Please to ensure that all applicable fields are completed and all supporting documents listed on the checklist are submitted with this application. If you operate multiple locations for your dealership, an application will need to be completed for each location.

Company Details

Company TRN #: ______

Registered Name of Dealership: ______

Date of First Certification (if recertification): ______

Type of Company: [ ] New Car Dealership [ ] Used Car Dealership [ ] Broker

Type of Motor Vehicle: [ ] Cars [ ] Motor Bike [ ] Light Commercial [ ] Trucks/ Heavy Duty

Registered Business Address: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______

E-mail Address: ______

Website URL (if any): ______

Does the company operate from any locations other than the above listed? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, please state:

Address: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______

Email Address: ______

Company TRN #: ______

Source of funding: [ ] Financial Institution (state) ______

[ ] Personal Funds ______

[ ] Other (specify) ______

Property Status: [ ] Own (attach copy of title)

[ ] Lease (attach copy of lease agreement)

[ ] Rent (attach copy of rent agreement)


Does your dealership provide servicing of vehicles on the premises? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If no, please state the following:

Name of third party service garage: ______

Address: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______


Date of Contract Agreement: ______

Auto Parts

Does your dealership have a parts department? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If no, please state the following:

Name of third party auto parts provider: ______

Address: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______Email: ______

Date of Contract Agreement/Letter: ______

Manager’s Information

Name: ______

ID #: ______ID Type: ______

E-mail Address: ______Mobile #: ______

Directors’ Information

All directors of the company must complete, sign and date below. Please attach additional sheet if there are more than three (3) directors.

Name: ______

(First) (Middle) (Last Name)

Home Address: ______


Cell Phone Number(s): ______Signature: ______Date: ______

TRN#: ______ID#:______Type: ______

Name: ______

(First) (Middle) (Last Name)

Home Address: ______


Cell Phone Number(s): ______Signature: ______Date: ______

TRN#: ______ID#:______Type: ______

Name: ______

(First) (Middle) (Last Name)

Home Address: ______


Cell Phone Number(s): ______Signature: ______Date: ______

TRN#: ______ID#:______Type: ______

DECLARATIONS – All thee (3) declarations must be completed, signed, dated and sealed.

Revised Motor Vehicle Import Policy (2014) Declaration

I ______, ______, of ______am

(Full Name) (Position) (Dealership/Broker Name)

aware of the issues surrounding motor vehicles imported from certain countries for which information relating to the model year and other features of the vehicle, contained on documents submitted may differ from what is revealed via the verification process or from a visual/physical inspection of the vehicle.

I am also aware that the verification process employed by the Trade Board relies on the authenticity of information contained on documents submitted by importers.

I declare that ______hereby undertakes to:

(Name of Dealership/Broker)

Ø  Embrace and abide by all guidelines governing the certification of motor vehicles dealers, as outlined in the motor vehicle import policy.

Ø  Ensure that all vehicles to be imported are pre inspected prior to ensure conformity with the stipulated age guidelines.

Ø  Ensure that all supporting documents necessary and sufficient for the processing of the import permits are thoroughly checked to ensure conformity with the guidelines of the Policy, especially Sections 6.0 (Import Documentation), 7.0 (Age of Vehicle at Importation) and 8.0 (Approved Methods for Determining Model year), prior to submitting the application.

Ø  Ensure that all imported vehicles are thoroughly examined by the Island Traffic Authority, and a determination made in relation to the model year prior to issuing the certificate of fitness.

Ø  Ensure that only authentic documents are submitted to the Trade Board.

Being aware of the implications of our actions for The Government of Jamaica, Customers, Financial Institutions and Insurance Companies, we hereby undertake to ensure that our actions do not result in any incidence of misrepresentation with respect to motor vehicles imported by us.

If any proven case of misrepresentation should occur whether intentionally or unintentionally we undertake to handle and settle with the affected party any matter/concern/issue relating to the model year or any other feature of vehicles imported by our company.

Our acceptance of this responsibility is in conformity with Section 6.0 of the Revised Motor Vehicle Import Policy, Ministry Paper #73 and therefore serves to indemnify the Trade Board Limited from any present or future complaint by consumers with respect to misrepresentation by dealers (knowingly or unknowingly).

Signature______Date: ______Company Seal:

Consumer Protection Act Declaration

I ______hereby declare that as at ______there are no outstanding

(Full Name) (Date)

complaints filed against ______to the Consumer Affairs Commission in

(Dealership Name)

relation to the conduct of business. I further declare that during the last period of certification _____ complaints for breaches of the Sale of Goods Act or Consumer Protection Act against the dealership were referred to the Consumer Affairs Commission for investigation.

Signature______Date: ______Company Seal:

Fair Competition Act Declaration

I ______hereby declare that as at ______there are ____ complaints

(Full Name) (Date)

filed against ______to the Fair Trading Commission in relation to breaches of

(Dealership Name)

the Fair Competition Act and the conduct of our business.

Signature______Date: ______Company Seal:

List of Supporting Documents

  Completed application for certification/recertification

  Completed Declaration Form – Certification of Motor Vehicle Dealers

  Copies of Articles of Incorporation or Association

  Copy of Certificate of Incorporation

  Copy of Certificate of Business Name Registration (Sole Trader/Proprietorship)

  Copy of valid TCC for the Company. (Bearing company seal and manager/director signature)

  Copy of most recent receipt for payment of Trade Licence fee for the business

  Copy of valid TRN for the Company. (Bearing company seal and manager/director signature)

  Copy of valid Public Liability Insurance (New applicants 6 months to submit, renewals prior to recertification)

  Copy of valid fleet insurance policy

  TRN and one (1) certified passport size picture for each director and manager

  Copy of rent or lease agreement or title (if premises owned)

  Copy of official property tax receipt

  Copy of valid work permit if directors are foreign nationals

  Completed Trade Board Limited Applicant Background Check Questionnaire(s)

  NEPA certification re disposal of hazardous waste material

  Copy of warranty offered on sale of vehicles

  Official receipt for the payment of signs and billboards fee for current financial year from KSAC or local parish council

  Official receipt for the licences on trade and business fees for the current year from the Tax Office.

  Copy of official receipt for payment of Dealership fee of $104,850.00 inclusive of GCT to Trade Board Limited.

  Copy of official receipt for Late Registration fee of $58,250.00 for renewal applications past the stipulated time in the letter from the Trade Administrator.

  Copy of official receipt Payment of $29,125.00 for each additional lot to Trade Board Limited.

  Copy of contractual agreement between overseas manufacturer and local dealerships for new motor vehicle dealers (franchise dealers)**

For entities outsourcing servicing and/or spare parts, the following must be submitted

  Copy of contractual agreement between dealer and entity providing service facilities and/or spare parts, where applicable

  Copy of registration documents and TCC for contracted entity, signed by the manager and bearing the company seal

  Payment of parts and servicing outsourcing fee (PSOF) of $29, 125.00

  NEPA certification re disposal of hazardous waste material

I declare that the information entered on this application form to the best of my knowledge is true, correct and complete.


Full Name Signature Date

Company Seal:

Dealer Certification Unit Page 1 of 4