Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting of Sutton Upon Tern Parish Council

held at the Festival Centre, Market Drayton on Wednesday 22nd April 2014 at 7:30pm

Chair: Cllr M Reid

Councillors Present: Cllr B Maddox; Cllr C Creed; Cllr M Dams

Cllr B Hill; Cllr R Gittins

Clerk: Mrs M Joyce

1 Chairperson’s welcome
The Chair opened the Meeting at 7:30pm and welcomed everyone present. Five members of the public were present. One resident made a representation to the Council Members regarding the Land South of Hollins Lane applications.

2 Present, Apologies for absence or Absent

Apologies were received from Cllrs Bates, Jackson and Swaithes.

3 Disclosures of Disclosable Pecuniary or any other Interests

Cllrs Dams and Reid declared interests in Planning application number 15/00982/OUT and indicated their intention not to participate in the discussion and to leave the Meeting room for the discussion.

4 Planning:

15/00924/EIA Erection of two poultry sheds and feed bins, ancillary works including access track and associated landscaping works: Land South of Hollins Lane, Newport Road, Woodseaves: Councillors discussed the application. Queried whether the access track has already been installed. Currently unfinished as far as joining the road. Local concern has been lodged online and made in person in relation to flies etc. Two separate applications for the same plot which has raised concerns. Borehole on applicant’s land feeding local cottages may be affected. Proposed location away from existing farming activity at Old Springs Farm. No on site personnel to attend to the poultry units. Cottages at Tyrley Wharf grade 11 listed – local canal area of special scientific interest. (Cllr Maddox arrived at 7:38pm.) Will the water from the borehole be used to clean/service the sheds. Potential harm to water supply, light/noise pollution. Increase in traffic. Odours/pollutants. Supporting documents not impartial

Applicant currently ignoring s106 preventing lorry access via lane from Four Alls to Old Springs.

Borehole requires testing for pollutants. Councillors all agreed to object. Clerk to respond.

15/01108/MAW: Installation of an 800k agricultural Anaerobic Digester Plant and associated infrastructure : Land South of Hollins Lane, Newport Road, Woodseaves:

Same conditions as miscanthus plant? 6 mile radius exclusion zone around the plant. . Cllr Maddox presented a letter of objection from another resident.

Applicant has stated it will supply electric to Old Springs Farm despite it being 2.5 miles away, with surplus going to National Grid. Cllrs queried how it will be taken to the farm, why is it not closer. It would be further away from sensitive receptors and not in open countryside.

Councillors considered the application. All agreed to object. Clerk to respond.

15/00816/FUL: Erection of a two storey side extension, front porch and loft conversion to include insertion of dormer windows: Garden View, Tern Hill Hall, Tern Hill:

Councillors considered the plans. Councillors raised no objections and agreed to support.

15/01149/FUL: Colehurst Building, Colehurst, Market Drayton: Conversion and extension of an existing agricultural building into a residential dwelling:

Councillors considered the plans, taking into account the Protected Species Report. Public footpath runs through the site. Conversion and extension of existing building. Four bedroom dwelling applied for, not for essential agricultural workers’ use. Conversion of the existing dwelling conforms to current policy and Councillors agreed to support the application.

15/00982/OUT Outline application for erection of 2 no dwellings (to include access) The Nursery, Sydnall Lane, Woodseaves: Cllrs Reid and Dams left the Meeting room. Councillor Creed Chaired the discussion. Councillors considered the plans and the proposed plot. Councillors were reminded of the request to remove Sydnall Lane from the Community Cluster to review the position at later date. The plot forms part of the current nursery, Cllrs queried whether the business would still function if the houses were built. Plot technically a brownfield site. Councillor Maddox queried access – the site would have access onto Sydnall Lane, then onto the A529. Within the current settlement boundary. Impact on neighbouring properties at The Nook queried. Four objections currently online. Councillors voted 2 in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention. Clerk to respond.

Change of use of land to form camping ground incorporating 12 no. Hard-standings; erection of amenity block; installation of septic tank; provision of barbecue area and walkways Meiklejohn Farm Pell Wall Market Drayton Shropshire TF9 2AB

14/05679/FUL Meikeljohn Farm, Pell Wall: Proposed Camping Ground: Clerk relayed the up to date information provided by the Case Officer. Cllrs felt that the issues of visual impact could be addressed with additional screening. All voted in favour.

15/01518/FUL Sutton Grange , Sutton, Market Drayton, TF9 2HZ

Proposal: Erection of an agricultural building for the cubicle housing of livestock together with a slurry storage facility: Councillors raised no objections and agreed to support the application.

5 Presentation of account balances to year end

Councillors considered the figures in relation to the statements and agreed them to be accurate. The Chair duly signed the Bank Reconciliation. Clerk presented up to date bank statements. Clerk confirmed that she intended to go to the internal auditor next week.

Mirror requested for opp Manor Farm, Woodseaves: Keith Bennett – clerk to investigate.

The Clerk presented a cheque to be signed as agreed at the March meeting for the Friends of Buntingsdale School. Councillors all agreed and the cheque was duly signed and the Chair presented to Karen Watkins, School Governor.

Chair thanked all for attending and closed the meeting at 8:29pm.

Date of Next Meetings: 6th May 2015 Annual Parish Meeting & Annual Meeting of the Parish Council



Agreed to be a true and accurate copy at a Meeting dated: 16th July 2014

Signed by the Chair: ………………………………………….