Gwasanaethau TG - IT Services
Technoleg Dysgu - Learning Technology

Editing the Flip camera movies in MovieMaker

Workshop handout

This handout accompanies the Learning Technologies Flip Camera workshop. This workshop takes you through the steps required to convert the Flip camera movies into .wmv files. The .wmv files can then either be put directly on the IT services video steaming server or first *edited in Windows Moviemaker and then placed on the streaming server (*as demonstrated in this workshop).

Step / Screenshot

Step 1

·  You will need video conversion software, we use Prism (a free 30 day trail version is available) /

Step 2

·  Attach the flip camera to the PC.
·  This window will now appears >
·  Select ‘ Open folder to view files’. /

Step 3

·  Open the DCIM folder.
·  Open the 100Video folder, this contains the video clips we need to convert and import into Movie Maker.

Step 4

·  Right click your video
·  Select ‘Convert with Prism’

Step 5

·  Prism will open
·  Select the folder you want to save to using the ‘Browse’ Button
·  Ensure that the output format is .wmv
·  Click Convert

Step 6

·  Close Prism
·  Go to the start Menu
·  Go to Accessories
·  Open Windows Movie Maker

Step 7

·  From the Task Panel select ‘import video’.
·  Select your video.
·  Click Import.
*important: uncheck the box ‘Create clips for all video files ‘ before you import. /

Step 8

·  The videos have been imported in the project ‘collections ‘
·  They are referred to as ‘Clips’ in Movie Maker.
·  The Clips have been imported into your Movie Maker Project (which can contain many clips).
·  It is important to save your project often.

Step 9

·  To see all the clips you have imported into the project click on the ‘collections tab’ in the toolbar.

Step 10

·  Drag your clips to the storyboard to add them to your movie project.

Step 11

·  You can view the movie you are creating in either the Storyboard view (see step 10 above) or in the Timeline view.
·  Use the Timeline view to trim the clips and the audio (which appears in a separate channels in this view).
·  You must save your movie using the file save project as option – remember to save frequently.
·  Once you have completed your movie go to the tasks panel select ‘Finish movie’ and save your movie in the required format.

Manylion Cyswllt / Contact details

Cysylltwch â am unrhyw gymorth neu gyngor ynghylch Thechnoleg Dysgu
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