Review Proposal Form
Please complete and send this form to the CCMD Editorial Base:
Before completing this form:
· Make sure that your proposal falls within this group’s scope, and that it has not already been covered in another Cochrane review.· Note that all authors must follow the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions.
· Read “Managing expectations: what does Cochrane expect of authors, and what can authors expect of Cochrane?” (see
· Be aware that preparing a Cochrane review requires a significant, long-term commitment. At least two authors are required before a title can be registered.
· Please note that the first draft of your manuscript must meet all the basic criteria on our pre-submission checklist. Please contact us if you have any questions about how to implement these points and we will be happy to provide advise. If a manuscript does not meet all the criteria upon second submission to the editorial base, we reserve the right to de-register the title.
Title | Motivation | Dissemination
Proposed Title(see Handbook Part 1, chapter 4.1)
Contact Author Name
(see Handbook part 1, chapter 4.3)
Motivation for review / why is it important to do this review?
Approximate number of studies to be included
Dissemination of completed review
It is essential that all new reviews have a dissemination plan so that we know there is a clear purpose to the work being undertaken. We need to know who will be interested in this review when completed, who should be notified of its findings, what guidelines will likely be influenced etc.
Review context
Is the review subject to any specific funding?Do you have a deadline for completing the review?
Has the review already been carried out or published?
If yes, where has it been published?
What non-Cochrane systematic reviews have been undertaken?
If any of these are up to date and of high quality please explain why this proposal should be taken forward nonetheless.
Please list related Cochrane reviews, protocols or registered titles
Outline plan of the review
For all points you are advised to see Section 4.5 and Section 5 of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions, available at
Objective of review
In Cochrane format (section 4.5)
Types of study
(n.b. anything other than RCT requires full justification) (section 5.5)
(state age, diagnosis, co-morbidities, setting, etc.) (section 5.2)
Intervention(s) and specific comparisons to be made
(please give full details of the interventions and comparators) (section 5.3) / Experimental intervention
Comparator intervention
Main comparisons
(please list the main planned comparisons) / 1.
(keep the outcomes to a small number and ensure you cover patient important outcomes and adverse events) (section 5.4) / Primary outcomes
Secondary outcomes
What subgroup analyses do you intend to undertake?
(section 9.6)
Other information relevant to this proposal
Author experience and expertise
Cochrane experience
Which authors have Cochrane experience and what level of previous involvement have they had?
For those authors with no previous experience what steps will the other authors take to ensure they are supported adequately?
Names and areas of expertise of the author team
Name / Area of expertise
(please indicate the background and skills of each review author and the expertise they bring to the review team e.g. content, methodology; statistics. Supply references as appropriate. Please also note any Cochrane training attended whether in person or online.)
Contact author:
Co-author(s) :
(list each)
Conflicts of interest
Do you or your co-authors have any interests in this topic that could be perceived as conflicts of interest?Cochrane Reviews should be free of any real or perceived bias introduced by the receipt of any benefit in cash or kind, any hospitality, or any subsidy derived from any source that may have or be perceived to have an interest in the outcome of the review. It is a matter of Cochrane policy that direct funding from a single source with a vested interest in the results of the review is not acceptable. See / Yes / No
(please delete as appropriate)
If ‘yes’, what are they?
A | Plagiarism
Cochrane takes plagiarism very seriously and we routinely use software to detect plagiarism in work submitted. We are a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
If we detect plagiarism in any work submitted we will discuss this with the author team in the first instance. If the issue is not resolved after the first instance then CCDAN will no longer be able to support the review.
B | Timelines
A draft protocol must be submitted to the CRG within six months. If drafts are not submitted before the agreed deadlines, or if we are unable to contact you for an extended period, the CRG has the right to de-register the title or transfer the title to alternative authors. The CRG has the right to de-register or transfer the title if it does not meet the standards of the CRG and/or Cochrane.
C | Publication in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
The support of the CRG in preparing your review is conditional upon your agreement to publish the protocol, finished review and subsequent updates the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. By completing this form you undertake to publish this review in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews before publishing elsewhere (concurrent publication in other journals may be allowed in certain circumstances with prior permission from the CRG)
D | Preparing, maintaining and updating the review
By completing this form, you accept responsibility for preparing, maintaining and updating the review in accordance with Cochrane policy. The Cochrane Review Group (CRG) will provide as much support as possible to assist with the preparation of the review.
You accept responsibility for maintaining the review in light of new evidence, comments and criticisms, and other developments, and updating the review at least once every two years, or, if requested, transferring responsibility for maintaining the review to others as agreed with the CRG.
I understand the above requirements (A, B, C & D) and the commitment required to undertake a Cochrane review, and agree to publish first in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
Please note that CCDAN does not undertake to publish all protocols submitted (however many iterations are submitted) if they do not meet editorial standards.
Signed on behalf of the authors:
Form completed by: / Date: 25 September 2015
Roles and responsibilities
Draft the protocol
Develop a search strategy (in conjunction with CCDAN’s TSC)
Select which trials to include (2 people + 1 arbiter in the event of dispute)
Extract data from trials (2 people + 1 arbiter in the event of dispute)
Undertake risk of bias assessments (2 people + 1 arbiter in the event of dispute)
Enter data into RevMan (Cochrane software)
Carry out the analysis
Interpret the analysis
Draft the final review
Produce the summary of findings tables
Check final review meets all mandatory MECIR standards before submission
Keep the review up to date
Other information
Have you or a co-author written a systematic review before?...... / Yes No
If yes, was it a Cochrane Review?...... / Yes No
Have you attended a Cochrane review training workshop?...... / Yes No
If yes, which one?......
If no, do you require assistance in planning to? ...... / Yes No
What type of computer do you use?...... / Mac PC
Do you have a copy of RevMan 5.0, the latest version Cochrane Review Manager software?
Do you have ready access to email / the Internet? / Yes No
Yes No
Do you have access to a statistician (essential requirement)? / Yes No
Do you predominantly speak / write in a language other than English? / Yes No
Do you have access to electronic databases relevant to your review topic (eg MEDLINE, PubMed, The Cochrane Library, PsycINFO?)
Do you have access to a medical / University library:
If yes, can you order journal articles not held in the Library?
Have you experience of searching databases yourself?
Do you have access to reference management software (eg Procite, EndNote, Reference Manager): If yes, which software, and what version? ……………… / Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Proposed deadlines
Date you plan to submit a draft protocol: (within 6 months)Date you plan to submit a draft review: (within 12 months)
Agreement to Editorial Review and Publication in The Cochrane Library
Your title registration form will now be reviewed by the CCDAN editorial board (see also email). Criteria for acceptance may include: potential overlap with existing work and clinical relevance of question. If your title is accepted, the Group expects that you will submit a draft protocol within 6 months. If there is no correspondence from you during this period, or no draft protocol has been received, the Cochrane Review Group reserves the right to de-register the title or transfer the title to a new author.
Please note that CCDAN does not undertake to publish all protocols submitted (however many iterations are submitted) if they do not meet editorial standards. Please note that the CCDAN routinely requests that data extraction sheets be submitted along with drafts of completed reviews.
By completing and returning this form, you are accepting responsibility for maintaining and updating the review in accordance with Cochrane policy, i.e. you will be responsible for ensuring the review is updated at least every two years. If you are unable to update this review the Review Group reserves the right to transfer the review to a new author.
The support of the editorial team in producing your review is conditional upon your agreement to publish the protocol and finished review, together with subsequent updates, in the Cochrane Library. By completing and signing this form you undertake to publish firstly in The Cochrane Library (concurrent publication in other journals may be allowed in certain circumstances with prior permission of the editorial team). Signatures from all authors on permission-to-publish forms will be required when protocols, reviews and updates are published.
I understand the long-term commitment necessary when undertaking a Cochrane Review.
Form completed by: ……………………………………………… Date: …….………………
Details of contact author (who may or may not be first author on the review)
Prefix (e.g. Ms, Dr): / ………………………………. / First name: / ………………………………….…
Middle names: / ………………………………. / Family name: / …………………………..…….….
Email address: / ………………………………. / Web address: / …………….………………….…..
Job Title/Position: / …………………………………………………………………………..…….……………
Department: / …………………………………………………………………………..……….…………
Organisation: / …………………………………………………………………………..…….……………
Street/Address: / …………………………………………………………………………..……….…………
City: / …………………………………………………………………………..………..….…….
State/Province: / …………………………………………………………………………………….…….…
Post/Zip code: / ……………………………… / Country: / ……………………..……….………
Telephone number: / ……………………………… / Fax number: / ……………………………………..
Mobile number: / …………………………………………………………….……………………….………
Privacy (this relates to the manner in which your contact details are held on our database, which is shared with other Cochrane entities). / Hide address details Yes No
Hide email address Yes No
Hide mobile ph. Yes No
Bulk mailings accepted: / None From primary entity (CCDAN) only
From affiliated entities in Cochrane only All
Country of origin: / Gender: / Female Male
Details of co-author(s)
Prefix (e.g. Ms, Dr): / ………………………..……… / First name: / ……………………………..………
Middle names: / ………………………...……… / Family name: / …………………………..……..….
Email address: / …………………………..……. / Web address: / …………….…………………..…..
Job Title/Position: / …………………………………………………………………………..…….……………
Department: / …………………………………………………………………………..……….…………
Organisation: / …………………………………………………………………………..…….……………
Street/Address: / …………………………………………………………………………..….……..……….
City: / …………………………………………………………………………..……..…..………
State/Province: / ………………………………………………………………………………….….…….…
Post/Zip code: / ……………………………… / Country: / ……………………..……….………
Telephone number: / ……………………………… / Fax number: / ………………………….…………..
Mobile number: / …………………………………………………………….……………….…….…………
Privacy (this relates to the manner in which your contact details are held on our database, which is shared with other Cochrane entities). / Hide address details Yes No
Hide email address Yes No
Hide mobile ph. Yes No
Bulk mailings accepted: / None From primary entity (the CCDAN only) From affiliated Cochrane entities only All
Country of origin: / Gender: / Female Male
For office use only
1. Approved title:
2. Approved by:
(a) Name: ….……………………………………………………………………………………..…
Role …………………………………………. … Date approved ………………….………….…
(b) Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………….
Role: ……………………………………………. Date approved ………………………………
3. Review number:
4. Contact identifiers:
5. Date registered in IMS: ………………………………………………………………………..
6. Notes (e.g., CRGs who will provide referees)
Notes for Review Authors Completing the Title Registration Form
Proposed Title
There is a standard format for Cochrane Titles:
[intervention] FOR [health problem/ issue] e.g. antibiotics for infection
[intervention A] VERSUS [intervention B] FOR [health problem/ issue] e.g. short term versus long term antibiotics for infection
[intervention] FOR [health problem/issue] IN [participant group] e.g. antibiotics for infection in children
Description of proposal
Your proposal should not overlap with reviews already published or underway. Please refer to the protocols and reviews currently published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews on the Cochrane Library for this information. To identify our Group’s publications click here
(a) Objective
What is the research question? Try to state in 1-3 sentences at most.
(b) Types of study
Outline the types of studies that will be included in the review (for example: randomised controlled trials? Quasi-randomised controlled trials? Interrupted time series?) Give thought to whether there are aspects of study methodology that you feel render the study invalid for inclusion, e.g. lack of randomisation, failure to conceal allocation or, in reviews where the outcomes are very subjective (e.g. global assessment of improvement or levels of depression), blinding of the outcome assessor.
See section 4.5 of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions at
(c) Participants
Outline the types of populations to be included and excluded, with thought given to aspects of the participants receiving the intervention, e.g. age and gender, the type/stage of disease/condition, the method of diagnosis, co-morbidities and co-interventions. It may be that your review concerns interventions aimed only at particular socio-economic groups; if so, that should be stated clearly.