The Mission of the Sandy Creek United Methodist Churchis: To open hearts by putting faith and love in action through works, deeds and words that heal and free; To open our minds by worshiping together as a faith family, by reading and studying the Bible and by growing in knowledge and love of God through disciplined Christian living; To open our doors by living the belief that all persons are of sacred worth, and by seeking to live locally, nationally, and globally in Christian community, welcoming, loving and forgiving one another.



Sharing the Peace of Christ

L: May the peace of Christ be with you,

P:And also with you.

Prelude “America, the Beautiful”

*Call to Worship

Leader: We gather today to recall the life of the man from Nazareth.

People: The hour has come to glorify Jesus Christ.

Leader: We gather today to remember his death on the cross of Calvary.

People: The hour has come to glorify Jesus Christ.

Leader:We gather today to hail the victory of our Lord over the grave.

People: The hour has come to glorify Jesus Christ.

Leader:We gather today to celebrate God’s coronation of the Savior of the world.

People: The hour has come to glorify Jesus Christ.

All: We gather today to become one with Christ, as Christ became one with God.

*Hymn “Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise” #312


Eternal God, our Savior, who sent Jesus into the world to reveal your divinity and to glorify our humanity, we approach you in the mood of his expectant disciples. Come to us, as you came to them and bring to us as you brought to them, the assurance that Christ lives and is alive forevermore. Let that assurance move us, as it moved them, to celebrate our oneness with you in word and deed.

The Nicene Creed #880

Prayers for God's People

*Hymn “Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain” #315

Children's Time

Giving of Our Tithes and Offerings

Offertory “America”

*Offertory Response #95

*Offertory Prayer

Epistle Reading Acts 1:1-11

Gospel Lesson Luke 24: 44-53

Sung Response “Glory be to the Father” #70

Sermon “Staring Into the Sky”

*Hymn “Thine Be the Glory” #308


*Sending Forth

If you’d like to donate your good used items for the annual yard sale please start getting it ready. Drop-off times start June 6thand the yard sale is the 10th!

It is time for the UMW (Loose Change Mission Jars) fundraiser. The jars are in the back of the Sanctuary by the door for anyone to take home to fill. It is amazing how much loose change can add up. When the jar is full, you can give the jar to Irene Fuller or Sandy Comstock. If you can't find them, you put your jar on the back table. The money supports the United Methodist Women missions-Backpack ministry, Dollar for Scholars, Food Pantry, Utica Neighborhood, Salvation Army, UMCOR Kits, and more.

Thank you for supporting our missions.

*- indicates those able, should stand.


Our congregation, Bishop Mark Webb, District Superintendent Rev. Rebekah Sweet, Rev. Daniel Bradley, United Methodist Churches and their communities, Upper NY Cabinet, Soldiers in uniform and their families, Families in Mission: The Mefor Family, The Zimmerman Family; Fran Masuicca, Andrew Gemmell, Jim Horth Sr., Freida Janacek, Paul Lasher, Johnny Lewis, Stella McCabe, Sharon Reese, Nancy Ridgeway, Maggie Potish, Mary Ann Reed, Kevin Seabury, Abe Allen, Brooke Grant, Amy Waterman-Albrecht, Lena Sinesi Fitzgerald, Lillian Ridgeway, Nancy Sanderson, Stratt Killam,Betsy Murphy, Pat Atkinson, Austin Miller, Rhonda Barron, Rosalind Bidwelland Cheryl Stagl


Week of May 7: Dakota Bass, Aldyn Landas

Week of May 14: Carol Miles

Week of May 21:

PrayerChain Requests:

Please contact Irene Fuller 387-3327 or Elaine Pierce 298-4086 with your prayer requests, or if you would like to be part of the Prayer Chain Ministry.


Monday:4:45 pm Chair Yoga, 7:00 pm Bible Study

Tuesday: 7:00 pm Boy Scouts

Wednesday:10:00 am Yoga with Anne, 8:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous




Sunday:9:30 am Adult Sunday School, 11:00 am Worship Service, 4:00 pm Boy Scouts

The People of God who serve our community this morning:

Ministers: The Congregation: Music:

Liturgist: Brian Killam; Ushers: Mary & Edie

From Litanies and Other Prayers for the revised Common Lectionary, Year A, by Everett Tilson and Phyllis Cole. Copyright © 1989, 1992 by Abingdon Press. Reprinted by permission.

Sandy CreekUnited Methodist Church

2031 Harwood Drive, P.O. Box #158

Sandy Creek, New York 13145

Church 387-5111 ~ Parsonage 387-5228


Twitter: @S_Creek_UMC

Rev. Daniel Bradley

May 28,2017