Conference / Training Form

Three and Four. The Community College Teaching and Learning Program provides participating faculty members the opportunity to participate in three conferences, trainings, or workshops during the four years of the tenure review process. These should emphasize teaching and learning. We encourage participants to attend professional activities and conferences together when possible. And participants may be invited to share their experiences and expertise at various college events.

Transportation/lodging expenses. Contact Henry Villareal, BSI Co-Chair (10-360E, x6590, ), to schedule a short meeting to finalize payment and travel/lodging arrangements. Please complete short-term professional development form for conference, training, or workshop registration Fees.


Please Note: Submit documents and this form to Dr. Henry Villareal, BSI Co-Chair, 6 weeks prior to conference, training, or workshop.

For additional assistance or further information, please contact professional enrichment co-coordinators, Jeramy Wallace () or Theresa Martin ().

Please attach the following documents:

ü  Official conference/training/workshop registration and description

ü  Transportation details (flight schedule or estimated mileage)

ü  Hotel registration

I am interested in attending: ◊ Conference ◊Training ◊ Workshop



Transportation to/from: ◊ Car (mileage): ◊ Flight

Focus: ◊ Teaching & Learning ◊ Discipline specific:______

Attendance: ◊ Individual ◊ Group:______

Names of others attending with you

Provide a brief description of Conference/Training:

Print Name:______Signature:______Date:______


To assist the Basic Skills Initiative Committee and the SoTL Center in our reporting and assessment, please answer the following questions:

1. Why have you chosen to attend this conference, training, or workshop?

2. Please identify two to three pedagogical areas of interest you plan to investigate at this conference—for example, inclusive teaching methodologies, lesson planning and course design, classroom management, student motivation strategies, etc.

Briefly explain your interest in these. (What perceived challenges or teaching difficulties might these help you address? How do you see these helping you to refine your teaching?)

Thank You!

Conference Reporting

Reflect on your experience at the conference using the following questions as a guide. Please attach to this sheet and submit to the Basic Skills Initiative committee or the Center for the Scholarship on Teaching and Learning.

For additional assistance or further information, please contact professional enrichment co-coordinators, Jeramy Wallace () or Theresa Martin ().

Your Information

Name: ______Division: ______

Conference Information


Dates Attended:______Location:______

To assist the Basic Skills Initiative Committee and the SoTL Center in our reporting and assessment, please answer the following questions:

1. Please provide a summary of your experience at the conference with respect to your pedagogical areas of interest.

2. What did you learn at the conference that will supplement your pedagogy when working with basic skills/underprepared students and/or transfer-level students?

3. How will you incorporate what you learned in your classroom and pedagogy?

4. What are your plans for sharing the above information with your colleagues? (for example, division or department meetings, workshops, presentations, etc.)

Thank You!