Tempe Campus Curriculum Subcommittee

September 13, 2007

3:30–5:00 p.m. Foundation Bldg. – 4th floor – room 4440


Present: Achim Herrmann, Jeff Bush, Kevin Ellsworth, Heather Hoffart,

Ron Hoffmeister, Nancy Kiernan, Pauline Komnenich, Fritz Leigh,

Phyllis Lucie, Sarup Mathur,Filiz Ozel, Sergio Quiros, Duane Roen (Chair),

Francisco Lara-Valencia, Brent Vernon, Kathy Wigal

Excused: JoAnn Mulvihill

Guests: Ted Humphrey, BarrettHonorsCollege

Glenn Irvin, Sr. Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs


The meeting was called to order at 3:45 p.m.


The minutes ofAugust 30, 2007 were approved.

3. Old Business

Impact statements for new course proposals.

Heather Hoffart, Office of the Provost, explained that the current policy for impact statements for new course proposals does not seem to be working.

At this point in time, a clear definition of an impact statement does not exist.

TCCS discussed how to resolve this concern at the August 30, 2007 TCCS meeting.

Duane Roen, Chair CAPC/TCCS spoke to Tom Schildgen regarding the impact statement process. Tom suggested that although the process needs to be hastened regarding impact statements, appropriate departments need to weigh in on the impact of new course proposals.

Although it is suggested that three departments need to be notified and respond about the impact of a new course, the appropriate departments are not necessarily being notified.

A lengthy discussion ensued,with ideas that might expedite and facilitate the impact statement process for new course proposals. Discussion included the many variablesthat need to be considered, i.e., the multiple timely notification to directors in units proposing new courses, as well as areas of interest on the degree search website:

A decision was made to draft a motion that will encapsulate all the ideas expressed by committee members. Heather Hoffart will draft the motion and send it to Duane Roen for review. Once finalized, the motion will be distributed, via e-mail to TCCS members for their review prior to a vote at the September 27, 2007 TCCS meeting.

After TCCS has formally approved the motion, Duane will present the motion to the Academic Senate for their approval.

Dr. Glenn Irvin attended the meeting and found the discussion very helpful.

4.New Business

Consent Items


HON 317 / Philosophers, poets, and Revolutionaries in Latin America / 3

Ted Humphrey, BarrettHonorsCollege, attended the meeting to answer questions concerning this new course proposal.

As there were no questions, a motion was made to approve this course.

A motion to approvewas made, seconded and approved by unanimous voice vote.

  1. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at4:15 p.m.

Submitted by Phyllis Lucie