Algebra I - Course Policy
2016 - 2017
Coach Coghlan

Contact Information

  • School telephone number – (601) 845-2247
  • Planning block for conferences – A Day – 3rdblock
  • School email address –
  • Web page –
  • Tutoring – I will be available before school on Tuesday and Thursday; Other times can be arranged, if needed
  1. Course Description/Overview

The intent of this course is to provide the students with the skills necessary to succeed in and progress toward the advanced study of mathematics. Topics appropriate to Algebra I will be presented and advanced topics will be introduced. The use of graphing calculators and real-world applications will be integrated into this course. Students must be willing to commit to the rigor of the coursework.

  1. Algebra Overview

Topics to be covered by grading period

Quarter 1
Graphing Stories (Chapter 1)
The Structure of Expressions (Chapters 1, 8)
Solving Equations and Inequalities (Chapters 2, 3, 6) / Quarter 2
Creating Equations and Inequalities (Chapters 4, 6)
Linear or Exponential (Chapters 5, 7)
Functions and Their Graphs (Chapter 4)
Quarter 3
Transforming Functions (Chapters 5, 7, 9)
Squaring X (Chapter 9)
Zeros and Factors (Chapters 8, 10) / Quarter 4
Comparing Distributions (Chapter 12)
Comparing Models (Chapters 4, 5, 8, 9)

Mathematical Practices

  1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
  3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
  4. Model with mathematics.
  5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
  6. Attend to precision.
  7. Look for and make use of structure.
  8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

  1. Textbooks
1)Pearson – Algebra I Common Core
Students will not be issued a textbook. However, students will have access to the textbook online. /
  1. Course Material
  • 1.5 inch (or larger) 3-ring binder
  • Loose-leaf paper
  • Good Attitude (mandatory)
  • Pencils

  1. Grade Distributions
1.) Summative Assessments 60%
a. Unit/Chapter Tests
b. Algebra Benchmark Exam
2.) Formative Assessments 40%a. Quizzes
b. Homework
c. Classwork /
  1. Grading Scale
  • 100 – 90 A
  • 89 – 80B
  • 79 – 70C
  • 69 – 60D (not an option)
  • 59 – 0F (not an option)
Any grade below a 70 is unacceptable and MUST be addressed.
Formative grades will be graded on a 0-10 scale. A 10 will be equivalent to a score of 100.
  1. Personal and Course Policies

Absences/Make-up Work: In the event of an absence, it is the responsibility of the student to find out what assignments were missed and also to pick up any handouts missed. Assignments are listed in the course syllabus and will be posted on my school webpage. All make-up work must be completed within two-weeks of the date absent.Students absent on a test date will be expected to report to the teacher on the first day back to make arrangements for testing/quizzing.

VIII. Classroom Rules/Expectations:

  1. Come to class prepared, ready to learn with materials & positive attitude.
  2. Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions.
  3. Raise your hand for permission to speak. DO NOT raise your hand while someone else is speaking.
  4. During instruction:
  • No talking
  • Pay attention
  • Take notes
  • Stay in your seat
  • NO electronic devices (1:1 computer will be closed during instruction)
  1. No personal grooming in the classroom.
  2. Take care of the classroom and school property.


Students who wish to succeed in this class should:

•Complete assignments and homework

•Be courteous with each other

•Listen/Take notes

•Be present

•Pay attention/Follow directions in class

•Use appropriate language

No class disruptions

•Take the course seriously

•Think Before you speak and act

•Use a controlled tone of voice

Keep hands and feet to yourself


  1. Warning/Counsel Student
  2. Phone call Home (Mandatory)
  3. Teacher Directed Detention
  4. Referral to Office

Homework Policy:

  • Students are required to do their work. Doing work consistently is essential in order to achieve success in math. Work is assigned daily. Most of our work will be completed in class; occasionally work must be completed at home.

Types of Assessments: Quizzes will be given after completion of sections and students have been given the opportunity to ask questions. Summative tests are pencil-paper or computer-based. These tests will be given at the end of a unit and periodically at the unit’s midpoint. Benchmark tests are given three times during the school year. Bonus points are not offered; at all.

Re-take Policy: Re-takes may only be done on summative assessments, within two-weeks of date when test was originally given. Students are not allowed to re-take quizzes. The number of re-takes will be limited.

Course Procedures

  • Work requirements: Each class session will consist of taking notes, practicing new skills, participating in class activities, correcting work, working independently and in groups and class discussions. A typical week will include 2 – 3 assignments. A new section of the course will be introduced with the opportunity to ask questions over that section the next day. You are expected to maintain a math notebook. All required materials must be kept in the math notebook.
  • Turning in assessments: When students have finished an assessment, they are to place it in the designated wire basket on the back table. Be sure to staple the work (when required) and scratch sheet to the back of the test.
  • Cheating: Cheating on any assignment will result in a zero on the assignment and a mandatory parent conference for all parties involved. Any talking during a graded activity is considered cheating, unless the activity is a group activity.

Coach Coghlan’s

1(A) Algebra 1 / 2(A)Algebra 1 / 6(B) Algebra 1
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