Job Specification and summary for an Audience Development and Activity Plan Consultant

1 Project Summary

1.1 Trowbridge Museum has secured an HLF stage 1 pass to commence development work to expand and develop Trowbridge Museum by:

·  enhancing the original Home Mill building and therefore the Museum entrance within the Shires Shopping Centre

·  refreshing interpretation on the existing floor

·  creating a Library and Archive facility on the existing floor

·  creating an archaeological store on the existing floor

·  enhancing our retail space

·  expanding into the floor above to exploit the original factory settings, natural light and views of the historic townscape through the windows of the upper floor

·  creating bigger temporary exhibition space and showcasing working machinery

1.2 Trowbridge is an Accredited museum. Its collections tell the lengthy, rich and varied story of this Magna Carta Baron town and its deeply rooted historic association with West of England woollen cloth production. Displays incorporate rare machinery including a Spinning Jenny, one of only five left worldwide. Other displays encompass a variety of different mediums, objects and artefacts to reflect and interpret the social impact the industry had upon the town’s development and its people.

1.3 Trowbridge Museum has been celebrating this rich heritage from within the last working woollen cloth mill since 1990. However, our service has now reached capacity and Home Mill needs essential repairs.

1.4 The aims of Trowbridge Museum’s expansion and development is to conserve a building of significant heritage value and reinterpret and enhance our unique story of West of England woollen cloth production showcasing working machinery and referencing the industrial townscape.

Our expansion will improve access and opening hours, expand learning and creative spaces, establish more diverse partnerships and broaden our learning skills and volunteering offer through enhanced exhibition space and programming.

1.5 Trowbridge Museum has increased its Learning and Outreach Service by 30% in the last five years but has now reached capacity. In addition our restricted access, our poor visibility within the shopping centre, limited Learning facilities and restricted temporary exhibition space are hampering the Museum’s ability to engage with wider audiences.

2 Scope of work

Trowbridge Museum requires a consultant to evaluate our current and potential audiences using a variety of different evaluation methods. This data will be used by the consultant to assess and enhance our outline activity plan and to inform our development plans and the interpretation within the expanded and enhanced Museum.

The consultant will have a proven track record of developing new audiences, effectively evaluating audiences and devising effective activity plans.

The appointed consultant should have experience of working within a Museum and/or heritage related organisation.

A budget will be available to trial activity plans and to publicise and promote them.

2.1 The consultant will work closely with the Museum Curator. However, they will also have significant contact with other Museum staff and community based and county wide organisations.

The following tasks will be completed as part of this contract:

·  In conjunction with the Learning and Outreach and other Museum staff, the consultant will identify and evaluate, using a variety of different evaluation methods: the audiences currently using the existing Museum offer and its services; non users and potential new audiences

·  They will also utilise any relevant data that has arisen as a result of the work carried out by the Access Audit Consultant

·  Produce a detailed and comprehensive report analysing the results of their evaluation

·  They will review the existing Outline Activity Plan and utilising the information from the evaluation report and working with the Learning and Outreach and other Museum staff produce an activity plan that is going to fulfil the needs of existing and new audiences

·  Ensure that quantitative and qualitative targets are set for each activity

·  Produce an Evaluation Strategy and framework for the Delivery Phase of the redevelopment project

3 Delivery of the consultancy

3.1 The selected consultant will be expected to fulfil the following:

·  Attendance at an initial meeting

·  Weekly liaison with the Museum Curator via email or telephone

·  Travel within the community and county to fulfil research obligations

·  Attendance at at least three meetings during the lifetime of the consultancy

Travel to carry out research and attendance at meetings is to be included in the tender price.

4 Timetable

It is anticipated that the contract for the consultancy would be awarded in June 2016 for a period of 6 months to the end of November 2016.

5 Qualifications

Educated to degree level

6 Relevant experience

·  A proven track record of carrying out effective audience development using a variety of different methods

·  An ability to present evaluation data within a comprehensive report and in a variety of different formats

·  A proven track record of having devised successful activity plans for museum/heritage organisations

·  A proven track record of having worked on other HLF capital projects

7 Person Specification

·  An ability to communicate effectively in a wide variety of formats

·  Excellent interpersonal skills

·  Methodical with excellent organisational ability

·  Familiarity with computing and other information technology

·  Ability to manage time effectively and to meet deadlines

·  Enthusiastic and flexible

8 Fee

£12,000 (incl of travel and expenses)

8.9 Reporting

The consultant will report directly to the Museum Curator. It is anticipated that they will have significant contact with other Museum staff, and other organisations with the local Community and county.

8.10 Tendering requirements

A tender to this brief should outline (in no more than 5 pages of A4) the following:

·  Full qualifications

·  Relevant experience

·  Approach to the work

·  Methodology, milestones and a timetable

·  Number of days work

·  Two referees

·  A quotation which will be in the form of a lump sum fee which is inclusive of all expenses, including travel, printing etc. but exclusive of VAT.

8.11 Tender evaluation

Tender will be evaluated on quality 60% and value for money 40%

Score Performance Judgement

5 Meets and exceeds the standards specified, Excellent

4 Meets the standard specified, Good

3 Meets the standard in most aspects, fails in some, Satisfactory

2 Fails standard in most aspects, meets it in some, Unsatisfactory

1 Significantly fails to meet the standard, Poor

0 Completely fails to meet the standard. Not to be considered

Track record in carrying out successful Audience Development within the Heritage Sector Assessed 50%

Proven personal skills relating to Audience Development Assessed 30%

Experience of producing Activity Plans Assessed 20%

References information only

8.12 Contact details

Please email any questions regarding the brief to Clare Lyall, Museum Curator,

8.13 Submission of Tenders

Quotations must be received by post, no later than midday on Monday 16th May 2016. They should be posted to: Clare Lyall, Museum Curator, C/O The Civic Centre, St Stephen’s Place, Trowbridge, Wilts, BA14 8AH

The tender should be provided in one complete hard copy and one electronic version emailed directly to

Interviews will be held during the week commencing the 23rd May 2016 and will be undertaken by the Museum Curator, the Town Clerk and our HR office.