Population as of 2015
Albemarle / 105,703 / Fluvanna / 26,235 / Louisa / 34,602 / TJHD / 247,084
Charlottesville / 46,597 / Greene / 19,162 / Nelson / 14,785 / Virginia / 8,382,993

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Improving Community Health
through Planning and Partnerships

Thomas Jefferson Health District Leadership Council

Topics that Stood out the CHA Locality Councils

Section 1 / Section 2 / Section 3
Charlottesville / Albemarle / Socioeconomics-Poverty in C'ville & how students impact poverty in Cville (later included Orange Dot Project) / Housing & Homelessness / Chicken pox / vaccine preventable diseases rates higher in Cville & Able compared to VA
Alcohol related MV crashes / fatalities / HIV incidence-racial disparity
Healthcare access indicators / Depression-in youth and the gender difference / Cancer Disparities
Heroin/Opioid Use
*911 calls & mental health issues (frequent callers having mental hth not medical issues)--we don't have data on this, but was discussion between Fire Chiefs and Region 10 / PQI Rates higher in Cville than Albe
Diabetes ACS Rate in Cville
Cville-Albe CHA council noted that Greene had high diabetes ACS rate but low Hypertension ACS rate
*Topic of cost of health care issues kept coming up in Cville-Albe, but we don’t have a lot of data on costs
Section 1 / Section 2 / Section 3
Fluvanna / School readiness / Food stores by type-more stores participate in SNAP, not WIC (insight provided that WIC benefits are harder to process so that's why a lot of stores don't accept WIC) / Alcohol-related fatalities
SNAP enrollment decreased while Medicaid enrollment increased / Alcohol & MV crashes/fatalities / Heart disease prevalence
Alcohol access-Fluvanna has more liquor stores/breweries/wineries per population than Louisa / Diabetes-prevalence higher in Fluvanna than Louisa or VA
Drug use-marijuana in high school students
Depression-rate higher in females / Diabetes PQI higher in Fluvanna than Louisa
Ratio of PCP's & Mental Health Providers to Population / Suicide attempts rate
Homelessness-esp. the impact it can have on children / Suicide rate--increased
Low access to parks & recreational opportunities / Mortality rates & suicide rates-racial disparities
Housing-lack of affordable rental housing causing people to move to other areas
Adult abuse & neglect-higher in Fluvanna than VA Homicide rate-increased in Fluvanna / Falls
Section 1 / Section 2 / Section 3
Greene / Homeless-in Greene hard to capture, many stay with family or friends / Obesity rate-racial disparity
Drug use in high school students-16% in VA used prescription drugs w/out prescription / Intentional Injury-poisoning higher than firearm use
Cancer & heart disease
Diabetes ACS hospitalization rate
Suicide attempts in high school students / Asthma
Mortality rate-racial disparity Melanoma
Section 1 / Section 2 / Section 3
Louisa / Ratio of PCP & MH providers to population in Louisa / Drug use in high school students--high in VA / MCH-birth outcomes racial disparity
Suicidal thoughts attempts in HS students / Racial disparities in outcomes
Access to dental health / Lung cancer incidence-higher in Louisa than Fluvanna & VA (& smoking rate higher in Louisa)
Cancer screening colonoscopy-Louisa lower than Fluvanna / Chronic Lower Resp. Disease mortality rate increased-if the increase in cost of the meds could be a factor
Hypertension not taking medications / Dental health outcome-poor dental health & low access to dentists
Decreasing rates of tetanus vaccine in adults / Alcohol-related car crashes & fatalities
911 calls & mental health / Tick borne diseases
Housing / Infectious Diseases transmitted from livestock/animals to humans
Rate of those living within 1/2 mile of a park
Child abuse and neglect
Food stores by type
Obesity-racial disparity
Section 1 / Section 2 / Section 3
Nelson / Uninsured children / Suicide attempts in HS students / MCH-infant mortality Racial disparitites
Many adults in the Medicaid gap in Nelson-people who make too much $ to qualify, but don't make enough $ to pay for health insurance / Ratio of PCPs to population / Pregnant women & substance abuse
Access to parks & rec / Tobacco use during pregnancy
Violence in schools & domestic violence / Mental Health outcomes
Youth Suicide
Unintentional injuries-poisonings
Tick borne diseases
Falls & MVA-age-adjusted rates