
<First page number:TBC

Title Goes Here 5-15 Words

Subheading goes here

By FirstAuthor Name(s)*

Fist Affiliation, Address, Country

Second Author Name(s)

Second Affiliation, Address, Country

Third Author Name(s)

Third Affiliation, Address, Country

*Email: <insert corresponding author email address(es)>


Please type your abstract here up to 150 words.

Subheadingsmay be numbered if required

Add your main text with sections as needed. Option 1: use basic headings such as Introduction, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, etc.Option 2: You may use more descriptive subheadings if preferred.

Please use no more than two levels of subheadings e.g. 1. And 1.2 etc.

Include Figures either embedded in the text or these may be collected together at the end of the article (please see below). Please indicate where each Figure must be cited in the text.

References numbered in parenthesis (1) and listed in order of appearance at the end of the document.


You may add Acknowledgements


  1. A. N. Author and B. C. Other, J. Name, <year>, <vol>, (<Iss. No.>), <first page>
  2. B. Book, “<Title of the Book>”, eds. C. Other and D. Another, <Publisher Name>, <Place of Publication>, <Country>, <year>
  3. <Add rest of References numbered in order of appearance. See website guidance for Reference formats or consult the Editorial Team>

The Authors

Biography First Author 50-100 words. Please include a photo

Biography Second Author 50-100 words. Please include a photo

Biography Third Author 50-100 words. Please include a photo

A biography is required for each co-author>


Table I

Title of the Table

Column head 1 / Column head 2a / Column head 3 / Column head 4 / Column head 5
Table entry / xxx / yyy / zzz / aaa

a Add table footnotes if desired

<Figure captions>

Fig. 1. Add Figure captions in order of appearance

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