NAME: ______

DATE: ______

In Service - Environmental Cleanliness in Home Care

February 2013 - POST-TEST

1. Clutter, disorder, dirt and odors are health and safety hazards and increase the risk of infection, disease and accidents in the home (circle true or false)


2. Common types of tasks that may be performed in the client’s home as part of home management include: (circle the correct answer or answers)

  1. cleaning client’s bathroom
  2. cleaning client’s kitchen
  3. washing windows inside and out

d. cleaning client’s bedroom

e. all of the above

3. Caring for your client’s environment is not the same as cleaning your own home (circle true or false)


4. When using cleaning products in the home, remember the following tips: (circle the correct answer or answers)

  1. Know the surface you want cleaned
  2. Know what the surface is made of
  3. Ask the client if there are special cleaners to use or avoid
  4. Know the cleaner and if it is the right cleaner for the surface
  5. It is always better to mix cleaning chemicals together to get surfaces cleaner
  6. Read the label and know how to use products safely

5. Cleaning and disinfecting is not the same thing. (circle true or false)

True False

6. Never mix chlorine bleach with ammonia because it creates a deadly gas (circle true or false)

True False

7. ______is the term that means to destroy germs(fill in the blank)

8 .Tips to remember with planning client care and home management activities are: (circle the correct answer or answers):

a. Develop a work plan

b. your first priority is care of the client

c .Big cleaning jobs may have to be coordinated with other service providers

d. Have a cleaning plan but be flexible

e. Organize your work and straighten as you go along

f. all of the above

9. Specific duties for home management would be listed on the client’s plan of care and your agency supervisor can answer questions regarding the plan:(circletrue or false)

True False

10.The most common, least expensive chemical solution used in the home is ______or ______and
