine Microbes Gordon Research Conference June 2012

Levine, NM, Small organisms with a large climate footprint: the production of DMS by phytoplankton and bacteria

NOAA Climate and Global Change 20th Anniversary Celebration Apr 2011

Levine, NM, From Genes to Biogeochemical Cycles: a marine sulfur cycle case study

California Institute of Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering Seminar Oct 2010

University of Hong Kong, Department of Earth Sciences Sept 2010

Levine, NM, The role of bacterial and phytoplankton functional groups in the production of dimethylsulfide

Brown University, Geological Sciences Lunch Bunch Seminar Nov 2009

Levine, NM, Dimethylsulfoniopropionate, Dimethylsulfide and Light: knowns, unknowns and uncertainties

AMEMR DMS Modeling Workshop May 2008

Selected Professional Presentations (* denotes abstract first authored by supervised student)

Contributed Lectures

Liu, X*, Y Teng, P Calil, and NM Levine (2017) Impact of fine-scale physics on marine ecosystem and carbon dynamics in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre: perspectives from a new modeling approach, AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting

Levine, NM (2016) Competition in a patchy world: insight from a new modeling approach, Marine Microbes Gordon Conference

Levine, NM and X Liu (2016) Modeling the impact of fine temporal and spatial scale processes on large-scale ecosystem dynamics and carbon cycling, AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting

Levine, NM, DA Toole, A Neeley, NR Bates, SC Doney and JWH Dacey (2014), Revising upper-ocean sulfur dynamics near Bermuda: New lessons from three years of concentration and rate measurements, 6th DMSP Symposium, Barcelona, Spain

Levine, NM (2012) Environmental, biochemical and genetic drivers of DMSP degradation and DMS production, Marine Microbes Gordon Research Seminar

Levine, NM (2010) Understanding the ocean carbon and sulfur cycles in the context of a variable ocean: a study of anthropogenic carbon storage and dimethylsulfide production in the Atlantic Ocean, DISCO XXII, Honolulu, HI

Levine, NM, DA Toole, A Neeley, JWH Dacey, SC Doney, NR Bates, and MA Moran (2009) Evidence that bacteria play an important role in the upper ocean sulfur cycle at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station, ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting

SC Doney, NM Levine†, I Lima, R Wanninkhof, C Sabine, and RA Feely (2008), Observational and model estimates of decadal-scale changes in anthropogenic carbon in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS24A-02 († presentation by NM Levine)

Levine, NM, SC Doney, K Lindsay, and R Wanninkhof (2006), Detection and attribution of anthropogenic CO2 in light of interannual variability and secular climate change, Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Annual Meeting

Contributed Posters

Teel, EN*, X Liu, JA Cram, R Sachdeva, JA Fuhrman, and NM Levine (2016) Modeling the effects of free-living marine bacterial community composition on heterotrophic remineralization rates and biogeochemical carbon cycling, AGU, Fall Meeting

Liu, X* and NM Levine (2015, 2016) Submesoscale frontal heterogeneity enhances phytoplankton chlorophyll in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, OCB Summer Workshop and AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting

McParland, E*, FX Fu, DA Hutchins, and NM Levine (2014) DMSP Production in high CO2 oceans by nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria, Global Change Biology Gordon Conference and 6th DMSP Symposium

Levine, NM (2014) The impact of small-scale physical variability on large-scale carbon cycling and ecosystem dynamics, Global Change Biology Gordon Conference

Levine, NM (2014) The impact of small-scale physical variability on large-scale carbon cycling and ecosystem dynamics, AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting

Levine, NM, D Galbraith, B Christoffersen, H Imbuzerio, NR Coupe, Y Malhi, S Saleska, MH Costa, O Phillips, A Andrade, RAINFOR, and PR Moorcroft (2011), The synergistic use of models and observations: understanding the mechanisms behind observed biomass dynamics at 14 Amazonian field sites and the implications for future biomass changes, AGU, Fall Meeting

Levine, NM, DA Toole, A Neeley, JWH Dacey, SC Doney, and NR Bates (2008), Bacterially driven diurnal changes in the upper ocean sulfur cycle, AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting