ECE 477 Digital Systems Senior Design Project Spring 2004

Homework 3: Final Design Project Proposal

Due: Thursday, February 5, at Classtime

Team Code Name: ______MIDI Maestros______Group No. __3___

Team Members (#1 is Team Leader):

#1: ______Ben Johanek______Signature: ______Date: ______

#2: ______Ryan Denison______Signature: ______Date: ______

#3: ______Matt Burgess______Signature: ______Date: ______

#4: ______Christopher Coy____ Signature: ______Date: ______


A multiplayer super-Simon game which utilizes a MIDI keyboard as player input. An LCD display with a rotary/push-button knob will control the user interface and allow the user to select various game options and modes.

Design Objectives:

·  Run the entire system using an inexpensive, standard 12 VDC power supply

·  Interface an LCD display and rotary select knob to an Atmel microcontroller

·  MIDI input and output ports will be interfaced with the microcontroller

·  Voice/sound record/playback chips will be interfaced with the microcontroller

·  A simple amplifier & speaker will interface with the voice/sound record/playback chips

·  Multiple modes of operation will be defined

Design/Functionality Overview:

The microcontroller will be responsible for controlling the device. It will interface with the LCD to output scores, give a menu interface, and provide game control to the device. The microcontroller will also interface with other MIDI devices via the MIDI ports. It will decode/encode the signals on the MIDI line. The controller will also communicate with voice chips to output messages such as “Player 1 Wins!” and so on. These messages will be recorded on the voice chips and output via an on-board amplifier and speaker. The entire system will be powered by an unregulated 12VDC wall adapter. The voltages will be stepped down for the chips by voltage regulators.

Project-Specific Success Criteria (list 5):

·  Ability to communicate with LCD display to display messages

·  Ability to read and send MIDI signals

·  Ability to output audio signals (via speaker)

·  Ability to store a significant number of MIDI messages for comparison and playback

·  Ability to control tempo, volume, and game features from user input

Block Diagram:

(see attachment)

Division of Labor:

Design Component Homework / Professional Component Homework
Packaging Design and Specs / Ryan Denison / Design Constraint Analysis/Parts List / Chris Coy
Circuit Schematic and Narrative / Chris Coy / Patent Liability Analysis / Matt Burgess
Board Layout / Matt Burgess / Reliability and Safety Analysis / Ben Johanek
Software and Narrative / Ben Johanek / Social/Political/Environmental Analysis / Ryan Denison