The work session and business meeting of the Lamar County Board of Education was held at the LCBOE and was called to order by Chair Ron Smith on November 10, 2015 at 7:00 pm. Other members present were: Horace Hightower, Susan Byars, Sue O’Neal and Danny Turner.

On motion by Ron Smith the agenda was approved.

Recognition – was during the work session at the FAC at 6:00 pm. Homer Foster, custodian from the Primary School, was recognized as employee of the month; MS Football, MS Softball, MS Cheerleaders, HS Girls Volleyball, HS Girls Softball, and HS One Act (all-star cast) was also recognized.

The Board approved the minutes for Oct. 6, 2015 and Oct. 21, 2015.

On motion by Horace Hightower, seconded by Susan Byars, the Board unanimously voted to approve the consent agenda:


Location Date(s) Requested Person/Group Requesting Use Purpose


Group/Person Day/Overnight Trip Dates


Activity School Sponsor Spending Plan Date of Activity

Nuts, Snacks & Chocolate LCMS J. Housley General Fund Jan. 27, 2016-Feb. 12, 2016

Dressing SNP LCSS GSNA State Conference & Training Nov. 12-Nov. 19 & Dec. 1-Dec 17, 2015

Relay for Life LCPS B. Brown Relay for Life Jan. 2016 – May 2016

Art Night LCPS Ted Clements for art supplies Feb. 25, 2016 – May 27, 2016


Name Position Job Site Comments

Cattuzzo, Rose Marie Bus Driver TRANS Effective 11/11/15; Replaces James Harper

Coffey, Sarah Bus Driver TRANS Effective 11/11/15; Replaces Martha Garcia

Almond, Tuwanda Sub SNP SNP Effective 11/11/15

Haygood, Ashley Sub SNP SNP Effective 11/11/15

Canion, Taiwana Sub SNP SNP Effective 11/11/15

Griggs, James Sub SNP SNP Effective 11/11/15


Name Position Job Site Comments

Harper, James Bus Driver TRANS Effective 10/26/15


Name Position Job Site Comments

Johnson, Andrew Maintenance MAINT Effective 10/26/15

Gubbles, Anthony Teacher LCCHS Effective 11/13/15


Name Position Job Site Comments

Rogers, Fannie Sub to FT SNP Manager LCES Effective 11/11/15; Replaces Montreka Dansby

Holloway, Charlotte PT to FT Custodian LCMS Effective 11/30/15; replaces Calvin Price


Name Position Job Site Comments

Dziedzic, Tom Asst. Mechanic Transportation Effective 11/10/15

B. Presentation: Mr. David Carpenter & Ms. Janie Baxter presented our final stage of the Strategic Plan.

Mr. Bryan Stephens, Financial Director, presented information on our audit with the state and the update on Piedmont Green.

Public Comments-BOE policy requires advanced notice via a meeting with the Superintendent.

Superintendent’s Reports –presented our FTE update. Our graduation rate is 91.23%.

Discussion & Action Items:

A.  On motion by Horace Hightower, seconded by Danny Turner, the Board unanimously voted to approve policy JBC1 Homeless Students.

B.  Ron Smith nominated Horace Hightower for Chair and Danny Turner for Vice Chair. On motion by Danny Turner, seconded by Horace Hightower, the Board unanimously voted Horace Hightower for the Chair, Danny Turner for Vice Chair for the 2016 BOE officers.

C.  On motion by Ron Smith, seconded by Danny Turner, the Board unanimously voted on Sue O’Neal, and Susan Byars for the BOE Finance Committee for 2016.

D.  On motion by Sue O’Neal, seconded by Susan Byars, the Board unanimously voted to approve the Strategic Plan as presented.

E.  On motion by Horace Hightower, seconded by Sue O’Neal, the Board unanimously voted to approve the Organizational Chart for 2015-2016 as presented.

Executive Session - On motion by Ron Smith, seconded by Horace Hightower, the Board unanimously voted to go into executive session to discuss or deliberate upon the appointment, employment, compensation, hiring, disciplinary action or dismissal, or periodic evaluation or rating of a public officer or employee. No action was taken during executive session.

On motion by Susan Byars, seconded by Horace Hightower, the Board unanimously voted come out of executive session.

On motion by Susan Byars, seconded by Sue O’Neal, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn.


Chair – Ron Smith Superintendent, Dr. Jute Wilson